Closed Bug 931934 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Add the IARC privacy policy / ToS to the Marketplace


(Marketplace Graveyard :: General, enhancement, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clouserw, Assigned: udevi)



We need to add the IARC legal agreements to our site.  The UI for this is below.  If my conversations with Tony and Mika go as planned, this will simply be a link on our dev agreements page.  See the bug below.


Our Spec:
IARC docs:
Priority: -- → P1
These will be links.  Don't have them yet, legal docs are in final review.
The easy half of this is putting the files in /media/docs/iarc.../en-US/
David - did you have official URLs for us to link to yet?  I thought you sent them in an email but I may be misremembering.  Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(dkassack)
Not sure what you are looking for here.  Storefront agreement and SLA?
Flags: needinfo?(dkassack)
Storefront agreement and privacy policy I think.  This is for the end user to agree to, not between Mozilla and IARC.

+CC Mika for the official names of the documents and/or URLs.
Here are the links - 

Terms of Use -

Privacy Policy -

We are currently working on translating both to Portuguese and German.  Spanish and others will follow.
David - thanks.  I assume the URLs will be the same for the translated versions and you'll do the language detection on your end.

Mika - What wording do we need around these and where should the links go?
Assignee: nobody → udevi
We were originally thinking that the pages would launch in English, but allow for the user to select a different language.  We will look into language detection.
Depends on: 929802
Flags: needinfo?(udevi)
Mika - looks like we're waiting on you for comment 7
I believe this bug was already resolved via other bugs to update our legal docs and change the UX design.  We included the IARC links in our Developer Agreement, and also in the Developer Portal.  Developers can click on the links to read the terms on the IARC's site.  It's at the IARC's discretion whether the terms are in English with an option for additional languages, or automatic based on language detection.
Flags: needinfo?(udevi)
Ok, thanks.  Resolving based on comment 10.  QA: Make sure we have links in the Dev Agreement.  Thanks.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
These have been implemented based on automatic language detection.  Portuguese and German are live.  We are working on Spanish, Chinese and Polish.  Others will come in the future.
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