Closed Bug 872906 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Calls from JS served from file:// urls are greyed out


(DevTools :: Performance Tools (Profiler/Timeline), defect, P3)



(Not tracked)

Firefox 26


(Reporter: harth, Assigned: gl)


(Whiteboard: [] [good-first-bug])


(2 files)

When I run a site from a file url, all the function calls are greyed out in the Profiler. If I serve it up, only the browser calls are greyed out.
Assignee: nobody → anton
Priority: -- → P2
Assignee: anton → nobody
Whiteboard: [] [good-first-bug]
Priority: P2 → P3
Hi Anton, I would like to tackle this bug. I have checked out the source for mozilla-central and built a debuggable instance of firefox. I will be looking into how to debug the profiler tomorrow.
Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions. This is mostly a Cleopatra issue I suspect. We grey out all sources that start with `otherhost_` and I assume Cleopatra thinks that `file://` URLs are `otherhost_` as well. Files you'll probably need to look at: devtools.css, devtools.js, cleopatra/js/parser.js and cleopatra/js/parserWorker.js.
Cool! I will work on it this Friday and be on irc. Hope to have the fix soon.
It seems like Gabriel has abandoned this defect. If this is the case, I would gladly take it over. Thanks.
Sorry, I have been busy, but I actually have a patch for this bug that I was gonna post up after work.
Attachment #787646 - Flags: review?(anton)
So, Anton's assumptions were correct. There were no cases that caught the 'file://' protocol and it fell into 'otherhost_' which are grey out as a result of the defined style in devtools.css My fix was to simply catch sources with 'file://' protocol and generate a new resource for them similar to what is done with 'http://'. Debugging the profiler was a neat and lengthy experience.
Attachment #787646 - Flags: review?(anton) → review+
LGTM. Added [land-in-fx-team] tag so that I won't forget to land it soon. Thanks!
Whiteboard: [] [good-first-bug] → [] [good-first-bug][land-in-fx-team]
Refreshed patch to include author and commit message
Attachment #788492 - Flags: review?(anton)
Comment on attachment 788492 [details] [diff] [review] Refreshed patch to include author and commit message Review of attachment 788492 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- When you change a reviewed patch without changing any code in it you don't need to ask for another review—you can just carry over previous r+. I'm building a fresh Nightly right now, will land this patch once it's done.
Attachment #788492 - Flags: review?(anton) → review+
Okay thanks Anton!
Whiteboard: [] [good-first-bug][land-in-fx-team] → [] [good-first-bug][fixed-in-fx-team]
Landed in fx-team, should be merged into mozilla-central and released as Nightly within a couple of days. Thanks Gabriel!
Assignee: nobody → gabriel.luong
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [] [good-first-bug][fixed-in-fx-team] → [] [good-first-bug]
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 26
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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