Closed Bug 942025 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

"Error 102: optimistic locking failure" when pushing to production paas environment


(Infrastructure & Operations :: IT-Managed Tools, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jgmize, Assigned: cturra)


(Whiteboard: [unplanned - troubleshooting])

I'm getting an "Error 102: Optimistic locking failure" on the command line whenever I start the nucleus app. The app is started according to the web console, and indeed I can use "stackato ssh nucleus" and verify the instance is up and running, but the error prevents the normal console feedback on the commandline from working.
Whiteboard: [unplanned - troubleshooting]
i believe we've got to the bottom of this with some minor tweaks to the stackato stager nodes. i had seen these on pushes, which are now gone. marking as r/fixed, but please reopen if you see this return.
Closed: 11 years ago
Component: WebOps: Other → WebOps: IT-Managed Tools
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee: server-ops-webops → cturra
Sorry, I'm continuing to see the "Error 102: Optimistic locking failure" while pushing the new owb-crb app. The app does start eventually though.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
:jgmize - thnx for letting me know. i have let activestate know and they've escalated the review to their engineering team. will report back when i have more details to provide.
not that it should make a difference, but today i released a third dea/stager node into the production stackato cluster. i have done a number of push(es) today and haven't seen this error. would you be able to let me know if you're still seeing this after these changes i made today? likely yes, but i am curious.
Flags: needinfo?(jmize)
:cturra I just did a stackato push to remove the password requirement for and saw the error again. This is not an urgent issue: the site is up; this is just a status update for this bug. I've included the command line output for reference: $ stackato push Would you like to deploy from the current directory ? [Yn]: Using manifest file "stackato.yml" Updating application 'owd-crb'... stackato.dea.0: Stopping application 'owd-crb' on DEA 130123 stackato.dea.0: Stopping application 'owd-crb' on DEA 130123 Comparing application [owd-crb] to [] ... Framework: python Runtime: <framework-specific default> Application Url: Application Url: Application Url: Enter Memory Reservation [256M]: Enter Disk Reservation [2048]: No changes Uploading Application [owd-crb] ... Checking for bad links ... 21 OK Copying to temp space ... 20 OK Checking for available resources ... 58293 < 64K, skip OK Processing resources ... OK Packing application ... OK Uploading (12K) ... 100% OK Push Status: OK stackato.stager: Staging application 'owd-crb' staging: staging: -----> git clone staging: Cloning into 'mozilla-flask-crb'... staging: -----> Installing dependencies using PyPM staging: Get: [] :repository-index: Get: [] :repository-index: downloading: [========> ] 47% 4.3 ding: [===================>] 100% 9.2MB/9.2MB (1s) autosync: synced 2 repositories staging: The following packages will be installed into "/staging/staged/python" (2.7): staging: mysql-python-1.2.3 staging: Get: [] mysql-python 1.2.3 staging: Installing mysql-python-1.2.3 staging: -----> Installing dependencies using pip staging: Downloading/unpacking django==1.6 (from -r /staging/staged/requirements.pip (line 1)) staging: Running egg_info for package django staging: staging: warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found under directory '*' staging: warning: no previously-included files matching '*.py[co]' found under directory '*' staging: Downloading/unpacking dj-database-url==0.2.2 (from -r /staging/staged/requirements.pip (line 2)) Error 102: Optimistic locking failure
Flags: needinfo?(jmize)
during the `kato patch` run this evening, there were 6 patches applied to the dev stackato cluster. one of which was a bug fix for this exact issue. if this creeps back up in dev, please let me know! i will be moving forward with these patches into production soon pending change advisory board approval next wednesday.
the patch that addresses this has been applied to production now too. marking as r/fixed :)
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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