Name | Description | Active | Open Bugs | Total Bugs |
64bit | Porting issues specific to 64-bit platforms. | Yes | Search | 466 |
access | Bugs and enhancement requests related to making Firefox accessible to users with disabilities and special needs. | Yes | Search | 8391 |
addon-compat | Used to indicate bugs which may affect compatibility of extensions or external code developed earlier in a cycle. | Yes | Search | 1264 |
APIchange | For flagging changes in APIs. | Yes | Search | 75 |
arch | Firefox architecture issues: API cleanup, module restructuring and redesign, platform coherency. | Yes | Search | 742 |
assertion | A bug that triggers an assertion. | Yes | Search | 15419 |
ateam-b2g-big | Bugs related to large A*Team B2G tasks | No | Search | 1 |
ateam-b2g-device-big | Bugs related to large A*Team B2G on-device tasks | No | Search | 5 |
ateam-b2g-device-goal | Bugs related to A*Team B2G on-device goals | No | Search | 2 |
ateam-b2g-device-task | Bugs related to smaller A*Team B2G on-device tasks | No | Search | 5 |
ateam-b2g-goal | Bugs related to A*Team B2G goals | No | none | none |
ateam-b2g-perf-big | Bugs related to large A*Team B2G performance tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-b2g-perf-goal | Bugs related to A*Team B2G performance goals | No | none | none |
ateam-b2g-perf-task | Bugs related to smaller A*Team B2G performance tasks | No | Search | 4 |
ateam-b2g-task | Bugs related to smaller A*Team B2G tasks | No | Search | 12 |
ateam-community-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team community tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-community-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team community goals | No | Search | 3 |
ateam-community-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team community tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-datazilla-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team datazilla tasks | No | Search | 1 |
ateam-datazilla-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team datazilla goals | No | none | none |
ateam-datazilla-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team datazilla tasks | No | Search | 3 |
ateam-desktop-perf-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team desktop performance tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-desktop-perf-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team desktop performance goals | No | Search | 2 |
ateam-desktop-perf-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team desktop performance tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-mobile-big | Disabled: Bugs related to larger A*Team mobile tasks | No | Search | 1 |
ateam-mobile-goal | Bugs related to A*Team mobile goals | No | none | none |
ateam-mobile-perf-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team mobile performance tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-mobile-perf-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team mobile performance goals | No | none | none |
ateam-mobile-perf-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team mobile performance tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-mobile-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team mobile tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-perf-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team performance tasks | No | none | none |
ateam-perf-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team performance goals | No | none | none |
ateam-perf-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team performance tasks | No | Search | 1 |
ateam-summer-of-contribution | Disabled: Bugs related to the ateam summer of contribution initiative | No | Search | 19 |
ateam-talos-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team talos tasks | No | Search | 2 |
ateam-talos-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team talos goals | No | none | none |
ateam-talos-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team talos tasks | No | Search | 11 |
ateam-unittests-big | Disabled: Bugs related to large A*Team unittests tasks | No | Search | 3 |
ateam-unittests-goal | Disabled: Bugs related to A*Team unittests goals | No | Search | 1 |
ateam-unittests-task | Disabled: Bugs related to smaller A*Team unittests tasks | No | Search | 5 |
autoland | Triggers the autolander robot to land a patch or github pull request. Must be used on patches attached by autolander. | Yes | Search | 7 |
autonag-ignore | Bugs with this keyword will be ignored by the autonag bot. | Yes | Search | 1 |
autotest-issue | A bug whose presence materially impedes development or deployment of automated tests, or a capability whose addition would materially improve such. A bug marked with this keyword should Block at least one bug describing a relevant test affected by this bug. | Yes | Search | 44 |
b2g-testdriver | bugs filed by participants in the B2G Test Driver pre-release testing program | No | Search | 738 |
backlog-deferred | Untriaged bugs moved to backlog (P3) to reduce noise in remaining untriaged bugs. Remove this keyword when revisiting these bugs. ECH - 2017-09-22 | Yes | Search | 33 |
blocked-ux | This bug is blocked on UX work. Note that the UX team may not monitor this keyword. | Yes | Search | 385 |
bmo-big | team request taking more than one day. | Yes | Search | 23 |
bmo-bug-quality | Bugs related to improving the quality of bugs filled in bmo. See :emceeaich for more information. | Yes | Search | 16 |
bmo-elasticsearch | Bugs related to Elasticsearch on | Yes | none | none |
bmo-goal | team quarterly goal | Yes | Search | 42 |
bmo-needs-script | For bugs that can't be done without a script | Yes | Search | 5 |
bmo-on-deck | Current Quarter BMO Work Aggreed-to But Not Undertaken Yet | Yes | Search | 2 |
bmo-small | team request taking no more than two days. | Yes | Search | 30 |
bmo-ui-newbug | bugs related to the new-bug UI | Yes | Search | 21 |
bmo-ux | For bugs relating to the "Bugzilla Quantum" initiative | Yes | Search | 81 |
branch-patch-needed | Bugs where a release is blocked on a branch-specific patch being created. | Yes | Search | 18 |
bugmon | Indicates the bug was created by the JavaScript fuzzers and is used by the fuzzers to track those bugs. | Yes | Search | 1072 |
bugzilla-rfc | Bugzilla Request For Comments | Yes | Search | 1 |
bugzilla-search | Search-related bugzilla and bmo bugs and enhancements. | Yes | Search | 5 |
bugzilla-triaged | Bugs affecting upstream Bugzilla that have been triaged. | Yes | Search | 1 |
buildapi | For bugs related to Release Engineering's Buildbot BuildAPI (more info) | Yes | Search | 135 |
bulk-close-intermittents | Used to indicate intermittent test failure bugs which have been closed because of lack of new activity. | Yes | Search | 6521 |
calendar-integration | Used for Thunderbird bugs that would have benefit for calendar (i.e., adding ids, great features that would improve user experience) | Yes | Search | 46 |
