Closed Bug 991239 Opened 11 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Camera][Madai] Dual shutter camera - Long delay before video record starts


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Camera, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: amylee, Assigned: hyuna.cho82)



(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [c=effect p= s= u=madai] ux-tracking, visual design, jian [fxos:media])


(2 files)

Hi, There is a long delay between when you press video record and it turns red and when the recording actually starts. This was tested on the Nexus 4.
Blocks: 983405
No longer blocks: 971444
Assignee: nobody → hyuna.cho82
In the single shutter mode, the mode is changed by press switch mode button before recording. Before pressing the recording button, all configurations are ready. But need to set up all configurations in the dual shutter after pressing the recording button. When click the recording button, change the mode from camera to video and set the video configuration. After than start the recording in dual shutter mode. So it takes more time than the single shutter mode. I think it's a reasonable delay in the dual shutter.
Flags: needinfo?(amlee)
Hi Hyuna, I still think it's too long between when the recording button turns red and when the video actually records and it's confusing to the user because they don't know if the video is recording or not. Also I'm getting an error when I try to record a video. I've made a video of what I'm seeing. Password: camera2014
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82)
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Flags: needinfo?(amlee)
Amy is correct - the delay between pushing the record button and it actually starting to record (counter appears and starts counting) is WAY to long; I counted about a 6 second delay in Amy's video. Because of this delay, it's super confusing about what is going on and whether or not the recording has started. Further, if the user is trying to capture something quickly, this delay will mean that they may have missed the event or most of it - the UFO has already landed on the White House. A reasonable delay would be no more than 300 milliseconds. I think the delay is bad enough to propose this as a UX blocker.
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare) → needinfo?(hkoka)
This is a critical usability issue that interferes with a core use case of the camera. Users will expect recording to start almost immediately. If not addressed, this issue will generate a high level of user frustration, complaints and negative reviews.
Attached video VID_0001.3gp
I tested this in the latest version and my old version. The delay seems under 500ms in my nexus4. New version info I tested. gecko: 0cfd4fe15eecfb427ba03e3d79986432625ebafb gaia: I attached the video file. Could you share your test version?
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82)
Flags: needinfo?(amlee)
(In reply to hyuna.cho from comment #5) > Created attachment 8402419 [details] > VID_0001.3gp > > I tested this in the latest version and my old version. > The delay seems under 500ms in my nexus4. > > New version info I tested. > gecko: 0cfd4fe15eecfb427ba03e3d79986432625ebafb > gaia: > > I attached the video file. > > Could you share your test version? Hi Hyuna, I just flashed my Nexus 4 with your latest patch and the same delay and error happens. Software: Boot2Gecko Gaia: See link to video of what I am experiencing: Password: camera2014
Flags: needinfo?(amlee) → needinfo?(hyuna.cho82)
Amy's videos and Hyuna's video obviously show very different things, and something is clearly wrong with the software on Amy's phone. Obviously a 6 second delay between when the record button turns red and when the timer appears is not okay. But there is also something else obviously wrong at the end of the video where Amy can't stop the recording and then gets an error message. I don't know anything about the dual shutter button code and since it is not part of our tree, I don't think that Mozilla should be spending a lot of time on this. But if Hyuna is going to be able to address it, she needs to be able to reproduce the bug... Amy if you know how to capture the logcat output from your phone, perhaps you could attach that to this bug for Hyuna. Also, if there is anything out of the ordinary that you need to do to reproduce this, let Hyuna know. Do you see this bug if you reboot the phone, tap the camera icon and tap the record video button? Or do you do something else first? Amy: if you ever see anything like this in the 1.4 version of the camera, please do report that here or in a separate bug.
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
