Closed Bug 966832 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[User story] Add video resolution to camera settings


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Camera, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: skasetti, Assigned: gjyothiprasad, NeedInfo)



(Whiteboard: [fxos:media])

User Story

1. As a user, I want to see video resolution in the settings menu of the camera
2. As a user, I want to be able to set the video resolution to the following values: HD 1280x720, QCGA 320x240 or QCIF 176x144


(1 obsolete file)

No description provided.
User Story: (updated)
Whiteboard: [fxos:media]
Prasad! Please check the user stories and update the current status.
Assignee: nobody → gjyothiprasad
Current status of Implementation: 1. Changing video profile based on the value selected from setting menu - Done and Tested 2. When video recording starts, preview size should be changed to the size of selected video profile and preview size should be change back to an earlier value when recording stopped - under progress
Blocks: 966764
Attached file Pointer to Pull Request.html (obsolete) —
Hi David, This patch if for changing video resolutions when options in settings menu is changed. Since this is work in progress patch, we did not include test codes.
Attachment #8379685 - Flags: review?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 8379685 [details] Pointer to Pull Request.html Asking Diego and Marcos for their feedback on this WIP as well.
Attachment #8379685 - Flags: feedback?(wilsonpage)
Attachment #8379685 - Flags: feedback?(dmarcos)
Diego and Wilson I mean :-)
We too have implemented this functionality. As this has always been marked as a Mozilla item, and is tightly coupled to the evolving settings framework, I suggest we use the Mozilla implementation.
Comment on attachment 8379685 [details] Pointer to Pull Request.html Clearing the review request based on comment #6
Attachment #8379685 - Flags: review?(dflanagan)
Comment on attachment 8379685 [details] Pointer to Pull Request.html This patch is now obsolete.
Attachment #8379685 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8379685 - Flags: feedback?(wilsonpage)
Attachment #8379685 - Flags: feedback?(dmarcos)
Diego, Update the bug with the right PR for David's review (it is under review as part of another bug)
Flags: needinfo?(dmarcos)
Whiteboard: [fxos:media] → [fxos:media] [Land on Branch ETA 3/7]
This is being implemented as part of bug 980599 (Currently under review)
Depends on: 980599
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
flagging for ux reviews - feature landed on "camera-new-features" branch only as 3/17
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Flags: needinfo?(amlee)
I'm not sure what the issue is - I'm syncing the "camera-new-features" branch, but I'm not seeing any resolution options in the settings menu.
We will need the patch to review the UI for resolution settings for this bug. Can you please attach it? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(amlee) → needinfo?(gjyothiprasad)
I'm looking at the dual-shutter branch in Hyunacho's repo. Please let me know if this is incorrect. My comments would be: - the title of the video resolution sub-menu should be title case (i.e. Video Resolution) - we should use a lower case x instead of the symbol that is being used (e.g. 2592x1944) Unless we are going to have more than one resolution, it seems odd to offer a menu for a single option.
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.4+
Whiteboard: [fxos:media] [Land on Branch ETA 3/7] → [fxos:media]
Nothing in this bug ever landed in the tree, so there is nothing here that needs to be uplifted to v1.4.
Removing the 1.4+ flag since there is nothing to uplift here.
blocking-b2g: 1.4+ → ---
Flags: needinfo?(dmarcos)
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