cert-waiver | Bugs that have been waived from past certification test cycles for Firefox OS. | No | Search | 4 |
checkin-needed | Keyword to use to get a patch checked in, if you can't check it in yourself. The default assumption should be trunk; if something different is needed, special checkin instructions should go in the status whiteboard. Please make sure that the patch follows the guidelines. Please note that checkin-needed isn't an automated process. | No | none | none |
checkin-needed-tb | Keyword searched on by the Thunderbird team to use to have your patch checked in, if you can't check it in yourself. The default assumption should be trunk; if something different is needed, special checkin instructions should go in the status whiteboard. Make sure your patch adheres to the Maildev team's guidelines. Do not use for Phabricator patches, or Firefox patches |
Yes | Search | 4 |
china-p1 | Top priority issues for Mozilla China | No | Search | 5 |
china-p2 | High priority issues for Mozilla China | No | Search | 8 |
cisco-spark | Cisco Spark related bug report. | Yes | Search | 20 |
clang-analyzer | For bugs discovered using the Clang analyzer (or scan-build) tools. | Yes | Search | 45 |
classic | For bugs which happen only with the SeaMonkey Classic theme. | Yes | Search | 461 |
clownshoes | Deleted: This is why we can't have nice things. | No | Search | 8 |
common-issue- | For issues that we aren't seeing frequently in our regular support channels. | No | Search | 27 |
common-issue? | This is used for bugs that are frequently duped on bugzilla to get the support team attention or for things coming down the pipeline. | No | Search | 14 |
common-issue+ | For issues that are commonly seen in support and we will decide if more QA is needed or documentation is needed or if the developers should be alerted. | No | Search | 63 |
compat | Not a bug, but something so commonly misused on the internet that we should provide a work-around for it. i.e., we do it right, but older browsers get it wrong. | Yes | Search | 621 |
conduit-backlog | Conduit backlog | No | Search | 36 |
conduit-story | Conduit user story | No | Search | 93 |
conduit-triaged | Triaged Conduit bugs | Yes | Search | 1518 |
conduit-upstream | Upstream issue | Yes | Search | 127 |
conduit-upstream-fixed | Issue fixed in upstream Phabricator. | Yes | Search | 3 |
conduit-upstream-pending | Upstream Phabricator issue which Phacility plans on fixing | Yes | Search | 6 |
conversion | Use this keyword to identify bugs which get in the way of public adoption of Firefox. | Yes | Search | 68 |
correctness | A bug where we don't get the correct numerical/graphical/etc results (may or may not be regression). | Yes | Search | 464 |
coverity | For bugs discovered using the Coverity tools. | Yes | Search | 1425 |
crash | A Critical Severity bug which causes a crash. | Yes | Search | 69991 |
crashreportid | This keyword is added to bugs that have a crash report ID Socorro) reported and which need that stack trace recovered and added to the bug. | Yes | Search | 473 |
csectype-bounds | client security issues due to incorrect boundary conditions (read or write) | Yes | Search | 934 |
csectype-clickjacking | client security issues due to techniques that cause a user to unintentionally click or tap on a browser control, either by obscuring the true target of the click or by causing the target to appear by surprise on top of the item the user intended to click on. | Yes | Search | 87 |
csectype-disclosure | Disclosure of sensitive user data, personal information, etc in a client product. | Yes | Search | 405 |
csectype-dos | Used to tag client Denial of Service bugs. For web server denial of service bugs please use wsec-dos as these tend to be more severe. | Yes | Search | 611 |
csectype-framepoisoning | A crash cause by dereferencing a poisoned (deleted) frame, presumed to be limited to a Denial of Service. | Yes | Search | 128 |
csectype-intoverflow | client security issues due to integer overflow | Yes | Search | 172 |
csectype-jit | client security bugs due to JIT (mis)compilation | Yes | Search | 34 |
csectype-nullptr | crashes that are due to a guaranteed null dereference. Note that some crashes near zero have a content-controlled offset and should not be given this keyword. | Yes | Search | 391 |
csectype-oom | A client crash or hang that occurs in Out Of Memory conditions | Yes | Search | 133 |
csectype-other | client security issues that don't fit into other categories | Yes | Search | 123 |
csectype-priv-escalation | client privilege escalation security issues | Yes | Search | 324 |
csectype-race | Client security problem due to a race condition | Yes | Search | 568 |
csectype-sandbox-escape | client sandbox escape security issues | Yes | Search | 123 |
csectype-side-channel | Disclosure of sensitive information or state through side-effects (typically, timing) | Yes | Search | 8 |
csectype-sop | violations of the client Same Origin Policy (Universal-XSS bugs, for example). | Yes | Search | 174 |
csectype-spoof | client security issues due to UI Redress attacks or manipulation of the browser UI to fool users into taking the wrong action, excluding "clickjacking" type attacks | Yes | Search | 812 |
csectype-uaf | client security issues due to a use-after-free | Yes | Search | 2624 |
csectype-undefined | Bugs--or potential bugs--due to undefined compiler behavior. | Yes | Search | 253 |
csectype-uninitialized | client security issues due to use of uninitialized memory | Yes | Search | 198 |
csectype-wildptr | client security issues due to pointer misuse not otherwise covered (see csec-uaf, csec-uninitialized, csec-intoverflow, csec-bounds) | Yes | Search | 316 |
css-moz | Bug in Gecko CSS extensions (or missing but required feature). Gecko also implements a few extensions to CSS which we have needed for our themes. | Yes | Search | 158 |
css1 | Bug in support for CSS1 properties (or missing but required feature), i.e. CSS properties that were first introduced as part of the Cascading Style Sheets, level 1 specification. (Note that CSS2 changed the specification for a few of these properties, so where there are differences, Firefox will support the CSS2 interpretation of CSS1.) See: | Yes | Search | 572 |
css2 | Bug in support for CSS2 properties (or missing but required feature), i.e. CSS properties that were first introduced as part of the Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 specification. (Includes CSS positioning properties.) See: | Yes | Search | 715 |
css3 | Bug in support for CSS3 properties , i.e. CSS properties that were first introduced as part of the Cascading Style Sheets, level 3 specifications. CSS3 is currently under development (i.e. experimental). Current updates at: Note that these specifications are still at the DRAFT stage. |
Yes | Search | 513 |
dataloss | For bugs that do not crash, but do cause critical data loss. | Yes | Search | 3724 |
