Closed Bug 858255 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Add "Gross Revenue" sub-graph


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Statistics, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clouserw, Assigned: spasovski)



Please add a new sub-menu item: > Transactions > -> Gross Revenue This is a single line graph for revenue (although splitting by paid/in-app/total if possible would get you some bonus points). Filters should be by date, region, *and carrier*. This graph is available only to admins!
This one will be interesting. Some notes after talking with Andy: * We have 2 sources of data that we can potentially get this information from: (1) zamboni and the contributions table, or (2) solitude and the solitude logs. Solitude seems the better source. * Solitude writes out a log file on S3. We would need the credentials to access the S3 bucket to pull these logs from within Monolith. Monolith would probably need a plugin that knows how to pull data from S3. * The log format in code is here: Note that it contains the amount and currency and that these values aren't normalized to a single currency. This may make aggregating across currencies difficult. We may have to show different charts per currency. * Andy and I discussed adding price_tier to the log, but price tiers can change over time because of currency fluctuations which could skew the revenue.
Having separate graphs per currency is fine, and we could add a "total in ____" with an asterisk that says it's based on current exchange rates and is an estimate.
Depends on: 918846
API side done in Assigning to Davor to wire up to the stats front-end.
Assignee: nobody → dspasovski
Note: We decided to go with USD values only. The USD values are derived from the price tier near the time the transaction occurred (Monolith processes solitude's transactions each day).
Actually, wrong bug. I mis-read this one for bug 858296 which is per-app gross revenue.
Assignee: dspasovski → robhudson.mozbugs
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-11-12
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