Closed Bug 869873 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Settings] Disable both 'Call Settings' and 'Cellular & Data' sub panels in case of SIM card absent.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:-, b2g18 fixed, b2g18-v1.0.0 affected, b2g18-v1.0.1 affected, b2g-v1.1hd fixed)

blocking-b2g -
Tracking Status
b2g18 --- fixed
b2g18-v1.0.0 --- affected
b2g18-v1.0.1 --- affected
b2g-v1.1hd --- fixed


(Reporter: jaoo, Assigned: jaoo)



(Whiteboard: [tef-triage])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

IHMO we should disable both 'Call Settings' and 'Cellular & Data' sub panels in case of SIM card absent. IHMO it makes sense, right?
Agree. It is similar to the case of airplane mode. We should disable both panels.
Arthur, you already know what we are trying to do here ;). Could you take a look please? Thanks!
Attachment #746946 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen)
Comment on attachment 746946 [details] Pointer to Github PR: It works well, thank you for the patch! r=me.
Attachment #746946 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen) → review+
(In reply to José Antonio Olivera Ortega [:jaoo] from comment #2) > Created attachment 746946 [details] > Pointer to Github PR: > Hi Jose, I think maybe you should add another function to disable both 'Call Settings' and 'Cellular & Data' sub panels in case of SIM card absent, but not delete these code which deal with the 'airplane mode'. BTW, I think the Sim Security also should be disabled in the two scene(card absent and airplane mode), just like the Android and Iphone.
Dear josea, Can you check on bug #870256? Thanks! BR xiaokang
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
xiaokang, thank you for the suggestion. IMHO, what really prevents users from doing settings related to SIM card is the absent of SIM card instead of airplane mode. The current patch is clearer and easier to be maintained.
(In reply to xiaokang.chen from comment #4) > (In reply to José Antonio Olivera Ortega [:jaoo] from comment #2) > > Created attachment 746946 [details] > > Pointer to Github PR: > > > Hi Jose, > I think maybe you should add another function to disable both 'Call > Settings' and 'Cellular & Data' sub panels in case of SIM card absent, but > not delete these code which deal with the 'airplane mode'. See please. > BTW, I think the Sim Security also should be disabled in the two scene(card > absent and airplane mode), just like the Android and Iphone. Good suggestion, I'll disable 'SIM security' panel as well. Arthur, do you agree?
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera) → needinfo?(arthur.chen)
Since there is a description about 'SIM security' in the panel and it has already handled the absent of sim card. I would like some inputs from UX designers here.
Flags: needinfo?(arthur.chen)
Comment on attachment 747355 [details] Pointer to Github PR: Carrying r=arthurcc
Attachment #747355 - Attachment description: Pointer to Github PR: → Pointer to Github PR: r=arthurcc
Some background here. This bugs was originally filed for disabling SIM-related panels in the setting app in case of SIM absent. We did that for both 'Call Settings' and 'Cellular & Data' sub panels bug 870256 reported to disable 'SIM security' sub panel as well. The question is should we disable 'SIM security' sub panel as well? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
No longer blocks: 868902
Reassigning to Francis for input on what to disable (or not).
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Flags: needinfo?(fdjabri)
I agree that it does not make much sense to enable the SIM security settings in the absence of a SIM, so we should also disable it in this case.
Flags: needinfo?(fdjabri)
No longer blocks: 868902
So when will you disable the SIM security panal? Thank you very much.
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Sure, I'll take care of it ASAP. So to sum up three panels will be disable in case of SIM absent. Those panels are 'Call Settings', 'Cellular & Data' and 'SIM security'. Thank you guys for your feedback.
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Comment on attachment 747355 [details] Pointer to Github PR: Arthur, 'Call Settings', 'Cellular & Data' and 'SIM security' panels disabled. Could you take a look at current patch? Thanks!
Attachment #747355 - Attachment description: Pointer to Github PR: r=arthurcc → Pointer to Github PR:
Attachment #747355 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen)