DBI-cust-Business | Disabled: Data & BI work for Business Development | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-CloudServices | Disabled: Data & BI work for Cloud Services | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-EngagementAndMarketing | Disabled: Data & BI work for Engagement and Marketing | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-Finance | Disabled: Data & BI work for Finance | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-Firefox | Disabled: Data & BI work for Firefox | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-FirefoxOS | Data & BI work for FirefoxOS | No | Search | 1 |
DBI-cust-Foundation | Disabled: Data & BI work for Foundation | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-InsightsAndStrategy | Disabled: Data & BI work for Insights and Strategy | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-IT | Disabled: Data & BI work for IT | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-Labs | Disabled: Data & BI work for Labs | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-Legal | Disabled: Data & BI work for Legal | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-Marketplace | Disabled: Data & BI work for Marketplace | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-People | Disabled: Data & BI work for People | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-Platform | Disabled: Data & BI work for Platform | No | none | none |
DBI-cust-SUMO | Disabled: Data & BI work for SUMO | No | none | none |
deferred | The work on this bug is deferred until later. | Yes | none | none |
design-needed | Used to flag a bug that needs UI design help. | Yes | Search | 26 |
dev-doc-complete | Developer documentation has been created for this bug. | Yes | Search | 6271 |
dev-doc-needed | Developer documentation is required for the changes in this bug. | Yes | Search | 2919 |
DevAdvocacy | Bugs and enhancement requests based on Web developer feedback. | Yes | Search | 369 |
devrel-needed | Bug requires Developer Relations to prioritize and evangelize new features to third party developers. | Yes | Search | 11 |
devtools-perf-regression | Keyword for bugs created due to devtools performance test alerts. | Yes | Search | 41 |
devtools-reload | Developer used the DevTools Reload system when developing the fix for this bug | Yes | Search | 4 |
do-not-track | Exclude this bug from Release Tracking queries/attention. | Yes | none | none |
doc-bug-filed | Once a documentation bug has been filed to request documentation for a developer-facing change, change the original bug to have this keyword and block the documentation bug. | Yes | Search | 46 |
dogfood | The keyword is used to mark a bug which prevents use of the product by Firefox developers (breaks Bugzilla, Taskcluster, Phabricator, and other developer tools). | Yes | Search | 796 |
dom0 | Bug in our DOM Level 0 support. Bugs with this keyword should generally be in the DOM Level 0 component. There is no official DOM0 specification. | Yes | Search | 225 |
dom1 | RFE for or bug in a feature of the DOM that was introduced in DOM Level 1. See: | Yes | Search | 133 |
dom2 | RFE for or bug in a feature of the DOM that was introduced in DOM Level 2. See: |
Yes | Search | 163 |
dpi | Problems occur at higher or unconventional DPI. | Yes | Search | 31 |
drupal-admin-fixable | Disabled: For Drupal-powered websites where fixes can be made with the web administrative UI instead of via code fixes to SVN. | No | Search | 17 |
drupal-module | Disabled: Module-related problem with a Drupal-powered website | No | Search | 31 |
drupal-theme | Disabled: Theme-related problem with a Drupal-powered website | No | Search | 12 |
drupal-upgrade | Disabled: Bugs relating to the upgrade of a Drupal module or theme | No | Search | 4 |
dupeme | This is likely a duplicate bugreport, but we have too many bugs for us to quickly find the original. Please help keep bugzilla sane by reuniting this bug with its previously-filed original! | Yes | Search | 915 |
ecommerce | Use this keyword to track technical and evangelism work that is needed to get Firefox working well with financial and commerce sites. | Yes | Search | 223 |
embed | For bugs which are blockers for embedding developmental work. | Yes | Search | 499 |
enterprise | Bugs that impact adoption of Firefox in the enterprise space. | Yes | Search | 116 |
event-discussion-needs-final-approval | Discussions about Mozilla participation in an event that need final approval. | Yes | none | none |
event-discussion-needs-review | Discussions about Mozilla participation in an event that are ready to begin. | Yes | Search | 78 |
event-discussion-no-further-action | Discussions about Mozilla participation in an event that require no further action. | Yes | Search | 1 |
event-discussion-pending-additional-information | Discussions about Mozilla participation in an event that need further information. | Yes | none | none |
event-discussion-pending-fulfilment | Discussions about Mozilla participation in an event that still needs fulfillment. | Yes | none | none |
event-discussion-pre-approved-needs-final-approval | Discussions about Mozilla participation in an event that are preliminarily approved, but that need final approval. | Yes | Search | 1 |
event-request-no-further-action | Requests for Mozilla to participate in an event that require no further action. | Yes | Search | 1 |
event-request-pending-fulfilment | Requests for Mozilla to participate in an event that are pending fulfillment. | Yes | none | none |
event-request-under-review | Requests for Mozilla to participate in an event that are under review. | Yes | Search | 941 |
example-needed | Disabled: Bug requires a simple, concise code example to demonstrate new feature usage (see guidelines). | No | none | none |
feature | Disabled:, was used to flag feature work, major code changes, and any web compatibility/addon/plugin changes to populate | No | Search | 2569 |
feature-testing-meta | A feature metabug tracked by QA. | Yes | Search | 77 |
felt-performance | Issues which cover the subjective measure of website performance, responsiveness, and reliability | Yes | none | none |
fixed-aviary1.0 | use this keyword to flag a bug as having been fixed on the Aviary 1.0 branch. | No | Search | 1227 |
fixed-aviary1.0.1 | this bug has been fixed for the firefox and thunderbird 1.0.1 release. | No | Search | 82 |
fixed-aviary1.0.2 | This bug was fixed for the aviary 1.0.2 releases | No | Search | 14 |
fixed-aviary1.0.3 | fixed for 1.0.3 | No | Search | 32 |
fixed-aviary1.0.4 | for tagging bugs fixed for Firefox or Thunderbird 1.0.4 | No | Search | 14 |
fixed-aviary1.0.5 | for bugs fixed on the aviary branch for 1.0.5 | No | Search | 65 |
fixed-aviary1.0.6 | for bugs fixed on the aviary branch for 1.0.6 | No | Search | 4 |
fixed-aviary1.0.7 | for bugs fixed in 1.0.7 | No | Search | 19 |
fixed-aviary1.0.8 | for bugs fixed in fixed-aviary1.0.8 | No | Search | 19 |
fixed-aviary1.0.9 | for bugs fixed in aviary1.0.9 | No | none | none |