(In reply to David Flanagan [:djf] from comment #7) > Amy's videos and Hyuna's video obviously show very different things, and > something is clearly wrong with the software on Amy's phone. Obviously a 6 > second delay between when the record button turns red and when the timer > appears is not okay. But there is also something else obviously wrong at > the end of the video where Amy can't stop the recording and then gets an > error message. > > I don't know anything about the dual shutter button code and since it is not > part of our tree, I don't think that Mozilla should be spending a lot of > time on this. But if Hyuna is going to be able to address it, she needs to > be able to reproduce the bug... Amy if you know how to capture the logcat > output from your phone, perhaps you could attach that to this bug for Hyuna. > Also, if there is anything out of the ordinary that you need to do to > reproduce this, let Hyuna know. Do you see this bug if you reboot the > phone, tap the camera icon and tap the record video button? Or do you do > something else first? > > Amy: if you ever see anything like this in the 1.4 version of the camera, > please do report that here or in a separate bug. Hi David, The steps to reproduce bug is: 1. Open camera app from homescreen 2. Hit record video I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. I've never captured logcat output before. If I am provided with instructions I'm sure I can figure it out.
Youngjun, Please make sure this is addressed for the madai device (the dual shutter feature is madai specific and the changes for it are not going into the core mozilla branches) Thanks Hema
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
Flags: needinfo?(jjoons79)
Severity: normal → blocker
(In reply to Hema Koka [:hema] from comment #9) > Youngjun, > > Please make sure this is addressed for the madai device (the dual shutter > feature is madai specific and the changes for it are not going into the core > mozilla branches) > > Thanks > Hema I know. It's just for ux-review. We will not land our codes for dual shutter.
Flags: needinfo?(jjoons79)
Whiteboard: ux-tracking, visual design, jian [fxos:media] → ux-tracking, visual design, jian [fxos:media] [c= p= s= u=]
Severity: blocker → normal
Keywords: perf
Whiteboard: ux-tracking, visual design, jian [fxos:media] [c= p= s= u=] → [c=effect p= s= u=madai] ux-tracking, visual design, jian [fxos:media]
Please check this with the latest version. If you reproduce this, attach the log after enable debug message Other Mozilla engineers can help you to get log.
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82) → needinfo?(amlee)
(In reply to hyuna.cho from comment #11) > Please check this with the latest version. > > > If you reproduce this, attach the log after enable debug message > Other Mozilla engineers can help you to get log. Tiff can you check this as well since it's interaction. Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(amlee) → needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Hi there! Amy and I both tried installing this patch separately, but we seem to be just getting a black screen when launching the camera. Would you mind double checking? Thanks! (In reply to hyuna.cho from comment #11) > Please check this with the latest version. > > > If you reproduce this, attach the log after enable debug message > Other Mozilla engineers can help you to get log.
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82)
Could you share your build information and log? It's my build information on Nexus 4. Gaia: 491cbcec7ae4b95625d7b3bc98a509b24c2ba360 Gecko: de552d3ac3c35821a1a6027b729ce8371e239d97 And then reinstall this patch -
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82)
Hey Hyuna - please bear with Amy and I; we aren't developers. How/where do I find the build information and log? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82)
Attached file log.pdf
Hello again - I asked another dev for some help... I updated Gaia/Gecko today and have this info in terminal. I don't know how this corresponds to your build info. I am also on a Nexus 4. Gaia 1e0574b8f6b8a2a8d9d468878ce2b4c283fc9a84 Gecko BuildID 20140508040203 Version 32.0a1 I attached the log file. Pretty much I turned the phone on, unlocked, launched the camera app, waited, pressed home, turned off the phone. Same result as yesterday - black screen.
Hi, Diego, I can't reproduce the black screen after updating nexus4 version. My step: 1. I built and updated version Gaia - 15ac34804eb8b3c9b2582d7cf754c57e23182df6 Gecko - ee0a788293ff7af41f94f97ff7ed22f14a7b6059 2. replace camera app only (It's same way with Tiffanie) 3. re-install all gaia apps Could you help to check this? 1. I found one error message in the attached log file. E/GeckoConsole( 840): [JavaScript Error: "Error: Load failed: config: app://" {file: "app://" line: 842}] - Do you know why this error message happen? 2. Could you flash my branch version? I know we should flash all gaia apps when change permission items in manifest.webapp. Our camera app changed the permission value due to geo tagging feature for madai. Please install and check camera app works. Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(hyuna.cho82) → needinfo?(dmarcos)
Flags: needinfo?(dmarcos)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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