Closed Bug 991708 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Firefox window flickers when repainting


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

30 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: kael, Unassigned)


For the past few weeks on the Aurora branch, windows get into a bad state where every time they repaint, they flicker noticeably. Last night I had one get hosed such that when I started watching a video, every frame would be preceded by a visible frame of pure black, making it unwatchable. Killing and restarting FF fixed that. Now I came back to my PC after letting it run for the evening and one of my other windows is flickering whenever it repaints, while the window I'm using to submit this bug is fine. Has anything landed recently when it comes to hwaccel that I could fiddle with to try and narrow this down or figure out how to reproduce it reliably? URL points to a video recording of the window that demonstrates the flickering. (You can see a tiny bit of it on the tabs when I swipe the mouse over them, and the extensive black flickering when I resize the window.) Other windows in this same FF process don't exhibit any of the same symptoms. I would say I definitely didn't have this problem 2 months ago and I don't think I saw it a month ago either, but it's possible I've been overlooking it since it doesn't seem to happen with brand-new FF processes. I'm running W7 64 using a GTX 670 as my video card. Latest drivers. -- about:support: Application Basics ------------------ Name: Firefox Version: 30.0a2 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0 Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days --------------------------------- All Crash Reports Extensions ---------- Name: Adblock Plus Version: 2.5.1 Enabled: true ID: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d} Name: Lazarus: Form Recovery Version: 2.3 Enabled: true ID: Name: NoScript Version: Enabled: true ID: {73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232} Name: Rikaichan Version: 2.07 Enabled: true ID: {0AA9101C-D3C1-4129-A9B7-D778C6A17F82} Name: Rikaichan Japanese-English Dictionary File Version: 2.01.130701 Enabled: true ID: Name: about:telemetry Version: 0.14 Enabled: false ID: Name: checkCompatibility Version: 1.3 Enabled: false ID: Name: Cookies Manager+ Version: 1.5.2 Enabled: false ID: {bb6bc1bb-f824-4702-90cd-35e2fb24f25d} Name: Default Full Zoom Level Version: 6.0.2 Enabled: false ID: 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1 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_paper_height: 11.00 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_paper_name: print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_paper_size_type: 0 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_paper_size_unit: 0 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_paper_width: 8.50 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_plex_name: print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_resolution: 6619254 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_resolution_name: print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_reversed: false print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_scaling: 1.00 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_shrink_to_fit: true print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_to_file: false print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom: 0 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_unwriteable_margin_left: 0 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_unwriteable_margin_right: 0 print.printer_Canon_MP495_series_Printer.print_unwriteable_margin_top: 0 privacy.cpd.cookies: false privacy.cpd.downloads: false privacy.cpd.formdata: false privacy.cpd.history: false privacy.cpd.sessions: false privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs: true privacy.sanitize.timeSpan: 0 security.tls.version.max: 1 security.warn_viewing_mixed: false storage.vacuum.last.index: 1 storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite: 1394196273 webgl.verbose: true Graphics -------- Adapter Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 Adapter Drivers: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um Adapter RAM: 2048 Device ID: 0x1189 Direct2D Enabled: true DirectWrite Enabled: true (6.2.9200.16571) Driver Date: 3-4-2014 Driver Version: GPU #2 Active: false GPU Accelerated Windows: 3/4 Direct3D 10 Vendor ID: 0x10de WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0) windowLayerManagerRemote: false AzureCanvasBackend: direct2d AzureContentBackend: direct2d AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0 JavaScript ---------- Incremental GC: true Accessibility ------------- Activated: false Prevent Accessibility: 0 Library Versions ---------------- NSPR Expected minimum version: 4.10.4 Version in use: 4.10.4 NSS Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC NSSSMIME Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC NSSSSL Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC NSSUTIL Expected minimum version: 3.16 Version in use: 3.16
I just noticed that about:support said 'GPU Accelerated Windows: 3/4'. I closed the flickery window and it dropped to '3/3' and then reopening that window from History brought it up to '4/4'. So it seems like the window lost its hardware accelerated status sometime after it was opened, and from then on any attempt to repaint it produced visible flicker.
Could this be the same as bug 988862 ?
(In reply to Elbart from comment #2) > Could this be the same as bug 988862 ? Looks pretty similar.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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