fixed-seamonkey1.0 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 58 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.1 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.1 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 9 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.10 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.10 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | none | none |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.2 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.2 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 4 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.3 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.3 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.5 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.5 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.6 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.6 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.7 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.7 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.8 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.8 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 4 |
fixed-seamonkey1.0.9 | For bugs fixed in the 1.0.9 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH. | No | Search | 3 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 51 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.1 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.1 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 29 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.10 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.10 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 6 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.11 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.11 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.12 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.12 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | none | none |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.13 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.13 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.14 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.14 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.15 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.15 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 3 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.16 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.16 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.17 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.17 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 3 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.18 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.18 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.19 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.19 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.2 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.2 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 15 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.3 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.3 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 6 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.4 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.4 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.5 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.5 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 6 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.6 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.6 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | none | none |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.7 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.7 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 8 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.8 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.8 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 13 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1.9 | For bugs fixed in the 1.1.9 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1a | For bugs fixed in the 1.1a release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 175 |
fixed-seamonkey1.1b | For bugs fixed in the 1.1b release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH. | No | Search | 66 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 178 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.1 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.1 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 67 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.10 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.10 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.11 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.11 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.12 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.12 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 6 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.13 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.13 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.14 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.14 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.15 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.15 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | none | none |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.2 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.2 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.3 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.3 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 68 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.4 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.4 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 41 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.5 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.5 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 13 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.6 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.6 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 13 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.7 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.7 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.8 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.8 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 3 |
fixed-seamonkey2.0.9 | For bugs fixed in the 2.0.9 release of SeaMonkey off the MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed1.4 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.4 branch for the 1.4 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.4 branch and adding the 'verified1.4' keyword. | No | Search | 55 |
fixed1.4.1 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.4 branch for the 1.4.1 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.4 branch and adding the 'verified1.4' keyword. | No | Search | 96 |
