Closed Bug 968061 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[NFC][Gaia] window.confirm of sharable context


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Video, defect)

Not set


(blocking-b2g:2.0+, b2g-v2.0 fixed)

2.0 S1 (9may)
blocking-b2g 2.0+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.0 --- fixed


(Reporter: johnhu, Assigned: pdahiya)




(2 files)

Attached video VID_20140205_151712.mp4
We may use window.confirm to ask user the confirmation of a file deletion. What is the correct behavior in this case? STR: 1. open app and enter sharable context 2. tap delete button and find the confirmation dialog 3. touch two devices. If this is a correct behavior, please mark this bug as invalid. Thanks.
More detailed information for STR: 1. open video app 2. tap a video to play 3. tap delete button (confirmation dialog showed) 4. touch two devices (confirmation dialog shrinked)
ni? for Juwei for UX input.
Flags: needinfo?(jhuang)
Blocks: b2g-NFC-2.0
No longer blocks: b2g-NFC-2.0
Thank you John for the clear video record! As I said on bug 968057: If the device is not paired from the valid UI, shrinking UI would not be activated. So the confirmation dialog should not shrink when two devices tap together.
Flags: needinfo?(jhuang)
John, can you please take this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(johu)
ni? Koka for video app efforts.
blocking-b2g: --- → backlog
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
This is system app feature request exactly.
Component: NFC → Gaia::System::Window Mgmt
Flags: needinfo?(johu)
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
Greg, would you like to take this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Maybe you and me discuss these bugs offline first, is a better way to schedule these tasks, rather just continuously ask the same questions on Bugzilla.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Whiteboard: [systemfe]
Whiteboard: [systemfe]
With offline discussion we think this should be addressed in Video app -- Video app should prevent the NFC pairing from activate when there is a confirm dialog. Hema, could you find people in your team to address this?
Component: Gaia::System::Window Mgmt → Gaia::Video
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
blocking-b2g: backlog → 2.0+
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
djf, do you have time to look into this one?
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Looks like unfinished implementation work for NFC video sharing -- added it to the 2.0 work backlog for discussion during planning. CC'ing Sri as well Thanks Hema
Punam, Is this a bug you'd feel comfortable working on? We should disable NFC sharability when displaying the delete confirmation dialog. The same bug probably exists in the Gallery app as well. And we should consult with UX about what to do for other dialogs such as the info dialogs. Also, we should check what happens if we're in a sharable state and then plug the device in for a USB connection. If an "unplug your device" overlay is shown, we should be sure to leave the sharable state in that case as well.
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan) → needinfo?(pdahiya)
(In reply to Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (MoCo-TPE) (please ni?) from comment #9) > With offline discussion we think this should be addressed in Video app -- > Video app should prevent the NFC pairing from activate when there is a > confirm dialog. > > Hema, could you find people in your team to address this? I suspect system or gecko should just drop the nfc-ready event if there's an app-modal-dialog in current displayed app.
(In reply to Alive Kuo [:alive][NEEDINFO!][God bless Taiwan.] from comment #13) > I suspect system or gecko should just drop the nfc-ready event if there's an > app-modal-dialog in current displayed app. IMHO we should not enforce this in system -- an app can explicitly choose to use modal prompt as the screen for NFC sharing.
Assigning bug to myself to disable NFC sharability when displaying the delete confirmation dialog in video and gallery app. Will loop in UX on direction for how to handle NFC sharability with other app-modal-dialog such as info dialogs and "unplug your device" overlay in media apps.
Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Assignee: nobody → pdahiya
Target Milestone: --- → 2.0 S1 (9may)
Hi Tiffanie, As per comment #9, we should disable NFC sharability when displaying the delete confirmation dialog in gallery and video app. We need UI input on how to handle NFC sharability with other app-modal-dialog such as info dialogs and "unplug your device" overlay in media apps. Thanks Punam
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Hey guys - I'm going to include Juwei who is the designer for NFC to make sure we have consistency across all our apps.
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare) → needinfo?(jhuang)
Hi John Since you have worked on the initial NFC implementation in gallery and video, i am setting review flag for you. With this patch, inside gallery and video app, NFC sharing is disabled for delete confirm dialog and info view. I haven't touched overlays as i am not able to replicate this issue for overlays in gallery and video app. For nexus4, enable usb storage has a bug due to which unplug your device overlay is not being shown. I will follow up on that bug. Please review. Thanks Punam
Attachment #8415977 - Flags: review?(johu)
Confirmed with dhylands over IRC, Nexus 4 doesn't support UMS and 'memory card in use - unplug your device' overlay will not be seen for media apps on nexus4.
Tested with Flame, memory card in use overlay UI doesn't shrink on touching two NFC enabled devices.
Comment on attachment 8415977 [details] [review] PR with fix of disabling NFC sharing for Info and confirm delete dialog for gallery and video app Thanks for this patch. I didn't test it because I don't have workable device right now. But it should work from the view of code.
Attachment #8415977 - Flags: review?(johu) → review+
This bug blocks NFC 2.0 release.
Blocks: b2g-NFC-2.0
Thanks John for the review Juwei, Please confirm (comment #17) disabling NFC sharability when displaying the delete confirmation dialog and info dialog in gallery and video app is the desired experience from UX perspective. Thanks
Yes the gallery & video app should also disable NFC while under confirmation dialog.
Flags: needinfo?(jhuang)
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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