Closed Bug 879535 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Save and send tokens in `Reply-To` headers of reviewer emails


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Reviewer Tools, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cvan, Assigned: ashish_d)



(Whiteboard: [qa-])

Generate a new token with an expiry for some time in the future. Use reasonable defaults for now (e.g., 30 days for reviewers, 60 days for developers).

When sending the email to the developer, include a `Reply-To` header containing that token (e.g., `Firefox Marketplace <>`)
Assignee: nobody → ashish.dubey91
Priority: -- → P2
Ashish is doing this right now.
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-06-27
Target Milestone: 2013-06-27 → 2013-07-04

Because each email needs a unique `Reply-To` token that corresponds to that particular user+thread combination, we need to send a separate email per recipient.
CC'ing reviewers that it's okay to send emails to individual reviewers instead of setting a `Reply-To` to the app-reviewers mailing list. This means that developers' responses will no longer get sent to the app-reviewers list but will instead get sent to the Communication Dashboard. When the Communication Dashboard receives a developer's response, if you have access to read the message, you will get an email notification *and* it will show up as unread in your Communication Dashboard.

Please confirm that this behaviour is acceptable.
Ashish, be sure to set a `Reply-To` token for super reviewers here:
(In reply to Christopher Van Wiemeersch [:cvan] from comment #3)
> CC'ing reviewers that it's okay to send emails to individual reviewers
> instead of setting a `Reply-To` to the app-reviewers mailing list. This
> means that developers' responses will no longer get sent to the
> app-reviewers list but will instead get sent to the Communication Dashboard.
> When the Communication Dashboard receives a developer's response, if you
> have access to read the message, you will get an email notification *and* it
> will show up as unread in your Communication Dashboard.
> Please confirm that this behaviour is acceptable.

I don't understand what we're being asked to confirm exactly.
Target Milestone: 2013-07-04 → 2013-07-11
Target Milestone: 2013-07-11 → 2013-07-18
Target Milestone: 2013-07-18 → 2013-07-25
Target Milestone: 2013-07-25 → 2013-08-01
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: 2013-08-01 → 2013-08-13
Please add STR here or mark it with [qa-] if no QA is needed.
Flags: needinfo?(cvan)
Flags: needinfo?(cvan)
Whiteboard: [qa-]
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