Bug 871537
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
aws base image fails to puppetize properly
(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bhearsum, Unassigned)
I tried to puppetize the servo buildbot master and it failed with:
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: Execution of '/bin/rpm -e ssmtp-2.61-15.el6.x86_64' returned 1: error: Failed dependencies:
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: #011/usr/bin/mailq is needed by (installed) nagios-plugins-mailq-1.4.15-2.el6.x86_64
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: #011/usr/sbin/sendmail is needed by (installed) cronie-1.4.4-7.el6.x86_64
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Package[ssmtp]/ensure) change from 2.61-15.el6 to absent failed: Execution of '/bin/rpm -e ssmtp-2.61-15.el6.x86_64' returned 1: error: Failed dependencies:
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Package[ssmtp]/ensure) #011/usr/bin/mailq is needed by (installed) nagios-plugins-mailq-1.4.15-2.el6.x86_64
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Package[ssmtp]/ensure) #011/usr/sbin/sendmail is needed by (installed) cronie-1.4.4-7.el6.x86_64
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Package[postfix]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Package[postfix]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Exec[update-mta-alternatives]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Packages::Postfix/Exec[update-mta-alternatives]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Install/Anchor[smarthost::install::end]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Install/Anchor[smarthost::install::end]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Setup/File[/etc/aliases]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Setup/File[/etc/aliases]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Setup/File[/etc/postfix/]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Setup/File[/etc/postfix/]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Setup/Exec[newaliases]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Setup/Exec[newaliases]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Daemon/Service[postfix]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost::Daemon/Service[postfix]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost/Anchor[smarthost::end]) Dependency Package[ssmtp] has failures: true
May 13 10:03:04 ip-10-134-82-21 puppet-agent[25636]: (/Stage[main]/Smarthost/Anchor[smarthost::end]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
I also had some issues around ssmtp while trying to bring up the servo puppet master on Friday.
10:04 < dustin> yeah, I bet that's going to be the same for every host you puppetize
wiht that AMI :(
10:05 < dustin> yeah, I think the fix there is to build a CentOS-6.2 Base-only AMI
(even better if it has puppet and installed)
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•12 years ago
To fix, I:
* Removed ssmtp by hand (which also removed some other packages, see below).
* Install postfix and other packages:
yum install nagios-plugins-all nagios-plugins-mailq sysstat cronie cronie-anacron crontabs postfix
Updated•12 years ago
Component: Release Engineering → Release Engineering: Platform Support
QA Contact: coop
Assignee | ||
Updated•11 years ago
Product: → Release Engineering
Comment 2•11 years ago
This got fixed a while ago.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Assignee | ||
Updated•7 years ago
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Updated•5 years ago
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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