Closed Bug 971386 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[B2G][SMS] The wrong contact will be added to the SMS if another contact has the same phone number


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(b2g18 unaffected, b2g-v1.2 affected, b2g-v1.3 affected)

Tracking Status
b2g18 --- unaffected
b2g-v1.2 --- affected
b2g-v1.3 --- affected


(Reporter: KTucker, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: burirun1.3-3)


(2 files)

Attached video SMSWrongContact.mp4
Description: The wrong contact will be added to the "To:" field of the SMS if that contact has the same phone number as other saved contacts. Repro Steps: 1) Updated Buri to Build ID: 20140210004002 2) Create a contact with the first name "Adam", last name "Knight" and with the phone number "123456789". 3) Create another contact with the first name "Dave", last name "Rose" and with the same phone number "123456789". 4) Tap on the contact "Dave Rose" and tap on the message icon next to the phone number. 5) Observe what contact name is added to the "To:" field of the SMS. Actual: The wrong contact is added to the SMS "To:" field. The name that comes first in the alphabet that has the same phone number as the other contact appears instead. Expected: The contact that the user chose to send a SMS to appears correctly in the "To:" field of the SMS. Environmental Variables Device: Buri v 1.3.0 Mozilla RIL Build ID: 20140210004002 Gecko: Gaia: 5c8416fb1ea4a27f172ee6386ab3c19135448506 Platform Version: 28.0 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg Notes: Repro frequency: 100% See attached: video clip, logcat
This issue also occurs on the buri v 1.2.0 Mozilla RIL Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.2 MOZ BuildID: 20140210004002 Gaia: 539a25e1887b902b8b25038c547048e691bd97f6 Gecko: 2673f348598c Version: 26.0 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg The wrong contact will be added to the SMS if another contact has the same phone number.
We fetch contact information only by number in message app, and message saved in database contains no other information except number. It seems not possible to solve this issue without creating another database in message app. I'm afraid that we might not have a clear plan to implement this in the near future...
What happens on 1.1?
Keywords: qawanted
Steve: I may be wrong but I think we now get a full "contact" object from the activity, and maybe we can try to reuse it. That said, I thought we already did this ;)
Anyway, I wonder if it is a good thing to allow 2 contacts with same number at all. You probably don't want to do this. If you do so, what happens when you receive a sms from this number? A use case: A and B have number 123. - You send a sms to B. Let's say this bug is fixed. The sent sms is added to B's thread. - 123 replies (note that I didn't say A or B). But we have absolutely no ways to tell whom belongs this sms to. So it will be added to A's thread. Therefore, you are only moving the problem elsewhere. By the way, in 1.2, when you add another contact with the same number, it asks to merge both contacts. You can still bypass that though (in this case the thread takes the name of the first contact in alphabetic order), but that can solve some of this inconvenience. Btw, Steve, this might also be mitigated by bug #918970 because you would be redirected to the thread before sending the sms, and able to check the recipient before sending. This would make things clearer hopefully.
I think that in the current implementation we'd have a thread with a header "A (+1)", which is not ideal. Still, it's strange to select one contact and see another one. Note that Bug 918970 is only one part of the story, only when we are in contact and press the 'send sms' button. It doesn't handle the other part of the story: you're in the Messages app and you press the 'pick contact' button.
This does not repro on latest 1.1 Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.1 MOZ BuildID: 20140210041201 Gaia: c5cb252e5d1aa45d14f3a2ea182e73e2271e4496 Gecko: c29d165756ab Version: 18.0 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg
Keywords: qawanted
Keywords: regression
I'd argue this is minor because using a different person here within the same phone number context still gives the user a correct mapping of understanding a name --> phone number. The same phone number across multiple contacts definitely is realistic though (common for a family in a household). I think I've seen this bug before on Android though...
I would not be surprised if this would come from bug 900443. And that's "funny" because bug 900443 should have produced actually the opposite behavior.
Let's implement bug 912399 to fix this.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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