Bug 941373
Opened 11 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
Upload to the Firefox Marketplace
( :: Mobile, task, P4)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: ibai, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: u=user c=wiki p= s=2013.backlog)
While we work on the Offline version of SUMO as an app...can we upload the actual site for Firefox OS to the Firefox Marketplace?
Comment 1•11 years ago
I don't see why not. Might be a neat little exercise too :)
Priority: -- → P4
Whiteboard: u=user c=wiki p= s=2013.25
Target Milestone: --- → 2013Q4
Comment 2•11 years ago
One thing to keep in mind is that you can only have one app per (sub)domain. If we are going to have multiple apps in the marketplace, we'll need to come up with a sane solution for that.
Comment 3•11 years ago
For now we are targeting Firefox OS only, but it's indeed something we should keep in mind.
Comment 4•11 years ago
(In reply to Kadir Topal [:atopal] from comment #3)
> For now we are targeting Firefox OS only, but it's indeed something we
> should keep in mind.
What if it makes sense to have a stand-alone army of awesome app, for example?
Comment 5•11 years ago
If there is a good solutions, let's use that right from the start. Maybe we need subdomains like that redirect to the actual app? Would that work? If we can't come up with something right away, I'd still go ahead with this bug. Is there a downside to coming back to this later when we actually have the need for more than one app?
Re Army of Awesome: It does probably make a lot of sense as a stand-alone app. Since we want to work on the mobile version in Q1, we'd probably come back to this some time early in 2014.
Comment 6•11 years ago
I don't think that this would work well. One of the things we (as a company) have to prove is that you can make phone apps with html5, and I think just adding a manifest to point to the firefox page would reflect poorly on that goal. There are a few issues that prevent the site from acting like a good mobile app:
1. There is no offline caching, so the "app" would fall over the second connection is lost.
2. We don't provide an in app back button, instead relying on the browser to provide that, but if we run as an app we won't get this.
3. Users will be able to navigate outside the FxOS part of the site, into other products. This isn't that worrisome, except that a lot of the site doesn't have mobile views.
Basically, just slapping a manifest on the site, while it would make the site available in the marketplace, would not magically turn the site into an app. I think that this easy way out would reflect poorly on us. I would much rather see the time that we would spend on this bug be put into offline sumo, or some other effort to make a real app out of the site instead of some stop gap.
There are a couple of bugs that should get fixed before we could launch oSUMO: bug 923484 and bug 920035. We never commited to this though. It isn't on the roadmap, and hasn't been in any sprints. If we want an app, we should do it, instead of doing it half way. If this means making oSUMO ready to launch, or making a new app with what we have learned from oSUMO, then we should do that.
I think that this bug would be wasting time on a sub-standard product that we are planning on throwing away anyways.
We should definitely figure out if we want to commit to osumo or not. That code base is not big, but some parts could be improved for sure (testing, certain refactoring job, some code quality in general, like the article deletion code and so forth).
If we do indeed want to go with the current osumo implementation, we should create a tracker bug for what's remaining to do. Right now an alpha level release would be possible with the two bugs mentioned above resolved. However, stable and easily maintainable would take some more time.
Comment 8•11 years ago
We are done for the year. Moving to next sprint.
Whiteboard: u=user c=wiki p= s=2013.25 → u=user c=wiki p= s=2014.1
Comment 9•11 years ago
Moving P4s to the next sprint.
Whiteboard: u=user c=wiki p= s=2014.1 → u=user c=wiki p= s=2014.2
Comment 10•11 years ago
This should be in the backlog for now. We need to figure out a strategy around hosting multiple apps for SUMO given the 1 app per domain restriction.
Whiteboard: u=user c=wiki p= s=2014.2 → u=user c=wiki p= s=2013.backlog
Comment 11•11 years ago
Moving 2013Q4 bugs to the Future since we didnt care enough about them in 2014Q1.
Target Milestone: 2013Q4 → Future
Comment 12•11 years ago
We actually built the oSUMO app and submitted it to the marketplace, it's now about making the review issues go away in bug 1038782
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Target Milestone: Future → 2013Q4
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