Closed Bug 949758 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[B2G][Settings] The highlighter for the language selection box is offset.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jharvey, Assigned: pivanov)



(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: burirun1.3-1, visual design, visual-tracking, bokken )


(3 files)

Attached video offset.3gp
[B2G][Settings] The highlighter for the language selection box is offset.

When the user goes into the language selection screen and proceeds to change their language, the highlighter/cursor that shows up just after the user presses the selection box to change the language is offset. This is inconsistent with all other selection boxes where the highlighter/cursor is just on the selection box itself.

Repro Steps:
1) Updated Buri 20131211004003
2) Select Settings app.
3) Select language.
4) Press the selection box to change the language and observe the press animation.

The highlighter/cursor that appears is offset from where the box is.

The highlighter/cursor is perfectly on the box.

Environmental Variables:
Device: Buri 1.3 Moz Ril
BuildID: 20131211004003
Gaia: 7a2ccae2a546ac4d981d250272dafa630c926422
Gecko: 6bb84d0bc170
Version: 28.0a2

Repro rate: 100%
Adding attachment
This issue does not occur on Buri 1.2

Environmental Variables:
Device: Buri 1.2 Com Ril 
BuildID: 20131212004004
Gaia: 6d02039072a2ae5cf9225a6f4c78ed49decfab5c
Gecko: 8bae10bb0aed
Version: 26.0
Minor papercut
Keywords: regression
Assignee: nobody → pivanov
Blocks: SysFE
Whiteboard: burirun1.3-1 → burirun1.3-1, visual design, visual-tracking, bokken
Attached file patch for Gaia/master
Hey Kevin,

I remember that you made some changes on the select boxes, can you take a look for this one? It's few lines only CSS :) I think this patch will save us some unnecessary repaints too.
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: review?(kgrandon)
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: feedback?(epang)
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

I don't think I can review this as I'm not a settings peer. My question is that why do we do this here instead of shared/style/buttons.css?
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: review?(kgrandon)
Flags: needinfo?(pivanov)
Ahhh sorry I totally mess the flags ... You are right About shared/style/buttons.css i just want to ask you for feedback? I will update the PR soon
Flags: needinfo?(pivanov)
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

And If the patch is OK I will open a bug for removing custom application styles for select element and I will add the bug number to comment

I think that this will improve the performance a bit and I think we can reduce a bit of the application styles
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: review?(kaze)
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: feedback?(kgrandon)
It seems like adding outline: 0 would normally fix this, but it's not working for me. Perhaps a platform bug?
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

I would much rather try to find out the platform issue that's causing outline:0 to not work, but if there is no visual regressions, then I'm find with landing for now. Thanks for the patch.
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: feedback?(kgrandon) → feedback+
Hey Kevin,

I try to find a bug for the `outline` problem but no success for now. Maybe we should see what Kaze will say and then we can open a bug
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

I’m really worried by the `!important` rules in a shared stylesheet. See my comments on github and re-r? me please.
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: review?(kaze) → review-
Hey Kaze,

My idea was to open a bug for removing '!important' and 'custom app styles for select' if this patch looks ok :) I will do this and I will updtade the PR soon.

Thanks :)
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

Looks like Kevin already provided feedback :).
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: feedback?(epang)
I think we need to wait for the new [BB] version of buttons and we can implement my patch to them to fix this problem for all Apps
Blocks: 965889
Attached video IMG_3221.MOV
I just find out most of highlighters for selection box are offset. Can we make the highlighter the same press effect as the Alarm change selection in the video(see attachment) for 1.4? 

When we have the new BB version, then we can change to the new style.
No longer blocks: SysFE, 965885, 965887
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

After the patch from Bug 967843 this one looks much more clean. I'm not sure what the spec said about the vertical alignment of the text of the select element. Can you check this?
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: review- → review?(arnau)
Comment on attachment 8360004 [details] [review]
patch for Gaia/master

Nice work Pavel!
If you want to test this patch in settings app, note you'll need bug 969484.
Attachment #8360004 - Flags: review?(arnau) → review+
Landed to master:
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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