fixed1.4.2 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.4 branch for the 1.4.2 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.4 branch and adding the 'verified1.4.2' keyword. | No | Search | 72 |
fixed1.4.3 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.4 branch for the 1.4.3 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.4 branch and adding the 'verified1.4.3' keyword. | No | Search | 29 |
fixed1.4.4 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.4 branch for the 1.4.4 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.4 branch and adding the 'verified1.4.4' keyword. | No | Search | 12 |
fixed1.4.5 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.4 branch for the 1.4.5 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.4 branch and adding the 'verified1.4.5' keyword. | No | Search | 6 |
fixed1.5 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.5 branch for the 1.5 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.5 branch and adding the 'verified1.5' keyword. | No | Search | 53 |
fixed1.6 | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the 1.6 branch for the 1.6 release. QA will do branch verification of bugs with this keyword by testing the 1.6 branch and adding the 'verified1.6' keyword. | No | Search | 21 |
fixed1.7 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.7 release. | No | Search | 249 |
fixed1.7.10 | for bugs fixed in 1.7.10 | No | Search | 4 |
fixed1.7.11 | for bugs fixed in 1.7.11 | No | Search | 3 |
fixed1.7.12 | for bugs fixed in 1.7.12 | No | Search | 19 |
fixed1.7.13 | for bugs fixed in 1.7.13 | No | Search | 43 |
fixed1.7.14 | for bugs fixed in 1.7.14 | No | none | none |
fixed1.7.2 | This keyword is used to note that the bug has been fixed on the mini branch for 1.7.2. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed1.7.3 | This keyword is used to note that the bug has been fixed on the mini branch for 1.7.3. | No | Search | 8 |
fixed1.7.5 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.7 branch for 1.7.5. | No | Search | 286 |
fixed1.7.6 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.7 branch for 1.7.6. | No | Search | 93 |
fixed1.7.7 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.7 branch for 1.7.7. | No | Search | 25 |
fixed1.7.8 | for tagging bugs that have been fixed for 1.7.8 | No | Search | 12 |
fixed1.7.9 | for bugs fixed in 1.7.9 | No | Search | 54 |
fixed1.8 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.8 release. | No | Search | 1246 |
fixed1.8.0.1 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 97 |
fixed1.8.0.10 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 53 |
fixed1.8.0.11 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 1 |
fixed1.8.0.12 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 112 |
fixed1.8.0.13 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 52 |
fixed1.8.0.14 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the | No | Search | 19 |
fixed1.8.0.15 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 71 |
fixed1.8.0.2 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 162 |
fixed1.8.0.3 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 2 |
fixed1.8.0.4 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 168 |
fixed1.8.0.5 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 111 |
fixed1.8.0.6 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | none | none |
fixed1.8.0.7 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 68 |
fixed1.8.0.8 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 74 |
fixed1.8.0.9 | for resolving bugs as fixed for the release | No | Search | 43 |
fixed1.8.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.8.1 release. | No | Search | 3493 |
fixed1.8.1.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 357 |
fixed1.8.1.10 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 50 |
fixed1.8.1.11 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 1 |
fixed1.8.1.12 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 174 |
fixed1.8.1.13 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 82 |
fixed1.8.1.14 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the release. | No | Search | 5 |
fixed1.8.1.15 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the release. | No | Search | 64 |
fixed1.8.1.16 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the release. | No | Search | 3 |
fixed1.8.1.17 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the release. | No | Search | 43 |
fixed1.8.1.18 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the release. | No | Search | 20 |
fixed1.8.1.19 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the release. | No | Search | 15 |
fixed1.8.1.2 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 184 |
fixed1.8.1.20 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the milestone. | No | none | none |
fixed1.8.1.21 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the milestone. | No | Search | 32 |
fixed1.8.1.22 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the milestone. | No | Search | 33 |
fixed1.8.1.23 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the milestone. | No | Search | 13 |
fixed1.8.1.24 | This keyword marks a bug as resolved FIXED for the milestone. | No | Search | 34 |
fixed1.8.1.3 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 86 |
fixed1.8.1.4 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 228 |
fixed1.8.1.5 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 122 |
fixed1.8.1.6 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 7 |
fixed1.8.1.7 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed1.8.1.8 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 113 |
fixed1.8.1.9 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 3 |
fixed1.9.0 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.9.0 release. This keyword is required to simplify branch-management queries. | No | Search | 2 |
fixed1.9.0.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 44 |
fixed1.9.0.10 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | none | none |
fixed1.9.0.11 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 29 |
fixed1.9.0.12 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 45 |
fixed1.9.0.13 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 4 |
fixed1.9.0.14 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 22 |
fixed1.9.0.15 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 18 |
fixed1.9.0.16 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 17 |
fixed1.9.0.17 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | none | none |
fixed1.9.0.18 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 20 |
fixed1.9.0.19 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 6 |
fixed1.9.0.2 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 121 |
fixed1.9.0.20 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 24 |
