Closed Bug 858469 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Camera][Sound] occur abnormal Video Recording start sound


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Camera, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(blocking-b2g:leo+, b2g18 fixed)

1.1 QE1 (5may)
blocking-b2g leo+
Tracking Status
b2g18 --- fixed


(Reporter: leo.bugzilla.gecko, Assigned: sotaro)




(Whiteboard: c= [TD-8327])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

[Precondition] Use headphone - Try to record video [Symptom] abnormal starting/ending sound by headphones or speaker. [Frequency Rate] : 90% [Request] need to delay starting/ending sound from recording. [Reason] If it uses headphone, starting/ending sound should route speaker and headphone at the same time. At this moment, It happens delay time of routing in Audio library. Can you adjust starting/ending time`s tunning?
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Leo, could you please provide a bit more information about what the user impact is? Sotaro, do you have any thoughts here?
Flags: needinfo?(leo.bugzilla.gecko)
I can reproduce this, and it's a little weird. STR: 0. plug in headphones and put one in your ear/uncover one ear 1. open camera app 2. switch to video mode 3. press start recording --- observe: the *bong* sound only comes from the phone's speaker, not the headphones 4. press stop recording --- observe: the *bong* sound initially only comes from the phone's speaker, but about halfway through, the headphones turn on and the sound comes from them as well (you can tell by the sudden-but-gentle *pop* in the headphones and the presence of white noise in the background) Observed on: - unagi - gecko: inbound-src:45835d0c9d58 / non-debug, opt, no-dmd - gaia: 2f64311e0f23b85c29b20be9502cbdeaee8342ae Opinion: annoying paper cut.
I took a look. Recording start/stop sound is itself incorrect sound... We need to stop it. It is not played by gaia app. It is played in android's CameraService in media server process. A shutter sound by CameraService is already stopped by Bug 851823. But CameraService do not provide an api for stopping recording start/stop sound. A simple way to stop the sound is remove "/system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg" from ROM. IIRC, until recently, the file is not included in the ROM, I think. When I was fixing Bug 803471, ROM did not include the file.
I assume the wired sound comes from audio playback without taking cpu WakeLock. In android AudioFlinger took cpu wake lock when necessary. In Firefox OS, there is no android's PowerManager, the AudioFlinger can not hold cpu WakeLock. In FirefoxOS, app needs to take cpu WakeLock during audio playback.
(In reply to Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] from comment #3) > I took a look. Recording start/stop sound is itself incorrect sound... We > need to stop it. It is not played by gaia app. It is played in android's > CameraService in media server process. > When I remove the recording start/stop sound by changing CameraService's source code. The sound stop. I confirmed on unagi.
Assignee: nobody → sotaro.ikeda.g
(In reply to Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] from comment #6) > Created attachment 733962 [details] [diff] [review] > patch - remove android's sound files The android's sound files are not necessary for Forefox OS. They can be removed from ROM.
Comment on attachment 733962 [details] [diff] [review] patch - remove android's sound files mwu, can you review the patch? I confirmed the patch on unagi.
Attachment #733962 - Flags: review?(mwu)
ni? on reporter to understand more on the user impact and bug description
Attachment #733962 - Flags: review?(mwu) → review+
mvines, you'll probably want to port this patch to your platform/build repo.
(In reply to Michael Wu [:mwu] from comment #10) > mvines, you'll probably want to port this patch to your platform/build repo. Thanks for the heads up.
I recognized that the bug was already fixed at by Bug 825142.
(In reply to Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] from comment #12) > I recognized that the bug was already fixed at > by Bug 825142. mwu, the above change does not appear on v1-train branch.
(In reply to Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] from comment #12) > I recognized that the bug was already fixed at > by Bug 825142. The change is not uplifted yet. It needs leo+.
blocking-b2g: leo? → leo+
Whiteboard: [TD-8327]
mwu, do you know how to uplift to v1-train branch? The bug is already leo+.
Comment on attachment 733962 [details] [diff] [review] patch - remove android's sound files obsolete the patch. There was already same change applied in master. Just uplift it to v1-traing is enough.
Attachment #733962 - Attachment is obsolete: true
need to update also b2g-manifest of v1-train
Updated b2g-manifest's v1-train branch with a1cdaefcc1f91d7878723a9d906ba513dc3f8c78
I confirmed the fix on unagi.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Leo QE1 (5may)
need to update also b2g-manifest of v1-train and v1.0.1
(In reply to Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] from comment #21) > need to update also b2g-manifest of v1-train and v1.0.1 Sorry, it was a comment for Bug 862097. Ignore it.
Dear Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Can you test headset sound after pluging headset? I reprodueced this issue(cutting sound by headset). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- target/product/ # $(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/base/data/sounds/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flags: needinfo?(leo.bugzilla.gecko)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
This patch means that start/stop recording sound file is only removed? If you are right, please change fixed status. Leo model is currently using the other sound path of model. So I can hear recording sound. We will remove recording sound files. thanks.
(In reply to leo.bugzilla.gecko from comment #24) > This patch means that start/stop recording sound file is only removed? Yes. > If you are right, please change fixed status. > > Leo model is currently using the other sound path of model. So I can hear > recording sound. > We will remove recording sound files. thanks. Thanks for confirmation.
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
mvines, is this patch available on your side? I checked the patches and b2g/* branches and didn't see anything.
Flags: needinfo?(mvines)
I think the patch is in the frameworks/base area but not sure off hand, these audio files aren't in the build though
Flags: needinfo?(mvines)
Whiteboard: [TD-8327] → c= [TD-8327]
Flags: in-moztrap?
Flags: in-moztrap? → in-moztrap+
QA Contact: amiller
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