Comment on attachment 747355 [details] Pointer to Github PR: Jose, thank you for the effort. I found there is an existing style handling disabling a list item and I prefer simply make some changes and reuse it. Details please refer to github. Thanks!
Attachment #747355 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen) → review-
Comment on attachment 747355 [details] Pointer to Github PR: Arthur, review comments addressed. Good suggestions. Take a look please. Thanks!
Attachment #747355 - Flags: review- → review?(arthur.chen)
Thanks, Jose! It looks much better. However there are some nitpicks need to be addressed before I give it r+. Please check the github comment.
(In reply to Arthur Chen [:arthurcc] from comment #21) > Thanks, Jose! It looks much better. However there are some nitpicks need to > be addressed before I give it r+. Please check the github comment. Addressed, take a look please. Thanks!
Comment on attachment 747355 [details] Pointer to Github PR: r=me. Thanks!
Attachment #747355 - Flags: review?(arthur.chen) → review+
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
blocking-b2g: --- → tef?
Dear arthur, Can you uplift the patch to v1.0.1? Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(arthur.chen)
Hi, Can you decide on this? Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(dcoloma)
does not seem like a blocker for me but i will defer to dcoloma
Agree, not a blocker for 1.0.1
Flags: needinfo?(dcoloma)
Whiteboard: [tef-triage]
This is an enhancement request, not a blocker. If this is a critical blocking issue, please coordinate with ffos-product
blocking-b2g: tef? → -
Flags: needinfo?(arthur.chen)
Due to Bug 884142, this patch has been uplifted to Gaia v1-train, ffd437de6d09f26379dfde7a46beb849fd7188fa
1.1hd: ffd437de6d09f26379dfde7a46beb849fd7188fa
blocking-b2g: - → leo?
fix already in v1.1 - communicated to partner on what status-b2g means. clear the nomination
blocking-b2g: leo? → -
(In reply to Joe Cheng [:jcheng] from comment #32) > fix already in v1.1 - communicated to partner on what status-b2g means. > clear the nomination Dear Joe, Did 'status-b2g-v1.1hd: --- → affected' means fixed in v1.1?? And what is the relation/difference between v1.1 and v1.1hd? Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
Hi Xiaokang, status-b2g18: fixed status-b2g-v1.1hd: fixed These 2 flags indicated that fixes are in v1.1 branches. The branch you will be interested should be the mozilla-b2g gecko and v1-train gaia which are represented by the status-b2g18 flag Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
Dear jose, After added your patch, we can't enter Sim security after we locked the sim card (enter wrong pin code for three times). Is that OK?
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Actually we disable all SIM related panels in case the ICC card state isn't ready which might be wrong because it doesn't allow to access those panels when the SIM card is locked for any reason. Definitely we must to change that. Could you file a bug and assign it to me please? I'll be happy for fix it. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Jose, bug 886758 has been filed for this issue. Please feel free to take it if you want. :)
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
(In reply to Arthur Chen [:arthurcc] from comment #37) > Jose, bug 886758 has been filed for this issue. Please feel free to take it > if you want. :) Oh thanks, I'll take it (actually I'll steal it you). Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
See Also: → 886758
Dear Jose, I found a little bug in your patch: If the user enter Settings>cellular and data, then enable aireplane mode in the quick setting lable, the user still can do something in Settings>cellular and data(which didn't take effect). Can you have a look at this? Shall we just quit Settings>cellular and data automatically if we enable airplane mode in the quick settings lable. Thanks a lot!
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
I see. I took care of that in the call settings panel but I didn't take care of that for cellular settings however this a corner case and I don't see the user through this use case. Anyway we should take care of the user is not able to use telephony-related capabilities in case of no SIM, SIM blocked, or SIM absent. The best we can do is to file a follow-up.
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
OK. Thanks for your reply.
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