Closed Bug 860167 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

"time open 17883497 min"


(Firefox Health Report Graveyard :: Client: Desktop, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: n.nethercote, Unassigned)



(2 files)

Attached image screenshot
FHR is claiming my "time open" is 17883497 minutes, which is about 34 years. (See the attached screenshot.) This is on version 21 beta.
Dupe of bug 793735 or bug 859108 depending on whether this is specific to today's Nightly (bug 793735 busted nsIAppStartup). Unfortunately, your data is likely permanently bad. The joys of running Nightly :/
> The joys of running Nightly :/ This is on Beta.
It's also possible the embedded web site is calculating time open incorrectly. Go to about:healthreport, look at the raw data view and search for "cleanTotalTime" and "abortedTotalTime." If all the numbers seem unreasonable for seconds values for session lengths, move this bug to the "Web: Health Report" component. If there are crazy long values in the raw data, dupe against bug 859108.
Attached file raw data
> Go to about:healthreport, look at the raw data view and search for > "cleanTotalTime" and "abortedTotalTime." I've attached the whole raw data. I see two cleanTotalTime entries, with values 109276 and 1072900861, and no abortedTotalTime entries. > If all the numbers seem > unreasonable for seconds values for session lengths, move this bug to the > "Web: Health Report" component. If there are crazy long values in the raw > data, dupe against bug 859108. I'm not quite sure which of these criteria my data meets. Suggestions?
the high number there looks like bug 859108, did you run a Nightly/dev build on the same profile earlier?
We know from the FHR report that we've only seen version 21 in this profile! So, the cleantTotalTime of 1072900861 makes this a dupe of bug 859108. This probably boils down to system clock weirdness. I hate system clocks.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
> We know from the FHR report that we've only seen version 21 in this profile! That's surprising. This is an old profile that I've used with Beta for ages. I'm pretty sure I haven't run a Nightly or trunk build with this profile. /me shrugs.
(In reply to Nicholas Nethercote [:njn] from comment #7) > > We know from the FHR report that we've only seen version 21 in this profile! > > That's surprising. This is an old profile that I've used with Beta for > ages. I'm pretty sure I haven't run a Nightly or trunk build with this > profile. /me shrugs. Well, we know you haven't run a newer-than-21 version on this profile. FHR only knows about stuff from 21 and newer.
Product: Firefox Health Report → Firefox Health Report Graveyard
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