Closed Bug 914055 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Thunderbird 24 beta lacks blue highlighting of folders and accounts with unread messages


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

24 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jimklimov, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [addon:Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate)])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) Steps to reproduce: I have a Thunderbird profile used since TB 3.x through to TB 17.0.8, upgraded last week to Thunderbird 24.0b2. Operating System is Windows 7 x64. TB is connected to about a dozen IMAP accounts, no "local" accounts. In all previous versions folders with unread messages (or collapsed folders whose subfolders had unread messages) were highlighted in bold black, and accounts with unread messages were highlighted as bold blue, like on this screenshot from another user: So "what did I do"? I upgraded :) Actual results: After upgrade to TB 24.0b2 all folders and account names are rendered in the same thin black font, which makes orientation among the hundreds of structural items in search for unread messages much harder. Individual unread messages inside the folders are still rendered bold black. Expected results: Folder names and account names for nodes which contain unread messages should still be highlighted in colored bold font. --- I wonder if this problem is related to the bugfix for (Bug 235956 - add number of unread messages next to (collapsed) account name) which is indeed fixed in TB 24.0b2, and I guess might break something in the process. This looks like quite a mess really - despite having the numbers of unread messages (also in the same font), it is not anymore easy to glance and see unread folders - you actually have to read the lines and look for numbers in parentheses. My TB is connected to a dozen of IMAP accounts, no local accounts at all (if this matters). I've tried to hack at a userChrome.css, and while I can change the style for individual messages, I can't influence folders. Perhaps the keywords were changed? I saw these two discussed in similar problems' context, but changing them did not fix a thing now: treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(hasUnreadMessages-true) { color: #f33 !important } treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(subfoldersHaveUnreadMessages-true) { color: #f33 !important } Really, this should be repaired before the hyped new release ;)
Component: Mail Window Front End → Folder and Message Lists
Summary: Thunderbird 24 beta lacks highlighting of folders and accounts with unread messages → Thunderbird 24 beta lacks blue highlighting of folders and accounts with unread messages
Whiteboard: [dupeme]
@Wayne: Thanks for fixing the bug description, though IIRC blue highlighting regards tree items with unread and unseen items (directly "in" the item, or for a collapsed item - "underneath" it); also missing is the black highlighting of folders with unread messages (I clicked into the folder, read some messages but not all). My most-probable-cause guess (or hope) is not breakage/removal of functionality, but rather renaming of the variables involved ("hasUnreadMessages" and "subfoldersHaveUnreadMessages") not announced and not catered for - neither in the stock CSS, nor in customizable userChrome.css. After all, black-bold (default) highlights of individual unread messages worked, and I could change it to red highlight via customization (which thus also works in general). Thanks, //Jim Klimov
Maybe some theme changes have been done between 17-24. They may even be intentional, just the bug where it was done should be posted here.
This is definitely not intentional and works properly on OS X. So there must be some Windows-specific error. But I'm not sure from what... Richard, are you seeing this as well on Win7? If so, do you have any idea of the cause?
Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)
Just tested beta on Windows XP, and the blue is there. I'm starting to wonder if this is an issue with the reporter's add-ons. Jim, could you see if this still happens on a new profile? [] It is still possible that this is an Aero bug/mistake, though unlikely.
Flags: needinfo?(jimklimov)
I've tested now the beta under Win7 64bit. New mails are blue highlighted on Inbox folder and also on account. Jim, have you tried to use TB in safe mode (Help / Restart with Add-ons Disabled...)? Please remove also any userChrome.css rule to be sure they don't influence the highlighting.
Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)
Indeed, you are on the right track. With add-ons disabled (aka Safe mode), TB does display the highlighting as it should. Now to guess (or rather triage and error) which add-on breaks things. So... in "Appearance" I only have the "Default Theme" 24.0 In "Extensions" - "Lightning 2.6b2" (IIRC the problem was also before I updated to it from 1.9 which worked with TB 17), Remove Duplicate Messages 0.1.13 and Remove Duplicate Messages Alternate 0.3.7, TestPilot 1.3.9, ThunderBrowse 3.82 (for no apparent reason I'd bet on these two first). Also there are "Plugins" - dictionaries, VLC, Picasa, Adobe PDF, Google stuff, Shockwave, Silverlight and VMWare Remote Console.
Flags: needinfo?(jimklimov)
My bet was wrong, and the "winner" is Remove Duplicate Messages Alternate 0.3.7. With it alone disabled (or removed) things seem like they should be. I guess the bug should them be forwarded to the plugin's author? Is there some internal process for that, or should I just look for the project's page and post there myself? Thanks for the helping suggestions (and proof that I seem to be alone with such misbehavior), ultimately proving that TB24 itself did not regress! :) //Jim
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Tracked in removedupes project as
Thanks for investigating this Jim. As a hint to the addon author, I would point out bug 407956 as a possible cause (it caused similar problems with other extensions).
Whiteboard: [dupeme]
Blocks: 407956
Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [addon:Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate)]
Interesting - I find after update to tb24 that JunQuilla and Tasks & Mail both (seperately) cause the "no highlighting of folders in folder pane" issue. However "Remove Duplicate Messages Alternate 0.3.7" doesn't cause the problem. On the JunQuilla extension page there is a report of JunQuilla causing problems for someone else too. This appears to show that it's an interaction that a few extensions are getting; which in turn suggests it may still be a bug in the main program?
Or that the extensions are not really compatible, but TB has the "compatible-unless-told-otherwise" behaviour now so enables them without saying anything.
Hello I have win xp sp3 I have thunderbird 24 None of the folders show bold so I disabled plugins 1 by 1, when I disabled Extra Folder Columns 1.1.4 it was ok, I have not updated to Extra Folder Columns 1.1.5 so will try it and see. So for me the culprit was Extra Folder Columns 1.1.4
Yes, Extra Folder Columns 1.1.5 update is specifically to fix this problem. I think there is a separate bug on this bugzilla for that change.
With W7 Ultimate x64, TB 24.0.1 & EFC 1.1.4 I had new mail within a folder structure with the top folder no longer being displayed bold/blue. Disabled the add-on and folders with unread items (w/in tree) became bolded. Upgraded to EFC 1.1.5 and everything went "back to normal". The only other add-on installed is Lightning v2.6.
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