Closed Bug 931058 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[hu] FFOS Flick video localization


(Mozilla Localizations :: hu / Hungarian, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CocoMo, Assigned: kami911)


Hi Gabor and KAMI: We are working on localizing these two short videos in Hungarian: #4 & #5. Please add the localization content in the Hungarian column. The text will be used in subtitling, so spelling, grammar and length of text are all important. Once the videos are localized, you will have a chance to review them before they are being used. If Monday is too tight for delivery, let me know the ETA when you can provide the localized text. Thank you, Peiying
Assignee: nobody → kami911
+ Kálmán to the bug as well.
Hello again. Let me know if the text in the file is good to go. Thanks for working on it over the weekend!
Hi Peiying I have asked for opinions from the team, but not answer yet. I'll ping them again.
Thanks for letting me know. The team forgot to include a few more strings. This is related to videos/post being promoted on Facebook: While you get a chance, please provide translations to these too. Please translated leave the strings in {xxx} in English. Thank you, Peiying
Hi Peiying I got some feedback, implemented the suggestions and translated the second sheet. I'm waiting for feedback on that, and I'm still not entirely sure on the translation of Get mobilized.
My proposal is: Fedezd fel a mobil web erejét a Firefox OS-szel. Everything else is OK. Peiying, should we translate the othver videos too? I really love those videos. ;)
(In reply to Kami from comment #6) > My proposal is: > Fedezd fel a mobil web erejét a Firefox OS-szel. > For "Get mobilized"? That's a bit long. "Válts mobilra" comes into my mind (switch to mobile), but this sounds silly in a country of 10M people and 11M mobile subscriptions, so... I don't have any good ideas.
I mean: Fedezd fel a mobil web erejét a Firefox OS-szel. instead of: Fedezd fel a mobil web erejét a Firefox OS-sel. I still prefer something like: Legyél mobilis or something similar. But this change is not essential.
(In reply to Kami from comment #8) > I mean: > Fedezd fel a mobil web erejét a Firefox OS-szel. instead of: > Fedezd fel a mobil web erejét a Firefox OS-sel. > Oh, yeah... done.
Thank you all. I will pass along.
Hi All. Can you please QA the subtitles on this video. Note that they are in an unpublished link on YouTube: Hungarian- If you can, it would be great to have your OK by Sunday or early Monday.
Also, how would you translate the titles?
Did we not use "get mobilized" in the animated one?
We did use it in :48.
sorry, i was looking at the animation - this is all subtitling, :).
no worries. Do you think it's all ok then? How would you translate the 2 titles: - The Whole is Greater - Beyond the Limit
Jesse, if the titles are needed for this and future locales, let's add them to the spreadsheet, so we can have them done all at once, not incrementally. The google doc allows the community to chime in and revise at the source, not through the bug. Thank you.
Hi, I've just joined to the team and try to help in translating. I've checked the subtitles above. One modification: The internet speeds connection - Az internet felgyorsítja a "kapcsolatteremtést" instead of "kapcsolatokat" Both are OK I think. The titles' translation are in my version: The Whole is Greater - Az egységben a nagyszerűség Beyond the Limit - Túllépve a határon And my version of Get mobilized! "Légy mobilis!" but that is not so important. Greetings, Annabella
Hi Annabella Thanks for your comments. About the word "kapcsolatteremtést" - agreed, I modified it in the document. Jesse: if there is still time, please change the first sentence in the Beyond the Limit video. About the titles: I like them, added to the docs, thanks! They could be retranslated as "Greatness is in unity" and "Stepped over the limit". About Légy mobilis: I think the word "mobilis" would sound good only in a car commercial, or a government ad promoting moving to the other end of the country for a new job [please don't laugh, americans - we usually don't do that :(]. But not in a cell phone commercial, I think it just doesn't mean something along "get a new phone".
Hi team Hungary. I'm a little confused by all the changes... Can you please outline them clearly in one list for me please? That would help tremendously. We need to get this live as by end of week.
Hi Jesse The only change needed is the first sentence in the video "The whole is greater": [0:01] - The internet speeds connection = [0:01] - Az internet felgyorsítja a kapcsolatteremtést This is also present in the document linked in comment #1, in case you have not started to process it at all. The video titles to be used are in the document linked in comment #18.
Thanks team. Will make the change and let you know when we're live. :) JM
not sure if this is live or not, but all the necessary work was done. Mark the bug fixed.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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