Bug 883848
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
[el] fx os web page phase 2
( :: L10N, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: pascalc, Assigned: fiotakis)
Bug to track the localization of the Firefox OS launch pages on in Greek.
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Updated•12 years ago
Assignee: nobody → fiotakis
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Comment 1•12 years ago
Here are the details for this bug:
The staging server for this page is at this location:
This is behind an authentification dialog box, here are the credentials:
The file is now in your svn repository there:
We will launch the Firefox OS consumer page (this page) on July 1st, ideally we would need the translation to be done a few days before for QA. The visual design is still in heavy works, therefore you may see bugs but the strings should be pretty much final.
If necessary, just as we did for the MWC site, you can CC a couple more localizers to this bug to help you translate/QA the project.
Since there will be partners announced via logos on this page, please share this data with caution :)
The page is very dynamic with many animations, you may have to scroll up and down to see all the strings in context.
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Comment 2•12 years ago
Alexandros did an astonishing job on this.
I can see a couple of visual design problems on the page, should I file separate bugs for them?
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Comment 3•12 years ago
(In reply to George Fiotakis from comment #2)
> Alexandros did an astonishing job on this.
> I can see a couple of visual design problems on the page, should I file
> separate bugs for them?
Let's use this bug to list the problems :)
btw, there are changes to the English strings landed last night that don't impact l10n (like English typography changes), I am going to update the strings today but some strings may appear untranslated on the demo server until this is done.
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Comment 4•12 years ago
Can you shorten that translation ?
Κοινωνική δικτύωση
I think it's going to be hard to make it fit with just CSS :)
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Comment 5•12 years ago
Aurora crashed on me while I was editing the list of issues I noticed, I hope I haven't forgot something cause I'm in a hurry:
1)We need some line height tweaking for the feature titles. At least two of them overlap when they break in two lines.
2)Fixed an issue with the "For partners & developers" string - you need to shorten it for french too
3)On my tablet, when the page is displayed on horizontal orientation (1024X600) the arrows for scrolling through the features are missing so only the first one is visible to the user (if I switch to vertical orientation the arrows are displayed and functional).
4) When the "Find exactly what you want — and more" string is displayed, it takes some extra scrolling to display the page correctly. I tried to shorten it but it's still there (for french too).
5) The "Κοινωνική δικτύωση" string is a well established term by the mainstream mass media here. We can skip the first word and make it slightly more abstract but it's not the best move from a marketing point of view. However, I consider it a P5+ priority compared to the above issues so we are keeping the one word translation
Comment 6•12 years ago
(In reply to George Fiotakis from comment #5)
> Aurora crashed on me while I was editing the list of issues I noticed, I
> hope I haven't forgot something cause I'm in a hurry:
> 1)We need some line height tweaking for the feature titles. At least two of
> them overlap when they break in two lines.
Not seeing this problem for Polish or ES. Possible agibson fixed already?
> 2)Fixed an issue with the "For partners & developers" string - you need
> to shorten it for french too
> 3)On my tablet, when the page is displayed on horizontal orientation
> (1024X600) the arrows for scrolling through the features are missing so only
> the first one is visible to the user (if I switch to vertical orientation
> the arrows are displayed and functional).
The arrows are only set to display when at less than 760px wide. There was a bit of back and forth on this, so I *believe* it's intentional. Would like agibson to verify though.
> 4) When the "Find exactly what you want — and more" string is displayed, it
> takes some extra scrolling to display the page correctly. I tried to shorten
> it but it's still there (for french too).
I'm not noticing any problems with this string now. Can you confirm this is fixed?
> 5) The "Κοινωνική δικτύωση" string is a well established term by the
> mainstream mass media here. We can skip the first word and make it slightly
> more abstract but it's not the best move from a marketing point of view.
> However, I consider it a P5+ priority compared to the above issues so we are
> keeping the one word translation
Comment 7•12 years ago
From matej:
Spanish version, links at the very bottom ( change line break on the first link so it breaks between "todas" and "las" AND move "Si necesitas que te ayuden" in the first box on the right down so there isn't that white space between the CTA and the link (the white space would then be at the top of the box and the two links would remain aligned)
Comment 8•12 years ago
(In reply to Jon Petto [:jpetto] from comment #6)
> > 1)We need some line height tweaking for the feature titles. At least two of
> > them overlap when they break in two lines.
