Closed Bug 963686 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

b2g 1.3t branch support


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jcheng, Assigned: mozilla)




(5 files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #944100 +++ we need a tarako 1.3t branch similar to that of the 1.2f branch need a 1.3t gecko and a 1.3t gaia branch off the current 1.3 gecko/gaia branches please let me know if i am missing some details. thanks
Assignee: nobody → aki
Depends on: 963874
I'm skipping the gaia hg repo since a) I forgot about it and b) we're not doing desktop builds (or any builds) against 1.3t, so we don't need an hg gaia.
Attachment #8366839 - Flags: review?(hwine)
Attached patch repo-sync-toolsSplinter Review
Attachment #8366842 - Flags: review?(hwine)
Comment on attachment 8366842 [details] [diff] [review] repo-sync-tools Review of attachment 8366842 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- okay with correction or explanation ::: keep_updated @@ +79,5 @@ > +refs/heads/$g18_v110_hd_branch:refs/heads/v1.1.0hd \ > +refs/heads/$v12_branch:refs/heads/v1.2 \ > +refs/heads/$v12f_branch:refs/heads/v1.2f \ > +refs/heads/$v13_branch:refs/heads/v1.3 \ > + +refs/heads/$v12f_branch:refs/heads/v1.3t \ s/b $v13t_branch right?
Attachment #8366842 - Flags: review?(hwine) → review+
Attachment #8366839 - Flags: review?(hwine) → review+
Attachment #8366842 - Flags: checked-in+
Attached patch 1.3t-manifestsSplinter Review
Attachment #8366947 - Flags: review?(rail)
For posterity: python braindump/git-related/b2g-branching// -m b2g-manifest -b v1.3t -v --branch-order v1.3,master 2>&1 | tee log
2014-01-28 14:41:46,160 - WARNING - revision conflict in ['base-jb.xml', 'emulator.xml']. platform_build: existing rev v1.3, new v1.3 ['b2g-4.3_r2.1', 'v1.3'] 2014-01-28 14:41:46,216 - WARNING - revision conflict in ['peak.xml', 'tara.xml']. screencap-gonk: existing rev v1.3, new e6403c71e9eca8cb943739d5a0a192deac60fc51 ['v1.3', 'e6403c71e9eca8cb943739d5a0a192deac60fc51'] 2014-01-28 14:43:34,549 - WARNING - Not updating emulator-jb.xml's device_generic_goldfish revision (b2g-4.3_r2.1), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3. 2014-01-28 14:47:15,394 - WARNING - Not updating emulator-jb.xml's android-sdk revision (b2g-4.3_r2.1), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3. 2014-01-28 14:52:56,280 - WARNING - Not updating base-jb.xml's platform_build revision (b2g-4.3_r2.1), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3. 2014-01-28 14:52:59,403 - WARNING - Not updating emulator-jb.xml's platform_hardware_ril revision (b2g-jellybean), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3. 2014-01-28 14:59:36,499 - WARNING - Not updating emulator-jb.xml's platform_external_qemu revision (b2g-jellybean), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3. 2014-01-28 14:59:41,697 - WARNING - Not updating fugu.xml's orangutan revision (sprdroid4.0.3_vlx_3.0_b2g), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3. 2014-01-28 14:59:43,189 - WARNING - Not updating tara.xml's screencap-gonk revision (e6403c71e9eca8cb943739d5a0a192deac60fc51), because it is ponting to a revision different from our branchig point v1.3.
Attachment #8366947 - Flags: review?(rail) → review+
Attached patch gecko-v1.3tSplinter Review
Attachment #8366972 - Flags: review?(rail)
Attachment #8366972 - Flags: review?(rail) → review+
All set, other than making 1.3t level 1 commit access. Reopened bug 963874 for that.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attached patch beagle-1.3tSplinter Review
I keep finding things I've forgotten.
Attachment #8367046 - Flags: review?(hwine)
Comment on attachment 8367046 [details] [diff] [review] beagle-1.3t Review of attachment 8367046 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- lgtm
Attachment #8367046 - Flags: review?(hwine) → review+
in production
Component: General Automation → General
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