Closed Bug 972295 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[it] Mobile World Congress 2014 update on


( :: L10N, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pascalc, Assigned: flod)




Hi, Like last year, Mozilla will have a major goal of participating to the Mobile World Congress (, the annual meeting for all of the mobile industry, so as to present and promote Firefox OS to the mobile industry and potentially find partners to ship phones in more regions. This event is taking place from February 24 to February 27 in Barcelona. Ideally we would like to be ready to push the updated site a few days before, so February 21 is a good target date to have your site ready. In this context, we are updating several areas of to help us promote Firefox OS: - Content update to the page (including a separate file for the schedule of our conferences) - A promotional tile on the home page for the event - A promotional tile in tabzilla to promote the event - Translation of the new Firefox OS slogan for the industry (a separate bug is already filed for all locales) We are also likely to update a couple of strings in the days to come to so keep an eye on your web dashboard for new strings please ( We have now gathered all the different projects mentionned on a single demo server, here are the relevant urls: This demo server is currently password protected since we don't want it to be indexed by google and we want the messaging update there to remain non public until we are all ready to talk about it. I will send you by email the password. This is also why I am filing this bug as private. We will use this bug for your locale for all of the translation work and if you get into any visual issue (font problem, overlapping text...) please mention it in this bug so as flod and myself can can fix them rapidly. If you need help from other community members to work on this project or need another member of your l10n team to take the lead on this one, don't hesitate to CC them to the bug of course. Thanks!
Assignee: nobody → francesco.lodolo
I have already updated my local copy of via SVN, I'll translate all string as soon as possible (this eveninv).
I have translated all critical files. Now in the l10n feed remains 3 untranslated strings located in firefoxOS.lang. But I don't find this file: (I have added /s to be sure but it should be in the main directory) Sandro
Don't worry about that file, is write only and I'm going to update it as soon as we decide the slogans in the other bug.
Files are done, marking as fixed.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Group: mozilla-employee-confidential
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