Closed Bug 868254 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Don't list apps under price tier 10 for countries that don't support carrier billing


(Marketplace Graveyard :: API, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: ashort)



(Whiteboard: p=2)

The minimum price tier supported for credit card billing is price tier 5(David Bialer to confirm). Price tiers below 5 can only have carrier billing If the country doesn't support carrier billing, we should not be listing apps which have price tiers (0-4) This is bad since it will discourage developers from selling their apps at cheaper, affordable rates. (Also, this sucks)
It should be price tier 4 - $.99. Note, that this only affects a single country right now that is not doing carrier billing, only credit cards. The minimum price we can charge for a credit card is $.99, .99 Euro or GBP.
From an engineering POV, I think a "supported price tiers" property on each region constant would make this flexible enough for the future.
Summary: Don't list apps under price tier 5(?) for countries that don't support carrier billing → Don't list apps under price tier 4 for countries that don't support carrier billing
Oh, I forgot. With the new price tiers, we don't have a price tier 4. The new price tiers look something like So, we should we not showing credit cards for apps with less than price tier 10
Summary: Don't list apps under price tier 4 for countries that don't support carrier billing → Don't list apps under price tier 10 for countries that don't support carrier billing
This is an API thing since we get our listings from the API now.
Component: Consumer Pages → API
Assignee: nobody → ashort
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: p=2
The "price_tier" field in elasticsearch for apps is currently a string, so doing range comparisons on it doesn't seem to work currently. Someone more knowledgeable about ES than me should comment on what it'd take to change that.
Flags: needinfo?
Price tier comes from If the goal is to not show apps that only have a price tier that equates to carrier billing we can add something to the index that computes this before indexing. E.g. carrier_billing_only=True or something? If price tiers change again this can be updated pretty easily.
Flags: needinfo?
We should probably add this information to the price tier API.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-05-30 blocks me from verifying this bug.
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