Open Bug 990187 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[Form Autofill] Prompt users with list of available autofill profiles when they click in a form field


(Toolkit :: Form Autofill, defect)





(Reporter: sevaan, Unassigned)


(Depends on 2 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [story] [form autofill])

User Story

As a frequent online shopper, I want to be able to see a list of available autofill profiles when I click on a form field so that I can see if there is a profile I can use to fill out the form.

Acceptance Criteria:

- I can see a list of available form autofill profiles when I click on a form field.
- When clicking into an address field, the displayed profile list should prioritize the billing address when the field is part of a billing address form, and shipping address when the field if part of a shipping address form
- The list is no longer displayed if I click in a form field after I have selected and populated my form with an autofill profile.
- The list is no longer displayed if I have entered data into a form field that does not match any existing autofill profiles.
- The list is no longer displayed after I have filled out two form fields myself without selecting a profile.
As a user I want to be able to see a list of available autofill profiles when I click on a form field so that I can see if there is a profile I can use to fill out the form. Acceptance Criteria: - I can see a list of available form autofill profiles when I click on a form field. - The list is no longer displayed if I click in a form field after I have selected and populated my form with an autofill profile. - The list is no longer displayed if I have entered data into a form field that does not match any existing autofill profiles. - The list is no longer displayed after I have filled out two form fields myself without selecting a profile. Resources: - -
Whiteboard: [story] [form autofill]
Depends on: 990222
No longer blocks: fxdesktopbacklog
Flags: firefox-backlog+
User Story: (updated)
Component: General → Form Manager
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Depends on: 1300992
Depends on: 1300995
Depends on: 1330567
Component: Form Manager → Form Autofill
Depends on: 1429680
Severity: normal → S3
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