Closed Bug 915589 Opened 11 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Buri][T-Mobile 48031][Email]Handset doesn't allow to save any attachment from Email except image,video and audio


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::E-Mail, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sync-1, Unassigned)


(Keywords: feature)

Firefox os v1.1 Mozilla build ID:20130828041203 DEFECT DESCRIPTION: Device doesn't allow to save any attachment from a received email. We can only view the attachment. REPRODUCING PROCEDURES: Everytime Customer has to open the email and view the attachment. As it can't be saved so if at anypoint user deletes the email due to huge no of email then the attachment will also be lost. And also if user has to view a attachment from some old message then user has to reload all the message till that day to see it. like user may have selected only to check last 1 week old message but if he has to check any attachmenyt froma mail which is 10 days old then again he has to reload all the message and then he can view it. EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: There should be some option to save the attachment from email. ASSOCIATE SPECIFICATION: TEST PLAN REFERENCE: TOOLS AND PLATFORMS USED: USER IMPACT: mid REPRODUCING RATE: 5/5 For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior:
blocking-b2g: --- → koi?
triage: not blocking, cc: arog for slotting into future release.
blocking-b2g: koi? → ---
Keywords: feature
Same problem using Flame with FFOS 2.0-prerelease: It should be possible to download any attachment from an e-mail, whether it can be opened by the e-mail-app or not. This is - in my understanding - the standard e-mail-client behaviour. What is the point of having apps like Document Viewer etc. on Marketplace, if one cannot get to the attachment in question? A mobile device should make me as independent of my desktop as possible. The current behaviour is an obstacle in this respect.
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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