fixed1.9.0.3 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | none | none |
fixed1.9.0.4 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 53 |
fixed1.9.0.5 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 45 |
fixed1.9.0.6 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 20 |
fixed1.9.0.7 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 20 |
fixed1.9.0.8 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | none | none |
fixed1.9.0.9 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 14 |
fixed1.9.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the 1.9.1 release. | No | Search | 1812 |
fixed1.9.1.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been fixed for the release. | No | Search | 5 |
fixedOEM | Use this keyword when you check in a fix to the oem branch (to be named later). QA will verify bugs with this keyword by replacing it with 'verifiedOEM' keyword. | Yes | Search | 63 |
flashplayer | For bugs affecting flashplayer | Yes | Search | 460 |
flatpak | Linux Flatpak packaging specific bugs. | Yes | Search | 16 |
fonts | Bugs that are related to font styling, for instance text being drawn too large, not bold enough, a problem with the element in HTML or a problem with the 'font' properties in CSS. | Yes | Search | 336 |
foxfood | Bugs found through the Firefox OS Foxfooding program ( | No | Search | 1403 |
github-merged | This keyword is intended for bugs in components which worked on in a GitHub repository, but merge back to Mozilla-Central. The keyword should be set on the bug when the change associated with the bug has been merged to the component's Master branch, but before the the current Master has been merged to M-C. | Yes | Search | 490 |
good-first-bug | An entry-level bug that has guidance to help people make their first contribution to a project. | Yes | Search | 4094 |
good-next-bug | An entry or intermediate level bug that has guidance to help people make their next contribution to a project. These bugs should be more involved than a good-first-bug. | Yes | Search | 5 |
hang | Use this keyword for bugs which causes a Firefox or system freeze (hang). Usually, this is a result of infinite loops. This is different than an application crash where a crash report from Socorro is generated to help us isolate the bug. | Yes | Search | 6542 |
helpwanted | Bugs or features which require coding assistance to fix or implement. | Yes | Search | 4697 |
highrisk | Bugs whose fixes have a high level of risk associated with them, typically due to some major architectural changes being required (see the 'arch' keyword). Typically these are bugs that were deferred from the previous release cycle due to the high level of risk involved, and should therefore be fixed as soon as possible in the next cycle. Examples: "need to rewrite handling of HTTP headers" or "need to redesign the content sinks". | No | Search | 38 |
html4 | Bug in support for HTML 4.0 only elements (whether required for compliance or not), i.e. HTML elements or attributes that were first introduced as part of the HTML 4.0 Specification, and not included in HTML 3.2 | Yes | Search | 231 |
html5 | Bugs that affect compliance with W3C HTML5. | Yes | Search | 567 |
icon | Use this keyword to flag bugs which are ready for image production and visual design of icon or other artwork. Do not spam every feature request with this keyword. Thanks. | Yes | Search | 128 |
imap-interop | Interoperability bugs with various IMAP mail servers | Yes | Search | 211 |
in-triage | Bugs that are actively being triaged but not yet ready for an engineering decision. | No | Search | 1856 |
infra-failure | Indicates a failure in the environment, for example hardware failure, dropped internet etc. | No | none | none |
inputmethod | Bugs that are related to IM (Input Method) which is complex text inputting system. IM is also known as IME (Input Method Editor), FEP (Front End Processor) or TIP (Text Input Processor). The bugs can be in any modules, e.g., widget, content, editor, layout and toolkit. | Yes | Search | 1201 |
intermittent-failure | For the tracking of intermittent test failures for tests that report to Treeherder (used for bug suggestions). If you use this keyword for things other than this, there is a large chance your bug will get mass-closed at some point. | Yes | Search | 114242 |
intermittent-testcase | Used to track intermittent testcases, not specific failures | Yes | Search | 17127 |
intl | Use this keyword for any bug related to international issues. The keyword should be used when designating any international bugs other than the localizability bugs, marked by 'l12y'. The component name "internationalization" is used for i18n engineering bugs only and so it will constitute a sub-category of 'intl'. The 'intl' may also include those bugs that are not assigned to 'internationalization", e.g. layout, UI, browser, and other components, but have substantial international implication so that they can be monitored easily by those concerned about international issues. | Yes | Search | 4237 |
italy | Issues that affect adoption of Firefox in the Italian market. | Yes | Search | 1 |
jp-critical | Bugs that are deemed critical to Japanese users. | Yes | Search | 182 |
js1.5 | JavaScript 1.5 blocking bugs. | Yes | Search | 533 |
js1.6 | JavaScript 1.6 blocking bugs. | Yes | Search | 54 |
js1.7 | JavaScript 1.7 blocking bugs. | Yes | Search | 19 |
klocwork | For bugs discovered using the Klocwork tools. | No | Search | 42 |
l12y | Use this keyword for any bug related to localizability issues like hardcoded strings, sizing information, hardcoded fonts... | Yes | Search | 1854 |
late-l10n | This keyword is to be added to bugs which have patches that landed after the localization freeze (typically "after beta") and which impact localizable strings. Localizers can query bugzilla for bugs with this keyword and the approval1.x+ flag to find l10n-impact changes that happened after the 1.x l10n freeze. | Yes | Search | 789 |
leave-open | Instructs merge tools to leave the bug open when the patches are merged to mozilla-central. | Yes | Search | 1101 |
losing-users | Use this keyword when there is some evidence that we are actually losing users as a result of an issue or bug, (perhaps crash or social media comments for example). | Yes | Search | 16 |
mail-integration | Used for Calendar bugs that would have benefit for Thunderbird (i.e., adding ids, great features that would improve user experience) | Yes | Search | 29 |
main-thread-io | Use this keyword to mark bugs related to performing synchronous I/O (such as to disk files or databases) on the main thread. These bugs harm the responsiveness of applications. | Yes | Search | 246 |
memory-footprint | A bug that affects memory use, usually through excessive memory allocation or code size. (For leaks, use the "memory-leak" keyword instead. Was "footprint"; changed 2018-01-17) | Yes | Search | 1182 |
