Closed Bug 954505 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Ensure recommended add-ons are actually suitable for the latest version


(Instantbird Servers Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: aleth, Assigned: clokep)



(Whiteboard: [1.2-wanted])

*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2011-10-12 19:00:00 UTC *** Both in terms of version number and in terms of not being obsolete (e.g. currently, MinimizeToTray is listed, which is not compatible with 1.0 and also no longer necessary)
Summary: Ensure the featured add-ons on the front page actually suitable for the latest version → Ensure featured add-ons on the front page are actually suitable for the latest version
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2011-10-22 13:42:18 UTC *** Currently (IB 1.1) among the 5 heavily advertised add-ons on, two don't work fully with the latest release (stratini theme and blackened 0.9). A third, Reply to Nick, is obsolete
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2011-10-23 02:21:00 UTC *** I'm not sure of what this bug is actually about, so I don't know what should be done before it's fixed. Is it about ensuring this bad situation can no longer happen? If so, I don't have any idea for a good solution, but I think adding a line in the wiki page would definitely help, at least a little. If it's about fixing the current situation, then, for your information, there are more than 5 "advertised" add-ons, the full list is (5 out of which are randomly picked when loading the front page). Tab Complete and Reply To Nick are definitely obsolete, as their behavior is integrated by default in Instantbird 1.1. What's the problem with blackened? Has anyone contacted the author of stratini? (and do we know what's broken exactly?)
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2011-10-23 12:21:07 UTC *** I know the add-ons are taken from the "recommended" list. The bug and its language was trying to reflect the experience of a new IB user. I don't think it's far-fetched to assume a new user will consider add-ons listed on to be advertised in the sense that they represent the best of the add-ons, selected for their quality at least to some degree. Therefore a bad experience the user has trying out those featured add-ons will reflect badly and unfairly on the quality of IB and its available add-ons. I was not sure what the best solution is, that's why I didn't suggest one ;) Your idea of adding a step to the release process ( seems like it would fix this, i.e. - Looking through the list of recommended add-ons before a release to check they should still be there and/or ping the authors about an upcoming new release. For the current situation, maybe taking the obsolete add-ons out of the recommended list and replacing them e.g. with the new interruptions manager add-ons (nickservkiller etc), and maybe an emoticon theme or two? Isn't Tab Complete is a bit more extensive than what is built-in in IB 1.1? but yeah, it's probably no longer as useful as it was. I've just tried blackened again and it does work (I think I had damaged my profile when I tested it last and didn't know it at the time). It could do with some improvement (it overrides the font, nick colours are not supported (this may be a feature of course), context messages look a bit odd in normal conversations (MUCs are fine)), but if you fixed those you would end up with something very close to the default Dark style.
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-01-14 19:13:23 UTC *** A long time ago in a channel far, far away... 18:16:53 <aleth> Some things are easy to do and just worth not forgetting (e.g go through the list of recommended add-ons) 18:20:12 <flo> aleth: warning, you are volunteering to go through that list :-P OK, for the upcoming 1.2: The current list is Reply to Nick Vertical Tabs Buddy status Tab Complete blackened Stratini Instant Show Nick I would nominate for removal: Reply to Nick (obsolete) Tab Complete (obsolete) blackened message style (Recommended message styles should respect the user's settings and support IB features like context messages and MUCs) I would suggest pinging the author of Stratini Instant (marked as 'works with 0.3a1pre'. Has it been tested with a current IB? Since it is broken on Linux, I can't test it.) I would nominate for addition: Nick Serv Killer and/or Hide Auto Joins (essential add-ons that also exemplify single-feature add-ons) Thunderbird Aero Smileys (people like emoticons, so let's recommend at least one set) Minimal 2 (or some other alternative message style satisfying the above criteria. There are not that many.) Any other suggestions? Comments?
Summary: Ensure featured add-ons on the front page are actually suitable for the latest version → Ensure recommended add-ons are actually suitable for the latest version
Whiteboard: [1.2-wanted]
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-04-14 12:06:05 UTC *** Other possible additions: - Ambiance also seems a popular and pretty complete message style. - We could make a lot of people happy by having an emoticon-selector add-on to the recommended list. Is there one that works well enough to recommend? Mic also had one in the works I think that looked good.
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-04-14 14:04:50 UTC *** (In reply to comment #5) > - We could make a lot of people happy by having an emoticon-selector add-on to > the recommended list. Is there one that works well enough to recommend? Mic > also had one in the works I think that looked good. This one is on a computer that is currently sent in for repair. No idea when I'll get it back :(
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-04-24 21:37:29 UTC *** (In reply to comment #5) > - We could make a lot of people happy by having an emoticon-selector add-on to > the recommended list. Is there one that works well enough to recommend? Mic > also had one in the works I think that looked good. Mic's Smile! is now ready :)
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-08-02 17:56:26 UTC *** aleth: Could you make a list (like Comment 4), but updated with any changes we've made to Instantbird / other add-ons that have been created? Once 1.2 is released, I'll push that live.
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-08-02 18:36:16 UTC *** Current List: > Reply to Nick (obsolete, will remove) > Vertical Tabs > Buddy status > Tab Complete (obsolete, will remove) > blackened (should we remove this? We need a dark message style) > Stratini Instant (not updated, will remove) > Show Nick Will Add: > Hide Auto Joins (essential add-ons that also exemplify single-feature add-ons) > Thunderbird Aero Smileys (people like emoticons, so let's recommend at least one set) > Minimal 2 > (or some other alternative message style satisfying the above criteria. > There are not that many.) > Smile! (people keep asking for this), > Ambiance, > Sort by Status,
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-08-02 20:16:24 UTC *** (In reply to comment #9) > > blackened (should we remove this? We need a dark message style) It's a less good variation of the built-in Dark style (overrides the font, nick colours are not supported, context messages look a bit odd in normal conversations) so until someone writes a good alternative dark style, I think we should not be recommending it. > Will Add: > > Hide Auto Joins (essential add-ons that also exemplify single-feature add-ons) > > Thunderbird Aero Smileys (people like emoticons, so let's recommend at least one set) That one isn't very popular it seems, alternatively one could recommend MacThemes2-smileys or Marten-Cute-Smileys or Skype-smileys, take your pick of the four ;) > > Minimal 2 > > (or some other alternative message style satisfying the above criteria. > > There are not that many.) > > Ambiance, One or the other or both? > > Smile! (people keep asking for this), > > Sort by Status,
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-08-07 21:52:08 UTC *** We should also check they are all marked compatible with 1.2...
*** Original post on bio 1070 at 2012-08-08 15:13:18 UTC *** Removed: Blackened Tab Complete Stratini Instant Reply To Nick Added: Ambiance Smile! Sort By Status Hide Auto Joins MacThemes2-smileys Minimal2 Kept: Show Nick Vertical Tabs Buddy Status MacThemes2-smileys isn't compatible with 1.2 (and neither is Ambiance), but I've added them for now. Perhaps someone could contact the authors (or try them and I'll just bump them).
Assignee: nobody → clokep
Closed: 11 years ago
Hardware: x86 → All
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 955785
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