Open Bug 892637 Opened 12 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Previous folder used for sent messages remains as sent folder after identiy removal with custom copy settings


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

17 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: peter.urda, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0 (Beta/Release) Build ID: 20130627185035 Steps to reproduce: VersionL 17.0.7, Windows 8 AND Ubuntu 12.04 1) Create an extra identity in 'Manage Identities...' 2) Under 'Copies & Folders' do the following: - Check 'Place a copy in:' - Select 'Other' - Select fodler of choice 3) Save the Identity 4) Wait for Thunderbird to change the folder icon to a "Postage Stamp" 5) Remove the idenity from the system Actual results: The postage stamp icon never reveted back to folder icon, thus keeping it at the top of the list for folders and out of alphabetical order Expected results: The postage stamp icon should have reverted back to a folder icon, and moved back into alphabetic order with the rest of the folders.
This looks like this has been going on for some time, according to this Super User post: At least from version 3.1.7 reported by some users.
This behavior on Special Folder icon/atribute, which is differen from user's expectation, is current implementation, although it can be called "current restriction" in some cases, for some peoples who saw phenomenon what you reported. a. Folder's attribute such as "Sent", "Draft", is never indicator of "the folder is currently used as Sent or Drafts by an Identity". Special Folder icon is indicator of "Special folder attribute such as Sent, Drafts", is assined to the folder. Folder's attribute such as "Sent", "Draft" is simply indicator of "Folder's attribute was assigned to this folder by someone". b. Folder's attribute such as "Sent", "Draft", is set when the folder is used as "Sent" or "Drafts" at Identitiy's Copies&Folders setting. c. Folder's attribute such as "Sent", "Draft", is removed only when folder use as special folder is changed to other folder at Identitiy's Copies&Folders setting. Easiest way to remove Sent attribute of a folder(call FolderX) when no Identity uses the FolderX as Sent folder :. - At Copies%Folders of an identity, via "Others:" field, - Do (b.) Change sent selection to FolderX, save setting change. Collapse/Expand account who owns FolderX, if required, to invoke folder rediscovery. - Do (c.) Change sent selection from "FolderX" to "Sent of Local Folders", and save setting change. Collapse/Expand "account who owns FolderX, if required, to invoke folder rediscovery. - Icon is perhaps changed as expected, but order at Folder Pane, localized Special Folder Name at Folder pane, may not be reset. If so, restart Tb. .
WADA's steps actually worked, at least a work around exists!
(In reply to Urda from comment #3) > at least a work around exists! As far as "Tb's current implementation is kept", that is not "work around". That is "undocumented, hidden, only, and official way to clear Sent attribute of a mail folder" :-)
Severity: normal → S3
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