memory-leak | A memory leak bug: memory is never released or is released only during shutdown. The bug report should include information that indicates which objects leak, such as a log from one of our leak-detection tools. (Was, "mlk"; changed 2018-01-17) | Yes | Search | 4276 |
meta | A placeholder bug for tracking the progress of other bugs. Meta bugs are made dependent on other bugs so that interested parties can be kept up-to-date with status via one bug, without having to receive all the mails related to all the bugs related to the development of a particular area. If a bug is related to a project milestone, please set the tracking flag for that projects milestone to the appropriate value. | Yes | Search | 12359 |
mobile | For bugs which are important to mobile developmental work. | Yes | Search | 726 |
moc:triage | Bugs that are actively being triaged for references (mostly new hires and jr. team members) | No | Search | 21 |
modern | For bugs which occur with only the Modern theme included in Firefox builds. | No | Search | 299 |
multi-monitors | Problems occur for multiple monitors. | Yes | Search | 95 |
multiprocess | bugs associated with multiple content processes | Yes | Search | 111 |
nightly-community | Bug reported by a member of the Firefox Nightly community. Used to triage community-reported bugs and measure the impact of our core community on product quality. | Yes | Search | 3962 |
nimbus | Related to Project Nimbus | Yes | Search | 1 |
no-plan-to-ship | Bugs in a disabled feature which we have no plan to ship to users any time soon. | Yes | Search | 82 |
oss-fuzz | Bugs provided through the OSS-Fuzz project | Yes | Search | 71 |
otoro | Use this keyword when designating bugs found during testing of the B2G Otoro device. | No | Search | 19 |
outreachy | Bugs that are related to outreachy ( | Yes | Search | 28 |
p2v | Used by IT to mark bugs which involve converting servers that are physical machines to virtual machines. | Yes | Search | 138 |
papercut | An issue that can affect hurt daily use of the products | Yes | Search | 307 |
parity-chrome | This bug is related to feature parity with Chrome | Yes | Search | 1805 |
parity-edge | This bug is related to feature parity with Microsoft Edge | Yes | Search | 390 |
parity-ie | This bug is related to feature parity with Internet Explorer | Yes | Search | 186 |
parity-opera | This bug is related to feature parity with Opera | Yes | Search | 71 |
parity-opera-mini | This bug is related to feature parity with Opera Mini | Yes | Search | 15 |
parity-Outlook | This bug is related to feature parity with Outlook | Yes | Search | 52 |
parity-safari | This bug is related to feature parity with Safari | Yes | Search | 608 |
perf | A bug that affects speed or responsiveness. (For memory use issues, use "memory-footprint" or "memory-leak" instead.) | Yes | Search | 18114 |
perf-alert | Associated with a performance alert | Yes | Search | 2794 |
perf:animation | The issue affects the smoothness of animations. | Yes | Search | 73 |
perf:frontend | The issue affects the browser front-end (i.e. the Firefox UI) | Yes | Search | 131 |
perf:pageload | The issue affects the initial loading of websites. | Yes | Search | 305 |
perf:resource-use | The issue affects resource use excessively: cpu, gpu, ram, disk access, power, etc. | Yes | Search | 325 |
perf:responsiveness | The issue affects the promptness of the browser’s response to user input. | Yes | Search | 723 |
perf:startup | The issue affects application startup. | Yes | Search | 158 |
pernosco | Bug contains a link to a pernosco session | Yes | Search | 315 |
pernosco-wanted | A request to capture the problem in a pernosco session and add a link to the bug. Please replace this keyword with the "pernosco" keyword when one is added. | Yes | Search | 16 |
pi-marionette-big | Bugs related to large product integrity marionette tasks | No | Search | 5 |
pi-marionette-client | All bugs related to the marionette client binding | No | Search | 111 |
pi-marionette-displayed | All bugs that related to how marionette interprets element displayed state | No | Search | 19 |
pi-marionette-docs | All bugs related to Marionette documentation | No | Search | 7 |
pi-marionette-firefox-puppeteer | All bugs related to the Firefox Puppeteer Python package | No | Search | 21 |
pi-marionette-goal | Bugs related to product integrity marionette goals | No | Search | 19 |
pi-marionette-harness-tests | All bugs related to the Marionette Harness Unit Tests | No | Search | 20 |
pi-marionette-httpd | Relates to all issues to do with the Marionette httpd as required by the webdriver specification | No | Search | 5 |
pi-marionette-intermittent | All intermittent bugs in Marionette unit tests | No | Search | 209 |
pi-marionette-runner | Bugs that relate to how marionette tests are run | No | Search | 138 |
pi-marionette-server | Issues relating to the gecko side of Marionette | No | Search | 307 |
pi-marionette-spec | All bugs related to implementation and bugs in implementation of the WebDriver specification | No | Search | 57 |
pi-marionette-task | Bugs related to smaller product integrity marionette tasks | No | Search | 12 |
pi-marionette-transport | All issues related to marionette transportation module | No | Search | 1 |
pi-marionette-userinput | All bugs that relate to how marionette emulates user input | No | Search | 45 |
platform | Disabled for new bugs. For marking bugs that affect our Gecko-as-platform story. | No | Search | 72 |
platform-parity | Platform Parity bugs. A bug is a Platform Parity bug if it only occurs on one particular platform or two platforms, but not all three - Win, Mac and Linux. For example, if you find a bug on Linux, but it does not occur using the same day's Win32 or Mac OS build. | Yes | Search | 2292 |
pm-triage-needed | Product management input needed. | Yes | Search | 19 |
polish | Bugs which require only a small change for a noticable improvement in the user interface | Yes | Search | 5901 |
power | Use this keyword for anything related to measuring or reducing the power usage of our applications. | Yes | Search | 326 |
priv-monitor | Privacy bugs that require monitoring | Yes | Search | 4 |
priv-next | Privacy bugs that have been moved to the bug queue | Yes | Search | 2 |
priv-prio | Prioritized privacy bugs on platform | Yes | none | none |
priv-triaged | Triaged privacy bugs on platform | Yes | Search | 121 |
priv-webcompat | Triaged webcompat bugs caused by the privacy features | Yes | Search | 61 |
privacy | Bugs relating to user privacy which do not belong in the Security: General component. | Yes | Search | 1563 |
privacy-review-needed | The changes in this bug require a privacy review. | Yes | Search | 86 |
productization | For localizations and Mozilla business development initiatives that require external verification and team consensus regarding the inclusion of third party services in Mozilla software. Productization services include search providers in the browser, links to third parties hosted on Mozilla web properties, third party protocol handlers (mailto:, webcal:, irc:, etc.), RSS feeds, and any other items further describing localization and business development of Mozilla software. | Yes | Search | 747 |
