Closed Bug 943100 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Legal][Marketplace][hu] Update Developer Agreements to reflect Content Ratings requirements


(Mozilla Localizations :: hu / Hungarian, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CocoMo, Assigned: kelemeng)


(Whiteboard: Translation Agency is working on this w. pmo)


(2 files)

54.08 KB, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
30.68 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Hi Gábor, I have no knowledge on the history of this or legal specific localization. If you have a designated person or group of people in charge of legal/privacy l10n or review, let's add the contact in the team page so I direct the traffic to that person or the persons. Please triage the bug if for now it is not you. * Project: update of dev agreement with content rating requirement * Deadline: this must be released by late December. This includes the l10n, reviews and signoff from the German community and Mozilla legal council. * Reference material: - Updated English Word doc: (FFM Developer Agreement - v2 - 20131030.docx) - Delta markup between the old and new in PDF: (Delta Comparison of Developer Agreement - 05022013 and 10312013-1.pdf) - The older version of this doc: see attachment (somehow this document is not on production. Let me know if you got all you need to get this started. Once you are done, you can put it on google doc so we can share with legal council for review. We may have to give access to only the people working on the file. If you feel strongly that you would rather have a legal service provide the translation and the community reviews the copy, we can arrange it to handle it that way. Just let me know. Thank you, Peiying
Assignee: nobody → kelemeng
Hi Peiying I have asked around, but no luck: I can't find anyone willing to do this kind of a job. So please find a translation agency (I can recommend one or two I worked with, if that helps).
Hi Gabor, Thanks for trying. I wish I could use your recommendation. Could you send me an email on this and we can look into it. At the moment, we would be interested in checking agency that can handle multiple languages, not just one. We have an agency in mind but we are open to suggestion. The main thing is the payment and invoicing from Mozilla to the agency. It takes a while to set the process up. After the document is localized, we will have the community to check on tone and style, especially references to Mozilla products. I will get back to you on that when we are ready. Mika, Please work with the agency to get this translated. If you need my help with communication, I am more than happy to handle that. Thanks, Peiying
Assignee: kelemeng → udevi
Thanks for trying teams!! What are next steps Mika? Does legal have a resource to translate? This doc can now be edited direct in github
Flags: needinfo?(udevi)
Hi Caitlin, An agency will help out with the update and the community will have a chance to review it before it goes live.
Flags: needinfo?(udevi)
Whiteboard: Translation Agency is working on this w. pmo
Assignee: udevi → pmo
Hello Gabor, The localization agency has updated the files and we need you to coordinate the review before we push it live. The file is ready for your review. Keep in mind, this is an update from v1. I am not sure if v1 was reviewed by the community or not. Here are all the files you need for the review: 1). diff of v1 and v2 highlighted in this PDF: 2). v2 in en-US : 3). v2 in el: Please note that the agency, when merging the file to github, the date (October 30) somehow is messed up and number 1 is inserted as well. This is not just an issue for Hungarian. Please make the correction on that. Please update the bug when the review is done so we can push it live. Do make a list of things you observe or you need to report. This will help with future legal update and localization by the agency. Thanks, Peiying
Assignee: pmo → kelemeng
Hi Gabor and Kami, please provide your input so we can update the hu dev agreement. We usually have a push on Tuesday so I hope to include the update on this before then. Thanks!
One more thing, there are a few URLs in the document. If there is a "hu" version, please replace with proper link.
Hi Peiying I'll try to do it by Monday, althogh I'm currently at a conference so I can't promise a 100% chance.
Understood. Get to it when you can. If we have to wait, we will wait until you get to it. Keep in mind, when you review it, list some of the common issues you found, so we can provide constructive feedback to the agency and it will help improve with the next round. Thanks so much! Have a good weekend at the conference.
Hi Gabor, This needs to be pushed out with other legal docs in Hungarian. Could you go over this on the weekend that it is good to go? We moved around the docs so we can have other legal docs in the same location. You can find the dev agreement here: thank you,
I'll look into it!
Attached patch hu-mda.patchSplinter Review
Finished, this is only a few small changes. Patch is against the file in comment 11. Typical mistakes I corrected: - inconsistent use of „Hungarian quotation marks” - postfixes of link texts were not part of the links themselves. I think that's ugly. - some hunglish words here and there. So nothing serious :). There are two links in it to two other legal documents, which have no content when viewed in Hungarian, despite that there is Hungarian translation for them in the legal-docs repository: Other links are pointing to MDN pages that we do not have translated, so those are fine (for now).
Hi Gabor, Thanks for the review and the summary. I will share your feedback with the agency. Have you made the commit yourself or do you want us to commit on your behalf? As for the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy files, you are right, they do exist but were only added on Friday and are pending a push to production. If the links in your correction (dev agreement) point to hu docs, they should work once all of them go live. Wil, Could you verify if there is a pull request in the queue for hu dev agreement? If not, could you create one and merge the request? Thanks, Peiying
Hi Peiying Please commit, I don't think I have permission.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Oh no, the year at the beginning is "1". How did I miss that? Can this be fixed quickly without a new bug being opened?
(In reply to kelemeng from comment #18) > Oh no, the year at the beginning is "1". How did I miss that? > Can this be fixed quickly without a new bug being opened? I fixed it in . It will go out next tuesday. Thanks.
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