Closed Bug 933509 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list after flashing gaia v1.2 from git repo


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-b2g koi+


(Reporter: nhirata, Assigned: GaryChen)


(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Gaia cce2ba1312b9a1fa534f446a46981d7ce6ee38fe SourceStamp 93eafd042c1c BuildID 20131031004003 Version 26.0 Buri (custom build) 1. flash device with this gaia version 2. go through FTU until country selection 3. try to select a city Expected: the city is selected Actual: the keyboard pops up; since you can't dismiss the keyboard by hitting the home key, you can't exit out of it, you have to reboot the phone. Note: Does not occur on gaia : df049e3177ced0ca493ff0d192c65f18392bb462 build id : 20131031004003 Noming for koi as it's a FTE bug.
Keywords: regression
Interesting: it only seems to happen when flashing from making a build; doesn't occur after reseting the phone nor rerunning FTU. It might be a glitch in the Makefile... We'll want to verify that this bug doesn't occur tomorrow after flashing the device.
Can someone find out if this reproduces today with a pvtbuild for 1.2?
Keywords: qawanted
QA Contact: mvaughan
This bug did not reproduce for me on the 11/01/13 1.2 build. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri v1.2 comRIL BuildID: 20131101004000 Gaia: e717aec947571f5daf923c040a82f9f0719bb526 Gecko: 54de309e18a9 Version: 26.0 RIL Version:
Keywords: qawanted
Attached image 2013-11-01-14-18-00.png
still occurs after making gaia v1.2: make reset-gaia Might not happen after Bug 915570 lands on v1.2... regardless it's not a keyboard issue but something with the build config?
Just double checking, I recreated my v1.2 gaia repo and it still occurs.
Summary: Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list → Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list after flashing gaia v1.2 from git repo
happening on customizable builds. Why is this happening on customizable builds only?
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Preeti: I don't know much about build customization or about the system code that makes the keyboard pop up, so I don't really have much info to provide here. Jan and Yuan: Are either of you the right person to investigate this? Naoki: some questions for you that might help to diagnose this. 0) Have you tried reproducing this on 1.3? 1) does this only happen in the FTU app, or does it also happen after first boot when using other value selectors? (Like if you change the language in the settings app?) 2) Does it happen if you re-run the FTU app (from settings)? 3) What exactly are you doing to put Gaia on your phone? Is this just a "make install-gaia" from the Gaia repo? Or "make reset-gaia"? 4) Do you have the "Gaia test keyboard" app installed on your phone? (You'd see it listed under Settings->Keyboards->Gear icon)
Flags: needinfo?(xyuan)
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Flags: needinfo?(janjongboom)
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Definitely a koi+ if this is a valid bug.
blocking-b2g: koi? → koi+
I can not reproduce on v1.3. Gaia: 85c929f602b6791fcc53c96e30b77145adef3dd9 Gecko: 57c88ce89f84aa2b743536dcfbe43bd0af7e3931 BuildID 20131107061537 Version 28.0a1
(In reply to GaryChen [:GaryChen][:PYChen] from comment #9) > I can not reproduce on v1.3. > Gaia: 85c929f602b6791fcc53c96e30b77145adef3dd9 > Gecko: 57c88ce89f84aa2b743536dcfbe43bd0af7e3931 > BuildID 20131107061537 > Version 28.0a1 How did you reproduce this bug? I was able to reproduce this a few days ago when I was testing customizations.
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #10) > (In reply to GaryChen [:GaryChen][:PYChen] from comment #9) > > I can not reproduce on v1.3. > > Gaia: 85c929f602b6791fcc53c96e30b77145adef3dd9 > > Gecko: 57c88ce89f84aa2b743536dcfbe43bd0af7e3931 > > BuildID 20131107061537 > > Version 28.0a1 > > How did you reproduce this bug? I was able to reproduce this a few days ago > when I was testing customizations. 1. flash device with PVT build. 2. go through FTU until country selection 3. try to select a city Here is my video.
I can produce this bug on non-pvt build too. However it only happens to <select> on FTU....
Whiteboard: [3rd-party-keyboard]
It is probable a gaia bug that can be reproduced for gaia 1.2, but not gaia 1.3 with the latest mozilla-central b2g-desktop build.
Flags: needinfo?(xyuan)
|Keyboard_manager.js| received 'mozbrowserresize' event so keyboard was shown up when user click selection list in FTU. But it is wired if we launch FTU again(from settings or restart device), |Keyboard_manager.js| will not receive 'mozbrowserresize' event any more. I'll investigate this issue.
Assignee: nobody → gchen
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Flags: needinfo?(janjongboom)
Whiteboard: [3rd-party-keyboard]
Summary: Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list after flashing gaia v1.2 from git repo → [1.2 Gaia only] Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list
We fixed the issue that the keyboard would pop up when a mozbrowserresize came in, because we should not rely on that in The thing is that it's not uplifted yet to 1.2 :-)
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Summary: [1.2 Gaia only] Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list → Keyboard appears when trying to select from a selection list after flashing gaia v1.2 from git repo
The fact keyboard is being trigger is a underline issue. I will submit a patch on that.
On gecko level it already is OK, we should always rely on the focus/blur events and then only handle the ones that keyboard_manager.js can handle (which is what we already do). So I don't think there is another issue.
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