Closed Bug 947255 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Please prevent web{1,2}.releng.webapp.scl3 from auto-migrating


(Infrastructure & Operations :: Virtualization, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dustin, Unassigned)


Corey mentioned that, now that these servers are serving performance-sensitive data (for talos), we should ensure that the VMs aren't automatically migrated between ESX hosts. Can we set that up?
vMotion exists to help keep things running happily; it lets things move off when there's a busy VM. Though, those are actually pretty infrequent, looking at the logs. Even if disabled for automatic moves, there will still need to be some moves done for maintenance work. Most issues around vMotion stem from bad configs and inadequate bandwidth, which isn't really an issue here. The ZLBs that are VMs even tolerate vMotion. Is there some sort of tests we can do to see if this is even warranted? Could you elaborate on what is going on that makes these VMs sensitive to change?
They're full of superstition. Basically all of the mobile devices make HTTP requests to them, on the assumption that those HTTP requests will be serviced in a consistent duration timeframe. This is used for performance testing of Firefox on mobile devices. If this is infrequent, then it's probably not worth disabling. The analysis of the performance testing throws out outliers automatically.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
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