Closed Bug 899328 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

window manager is leaking apploaded event listeners causing long CC times


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(blocking-b2g:leo+, b2g18 fixed, b2g-v1.1hd fixed)

blocking-b2g leo+
Tracking Status
b2g18 --- fixed
b2g-v1.1hd --- fixed


(Reporter: mccr8, Assigned: justin.lebar+bug)



(Whiteboard: [MemShrink])


(2 files)

After 3 days of running a test that opens an app every 10 seconds, we end up with 7000 apploaded event listeners registered on an iframe element. See bug 898990 for further details. apploaded is defined here: These event listeners are being marked gray, so this is probably contributing to the long CC times in the test. It would be good to not leak those event listeners, but it is also a little odd that they aren't being optimized out of the CC graph.
These event listeners are all registered on a single iframe: 0x4c25c1c0 [FragmentOrElement (xhtml) iframe class='' app://] --[[via hash] mListenerManager]--> 0x4a9025b0 [nsEventListenerManager] --[mListeners[i] mListener]--> 0x4506bc08 [nsXPCWrappedJS (nsIDOMEventListener)] --[mJSObj]--> 0x44a26e20 [JS Object (Function - apploaded)] It looks like this this iframe is probably legitimately alive, so we're just failing to unregister the event listener when something dies, maybe? The reflector for the iframe is being held alive by a path that looks kind of like this, so maybe this is a real iframe for the homescreen app: --[WindowManager]--> 0x44a9df70 [Object <no private>] --[retrieveHomescreen]--> 0x44adfa60 [Function retrieveHomescreen] --[fun_callscope]--> 0x44a9dee0 [Call <no private>] --[runningApps]--> 0x44ad8310 [Object <no private>] --[app://]--> 0x4c485b80 [Object <no private>] --[iframe]--> 0x4c48f9a0 [HTMLIFrameElement 4b459cd0]
Well, just having thousands of extra objects in jsholders hashtable sure makes CC slower.
Yeah, and having to UnmarkGray 15000 things is probably going to be kind of slow, too...
Blocks: 898990
No longer depends on: 898990
To be clear, these event listeners are either 'mozbrowserloadend' or 'appopen', I think. We don't know which. The code is in window_manager.js.
Oh, okay, these listeners aren't being optimized out because this is an AllTraces log. In a real CC, they are hopefully being optimized out, but I'd guess we're still getting huge pauses (maybe even in the CC cleanup?) because there are just so many objects. That's just conjecture without a non-AllTraces CC log, however.
What's ironic about all this is that the only reason we have this event listener is to dispatch apploadtime, which is purely diagnostic. I think we can rewrite this to use just one event listener.
Assignee: nobody → justin.lebar+bug
Oh, and the timing is half-broken; it only works for cold-launches of apps, in v1-train. For warm launches, it just displays 0. To enable app timing, dig through settings: - device information - more information - developer - show time to load
> Oh, and the timing is half-broken; it only works for cold-launches of apps, in v1-train. But this is fixed in master. I guess we just didn't want to take the one-character fix on v1-train.
FTR: diff --git a/apps/system/js/window_manager.js b/apps/system/js/window_manager.js index 8166395..f4e9580 100644 --- a/apps/system/js/window_manager.js +++ b/apps/system/js/window_manager.js @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ var WindowManager = (function() { origin: displayedApp, isHomescreen: (manifestURL === homescreenManifestURL) }); - frame.dispatchEvent(evt); + iframe.dispatchEvent(evt); } // Executes when app closing transition finishes.
Whiteboard: [MemShrink]
Attachment #782867 - Flags: review?(alive)
Pointer to Github pull-request
Attachment #782871 - Attachment description: Pointer to Github pull request: → Pointer to Github pull request for v1-train.
Attachment #782871 - Flags: review?(alive)
Attachment #782867 - Flags: review?(alive) → review+
Attachment #782871 - Flags: review?(alive) → review+
Thanks, Alive.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
v1.1.0hd: 6c635e809baedb6b3393bd351b8ce95304782ac6 v1.1.0hd: dea92acb6be86623b9f66e196ef39bb895c4bd37
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