Closed Bug 91519 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

xpicleanup not run after Install.execute()


(Core Graveyard :: Installer: XPInstall Engine, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jimmykenlee, Assigned: dveditz)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Build: 2001-07-18-04-0.9.2(LINUX) 1. From http://jimbob/trigger3.html, click on Acceptance drop-down and choose a_exe_2_unix_block_false 2. Click on Trigger case button 3. Click OK button from Items to Install dialog 4. Dismiss alert dialog which is simply part of the test 5. From the terminal window, enter any number followed by Return key to complete the remainder of test case 6. Exit browser 7. Check for any processes running (ps); none should be running 8. Launch the browser RESULT: Dialog appears "The program must close to allow a previous installation attempt to complete. Please restart." Dismissing this dialog and checking running processes reveals that xpicleanup is now running. It did not start until I attempted to launch the browser. User must kill this process in order to launch browser again. EXPECTED RESULT: Browser launches. Xpicleanup should not be running.
Is this the same as bug 84896?
Nominating! This may be a duplicate of another bug, but I can't find it. I don't think it matters what executable is run from the xpi test case. But it's clear that it has to be an executable versus just any other API. We need to have this fixed. I believe that any third party installer that is launched from the browser would run into this problem. This would leave users with the inability to launch their browsers until killing the xpicleanup process. It's not clear to me what the consequences are by not letting xpicleanup complete, but it appears that it doesn't complete anytime.
Keywords: nsbeta1, regression
It sure does sound the same. I'll check the build with Dan's fix. I'll update here with what I find out.
This is not bug 84896. That bug involved Mozilla and the utility playing timeout-cycle chicken, but the utility *was* launched at Mozilla shutdown. When we launch Mozilla and it finds a xpicleanup.dat file it will launch a copy of the utility just in case the machine crashed and left the utility not running. That part of the behavior is correct (so that after you shutdown and restart in response to the dialog you will be OK). Apparently the utility is only launched at shutdown if there are pending replaces, it should also launch if there are pending deletes. This may not be a blocker, since once people get that message and restart yet again (annoying to be sure) they should be good to go.
Summary: xpicleanup launches when attempting to launch browser → xpicleanup not run after Install.execute()
Update! For today's build, the behavior is the same. After exiting the browser, there is a need to cleanup from /tmp the executable called from the test case. But xpicleanup is not being launched after exiting. The xpicleanup.dat is visible in the directory. Launching the browser appears to also launch xpicleanup. The executable from /tmp is removed which is desirable. But xpicleanup remains as a running process. xpicleanup.dat still remains in the directory. When I first read the dialog message, I interpreted "restart" as relaunching the browser. Running on Linux, I don't expect to have to "reboot" my entire system. No other application that I have installed requires such strong requirements. Does this apply to all those who install the Java plugin? If we don't fix this, then this is a release note candidate.
This should be cross platform. Change OS to ALL.
OS: Linux → All
Keywords: nsBranch
On windows -turbo mode is an additional complication. Since we didn't set the flag to run xpicleanup at shutdown we also don't go through the code to turn off -turbo. Unless Mozilla crashes (killing turbo) xpicleanup.dat will just sit there until they reboot the system, and then they'll get the warning dialog. That might confuse them a bit, especially if the install supposedly still in progress was something they did last Friday and this is Monday morning back at work. We need to fix this for 0.9.4 -- it's trivial anyway.
Assignee: syd → dveditz
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Build: 2001-08-17-06-trunk(WIN), 2001-08-17-08-trunk(MAC) For Windows and no turbo, all is well. For Windows with turbo, xpicleanup.dat and the xpinstall.exe from the Temp dir are not removed after exiting the browser. The browser can be launched without any error dialogs, but xpicleanup.dat and xpinstall.exe still are present. For Mac, XPICleanup Data from Essential Files and the executable from Temporary Files are not removed after exiting the browser. Launching the browser displays dialog showing "The program must close to allow a previous installation attempt to complete. Please restart." Dismissing the dialog appears to then run XPICleanup since XPICleanup Data from Essential Files and the executable from Temporary Files are removed. No usuable Linux build today. Reopening bug regardless of Linux result since Windows and Mac already are incomplete.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
*** Bug 95761 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Oops, forgot to fix the -turbo check. The patch will solve the -turbo problems. I don't understand why the Mac is doing what you see, I may need to play with your machine.
Checked in additional fixes so this case also shuts down -turbo mode.
Dan, should this be marked fixed?
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.5
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Never got an answer about Mac or Linux, but windows is fixed.
Build: 2001-09-05-10-trunk(WIN), 2001-09-05-08-trunk(MAC), 2001-09-05-08-trunk(LINUX) Looks good on all platforms now. Turbo mode is supported. Marking Verified.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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