> Not seeing this problem for Polish or ES. Possible agibson fixed already?
Yes this one should be fixed already.
> > 3)On my tablet, when the page is displayed on horizontal orientation
> > (1024X600) the arrows for scrolling through the features are missing so only
> > the first one is visible to the user (if I switch to vertical orientation
> > the arrows are displayed and functional).
> The arrows are only set to display when at less than 760px wide. There was a
> bit of back and forth on this, so I *believe* it's intentional. Would like
> agibson to verify though.
Yeah, this one is currently intentional I believe. Mobile is considered up to 760px width for any given viewport, which is why on some tablets they *could* still appear in portrait mode. Regardless, the user can still use the app icons to navigate the different feature sections.
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Comment 9•12 years ago
(In reply to Jon Petto [:jpetto] from comment #7)
> From matej:
> Spanish version, links at the very bottom ( change line
> break on the first link so it breaks between "todas" and "las" AND move "Si
> necesitas que te ayuden" in the first box on the right down so there isn't
> that white space between the CTA and the link (the white space would then be
> at the top of the box and the two links would remain aligned)
Wrong bug, this is the Greek bug.
Comment 10•12 years ago
Apologies. Moving too fast. Added to the Spanish bug.
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•12 years ago
(In reply to Alex Gibson [:agibson] from comment #8)
> (In reply to Jon Petto [:jpetto] from comment #6)
> > > 3)On my tablet, when the page is displayed on horizontal orientation
> > > (1024X600) the arrows for scrolling through the features are missing so only
> > > the first one is visible to the user (if I switch to vertical orientation
> > > the arrows are displayed and functional).
> >
> > The arrows are only set to display when at less than 760px wide. There was a
> > bit of back and forth on this, so I *believe* it's intentional. Would like
> > agibson to verify though.
> >
> Yeah, this one is currently intentional I believe. Mobile is considered up
> to 760px width for any given viewport, which is why on some tablets they
> *could* still appear in portrait mode. Regardless, the user can still use
> the app icons to navigate the different feature sections.
You can only do that the first time you visit that section(either if you tap on the "Features" link on the top of the page or if you scroll down to the features section). After that, you have to scroll down to read the content and see the images for each feature so you loose the app icons and have to scroll up again - in vertical mode the app icons and the content to read are always visible, plus, even if you want to scroll down a bit to see the entire image there's the arrows to navigate.
Perhaps it's not important but it would add to the user experience.
Another issue which I forgot earlier:
If you switch from vertical to horizontal and you tap on the links at the top of the page, the content displays misplaced (for example, the heading of the mission section is hidden, the heading of the adaptive section is displayed at the bottom of the page and the button for the subscription is on top etc.)
(I do confirm that the rest of the issues I mentioned earlier are fixed for el.)
Comment 12•12 years ago
(In reply to George Fiotakis from comment #11)
> You can only do that the first time you visit that section(either if you tap
> on the "Features" link on the top of the page or if you scroll down to the
> features section). After that, you have to scroll down to read the content
> and see the images for each feature so you loose the app icons and have to
> scroll up again - in vertical mode the app icons and the content to read are
> always visible, plus, even if you want to scroll down a bit to see the
> entire image there's the arrows to navigate.
> Perhaps it's not important but it would add to the user experience.
Thanks for this feedback George - sounds like a valid reason to have the left/right arrows visible for all viewport sizes that use the slider. Will get this updated.
> Another issue which I forgot earlier:
> If you switch from vertical to horizontal and you tap on the links at the
> top of the page, the content displays misplaced (for example, the heading of
> the mission section is hidden, the heading of the adaptive section is
> displayed at the bottom of the page and the button for the subscription is
> on top etc.)
Confirmed, I can reproduce this - we need to adjust the nav offset for large viewport touch devices.
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Comment 13•12 years ago
This is live, marking fixed, thanks Alexandros and George :)
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Updated•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Updated•12 years ago
Group: mozilla-corporation-confidential
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