Closed Bug 91097 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Cache changes on linux trunk don't take affect until restart


(Core :: Networking: Cache, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jmd, Assigned: gordon)


Disk and Mem cache enabled under debug (defaults). Disk cache size: 0 Mem cache size: 5000. Compare cache to network: never. Went to a site I know doesn't send no-cache headers. Went to a small page. Followed a link. Following a link back to small page, or hitting 'back' both re-retrieve the document via HTTP. Linux 2001071608
It would be most beneficial for you to tell us what that "small page" is so we can compare. Your bug won't go anywhere until others see a testcase.
The small page was just an example. All pages don't cache. I just said small lest people think it was > 5M.
Setting changes seem to work after a restart. Is this intended? The user needs to be informed, somehow. Preferably a restart won't be nessicary though.
Summary: Cache doesn't work, at all → Cache setting changes don't take effect until restart
Is this on the branch or the trunk? I believe the trunk should respond to enabling/disabling the cache dynamically, without the need for relaunching the browser. Those changes have not been landed on the branch yet, unfortunately.
I'm seeing this on the trunk. Yesterdays. Both my Disk and Mem Cache were set to 0 kb. I set mem to 5000, and set compare in-cache to on-net to 'Never' (it may have been 'Always', not sure.) Didn't start using cache until I restarted. On a related note, the setting 'Automatically' could do with an explaination. I guess it'll be explaining in the context help eventually, but settings like that have always seemed a bit sparadic to me in ns4/ie.
Summary: Cache setting changes don't take effect until restart → Cache doesn't work, at all
Summary: Cache doesn't work, at all → Cache changes on linux trunk don't take affect until restart
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.4
Gordon/Gagan - Is this worthy of a nsbranch+ nomination. Pls help . . . we are trying to get a good picture of what work is left for the next release.
I'm getting updated branch and trunk builds now. I'll evaluate the bug and set the appropriate target tomorrow (Friday).
This appears to be fixed now.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified: Linux 2001-09-28-04-0.9.4
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