Closed Bug 985247 Opened 11 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[meta] Add H.264 support to WebRTC on Firefox for Android


(Core :: WebRTC, task)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: mreavy, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

This is more complicated than it sounds. Adding H.264 hardware codec support is typically very hardware specific, so we will likely want to target certain hardware platforms and consider using Open264 for Android as fallback for the hardware platforms that we don't or can't support.
Blocks: 985248
Every android system supports libstagefright which has H/W encoder integration. Please double check android issues with ekr and adam.
Also we have bugs on this on file and also with patches.
(In reply to Andreas Gal :gal from comment #1) > Every android system supports libstagefright which has H/W encoder > integration. Please double check android issues with ekr and adam. I worked closely with Chris Double last year to bring H.264 decoding to Android via stagefright, and the solution was extremely device dependent. It worked great on some devices and not on others -- largely due to the fact that stagefright itself is buggy. I believe the situation has gotten better with newer hardware, but we shouldn't consider this a slam dunk.
Summary: Add H.264 support to WebRTC on Firefox for Android → [meta] Add H.264 support to WebRTC on Firefox for Android
A lot of problems with Android were due to OEM changes to the libstagefright API. We may or may not hit those when doing encoder support. The latest versions of Android are less problematic.
Keywords: meta
The meta keyword is there, the bug doesn't depend on other bugs and there is no activity for 12 months. :drno, maybe it's time to close this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(drno)

Looks like we need to re-prioritize this?

Flags: needinfo?(drno) → needinfo?(mreavy)

Hi Andreas & Adam - This dropped in priority when we stopped doing B2G work. Are WebRTC use cases important enough to Geckoview/etc to look at this again? If so, how important? (i.e. When do you think we'll need it?)

Flags: needinfo?(mreavy)
Flags: needinfo?(astevenson)
Flags: needinfo?(abovens)

For Firefox for Android, no.
For GeckoView, probably yes, but unsure about timing/importance.

Flags: needinfo?(abovens)
Flags: needinfo?(astevenson)
Type: defect → task

The meta keyword is there, the bug doesn't depend on other bugs and there is no activity for 12 months.
:dminor, maybe it's time to close this bug?

Flags: needinfo?(dminor)

We now have hardware encoding and decoding on Android due to the need to stop shipping openh264 there. If there's further work, we can always file a new bug.

Closed: 5 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(dminor)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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