Closed Bug 936660 Opened 11 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Operator message dialog has three buttons that seems to do the same thing


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alefteris, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image Operator message dialog
:: Steps To Reproduce Testing on Gaia master and v1.2: - Boot device with a new SIM. Also dialog appears after a gaia flashing finishes and phone reboots. - The "Operator message" dialog that appears :: Expected Result The dialog has a single button "OK" or "Close" that you can click to dismiss the dialog. :: Actual Result The dialog has three button at the bottom: "Close", "Back", "OK". There is no "back" to go to. All buttons seem to do the same job, dismiss the dialog.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Unfortunately, this one isn't within Mozilla's control. This is not actually one of our (i.e. Firefox OS's) dialogs: this is a partner created dialog in the style advised by our Building Blocks. This bug would have to be pursued with Vodafone.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
The dialog seems to be generated from the form with id="icc-confirm" This must be for SIM Application Toolkit (STK). So the issue here is that the carrier is not using the right type of dialog? This is hardcoded into the SIM card, so it can't change, right? I think the right form to display would have to be the one with id="icc-alert". Still, I don't think the icc-confirm form should have "Close" and "OK" at the same time. "Close" here means "Cancel" maybe? Are the buttons that the dialogs have part of a standard that you have to follow?
It's that the carrier created (or at least designed, and then applied that design) their own dialog in the style shown in our Building Blocks. Like this: (where you'll see how we show two buttons with "Action" and then "Cancel"). There is nothing standard that they absolutely must follow, as far as I know, though the OS does have patterns that we strongly advise be followed.
Stephany, are you certain this is not from STK? I'm testing on a Keon phone flashed with latest b2g from geeksphone and gaia (master), so a carrier could not have preinstalled apps on the device. Also I have not enabled a data connection or WiFi. Finally the dialog's title and buttons appear localized in Greek if I change the phone's language settings to that language.
I reviewed this with our team and we do not recognize it as a standard dialog.
What device are you testing on?
I'm not on a device. I'm looking at the screenshot attached to this bug.
(In reply to Stephany Wilkes from comment #7) > I'm not on a device. I'm looking at the screenshot attached to this bug. Well right, I'm asking the reporter for what device he is on.
Ha ha - sorry Jason! :-)
@Jason I'm testing on Geeksphone Keon device.
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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