Bug 866892
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
ff 20.0.1 hangs, unresponsive script dialog nearly drawn
(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)
(Reporter: jmichae3, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Build ID: 20130409194949
Steps to reproduce:
I can throw some light on this problem. infinite recursion in a tree walk can do this.
I am having a slightly different problem. 20.0.1 hangs on forever while loops.
delete the 0 in 0 days
I have a bug in my script. I am working to find a solution for it.
but in the meantime, a dialog frame only box comes up and ff completely hangs.
then I have to kill ff, start it, restore tabs, and do this over and over. the firebug debugger doesn't even get a chance to kick in.
Actual results:
hangs whole browser with while loop around lines 2108, 2109 of /time-funcs.js
Expected results:
ff should catch a while loop problem, even if the while loop calls other functions.
Comment 1•12 years ago
Eventually an "Unresponsive script" dialog should pop up, and clicking "Stop script" should stop the script and make Firefox responsive again. Are you saying that doesn't happen?
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Comment 2•12 years ago
I am sorry I did not think to save the problem while I could. I do this from now on.
I have since fixed the problem in my code which caused the hang (that is of course my target).
the unresponsive script was *partially* drawn before whole browser hung. most of the frame and the grey part of the client area.
I make lots of oopses, and API changes once in a while. so if I make an oops again that shows something like this, I can probably submit another bug or append some comments to this one. but as it is, I cannot submit you a broken code sample anymore. nobody tried it in the time allotted, and I had not thought of "save page as".
that feature, however, does change line numbers.
Comment 3•12 years ago
No problem, thanks for reporting the issue. Unfortunately there is not enough info here to debug the problem, and since you changed your code, it seems we can't debug it further. Therefore, I'm marking this as incomplete. If you see the problem again and are able to attach more info like your code and a screenshot, then we can reopen it and go from there. I searched Bugzilla for similar bugs, and while there are many about the unresponsive script dialog, none that I found mentioned its being partially drawn.
There is bug 682793, which says that infinite recursion plus Firebug can affect Firefox and the unresponsive script dialog. You say in comment 0 you were using a while loop and not recursion, but maybe that's in fact what you were seeing here.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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Comment 4•12 years ago
no, they were while loops. but they are not simple while loops, they are nested, and which one was the cause I don't know anymore. maybe both? and one of the while loops was in a function call to atoi64_(), one of my user-defined functions which I think was buggy at the time.
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