productwanted | Information needed from Product team. | Yes | Search | 277 |
push-needed | For website/webtool (but usually just AMO) bugs that have been checked in but not yet pushed to production servers. | Yes | Search | 101 |
qablocker | Use this keyword for bugs that are blocking testing (manual or automated testing of an area) and need to be fixed by the next Beta or RC milestone. | Yes | Search | 216 |
qaurgent | Use this keyword to request direct involvement by the QA team, use in conjunction with one of the other keywords to designate the exact nature of the request | No | Search | 17 |
qawanted | Use this keyword for bugs which need more info, or it needs reproducing, or testcasing, or it's a dupe but you can't find what it's a dupe of. Note what QA work is wanted in the whiteboard. Please remove this keyword when the wanted QA work has been completed. | No | Search | 3490 |
quick-win | The issue can easily be resolved with immediate impact | Yes | Search | 5 |
rca-needed | This bug needs a root cause (use [rca:]) assigned. For now these are limited to release blocking and dot-release driver bugs. | Yes | Search | 14 |
regression | The problem was fixed, but then it came back (regressed) and this new bug was filed to track the regression. Also, for problems outside those identified in precheckin and smoke tests that were found in current builds that were known to be working in previous builds. Tracking these bugs will help us to identify areas that are fragile, prone to bustage and are good candidates for adding to smoke and pre-checkin tests. | Yes | Search | 111761 |
regressionwindow-wanted | This bug is a regression, and the range of commits it occurred in is needed. This is not the same as the 'version-range-needed' which refers to release-status flags. | Yes | Search | 2029 |
relnote | This bug need to be put on release notes for next milestone announcement. | No | Search | 1243 |
reporter-external | Used for bugs, primarily security bugs, reported by folks not regularly involved with Mozilla projects. This original reporter may not match the Bugzilla "Reporter" field if the bug was reported to a Mozilla project member in some other way such as email or as part of another bug | Yes | Search | 7756 |
reproducible | This keyword is used to flag a bug when it includes a set of steps to reliably reproduce the bug. | Yes | Search | 4111 |
requested-desktop | Bugs requested by the Desktop team. | Yes | none | none |
requested-mobile | Bugs requested by the Mobile team | Yes | Search | 12 |
retro-followup | Bugs tagged as followup actions from a retrospective. | Yes | none | none |
romania | Issues that affect adoption of Firefox in the Romanian market. | Yes | Search | 3 |
rtl | A bug tied to or exposed by languages with a right-to-left (RTL) writing system. | Yes | Search | 1320 |
sec-audit | Bug requires a code audit to investigate potential security problems. | Yes | none | none |
sec-critical | Exploitable vulnerabilities which can lead to the widespread compromise of many users. | Yes | none | none |
sec-high | Obtain confidential data from other sites the user is visiting or the local machine, or inject data or code into those sites, requiring no more than normal browsing actions. Exploitable web vulnerabilities that can lead to the targeted compromise of a small number of users. | Yes | none | none |
sec-incident | Issues resulting in an incident response or 'chemspill' actions by the security team. | Yes | none | none |
sec-low | Minor security vulnerabilities such as leaks or spoofs of non-sensitive information. Missing best practice security controls. | Yes | none | none |
sec-moderate | Vulnerabilities which can provide an attacker additional information or positioning that could be used in combination with other vulnerabilities. | Yes | none | none |
sec-other | Bugs that may not be exploitable security issues but are kept confidential to protect sensitive information. | Yes | none | none |
sec-vector | Flaws not in Mozilla-controlled software but that can cause security problems for Firefox users. For example: system libraries, 3rd-party plugins. | Yes | none | none |
sec-want | New features or improvement ideas related to security | Yes | none | none |
sec508 | Disabled in This is used for bugs which keep us from being Section 508 accessibility regulation compliant (a requirement for Firefox to be legally used by US Federal government agencies). See the requirements that apply to software. | No | Search | 18 |
secops-cred-leak | For bugs relating to credentials leak of Mozilla related accounts | Yes | Search | 6 |
selenium | A Selenium test has been created to reproduce/test this | Yes | Search | 68 |
serbia | Issues that affect adoption of Firefox in the Serbian market. | Yes | Search | 1 |
sheriffing-P1 | Bugs that affect the sheriffing of Gecko/Firefox trees. | Yes | Search | 135 |
sheriffing-P2 | Bugs that affect the sheriffing of Gecko/Firefox trees. | Yes | Search | 32 |
sheriffing-P3 | Bugs that affect the sheriffing of Gecko/Firefox trees. | Yes | Search | 12 |
sheriffing-untriaged | Bugs that affect the sheriffing of Gecko/Firefox trees. | No | Search | 48 |
shockwave | For bugs specific to incompatibilities with mozilla products and the MacroMedia Shockwave plug-in. | Yes | Search | 91 |
singleprocess | bugs associated with a single content process | Yes | Search | 8 |
site-compat | Used to indicate bugs which may affect backward compatibility of Web sites or Web applications. | Yes | Search | 1417 |
smoketest | Means that this bug prevents the smoketests from passing. | Yes | Search | 2068 |
snap | Linux Snap packaging specific bug. | Yes | Search | 33 |
spain | Issues that affect adoption of Firefox in the Spanish market. | Yes | Search | 20 |
spec-needed | A specification change is needed, or a spec needs to be written, or a Working Group decision is needed. Provide a link to the relevant spec issue or spec PR in See Also. | Yes | Search | 43 |
spring-cleaning | Used to denote IT bugs that are targeted for the spring cleaning project. | Yes | Search | 721 |
stackwanted | For crashing bugs which need stacktrace information to be added to description field to help out engineers debug the problem. | Yes | Search | 2634 |
stale-bug | Indicates P1 bugs which: * don't have an assignee * have had no activity in two weeks | No | Search | 321 |
stalled | This is a bug for which we cannot take further action without more information. The reporter has shared all they know with us. This bug should be kept open, but for now we are out of strategies to take to resolve it. The priority of stalled bugs should be '--' but other keywords may apply to them. | Yes | Search | 222 |
steps-wanted | A bug which would greatly benefit from someone identifying steps to reproduce. | Yes | Search | 658 |
student-project | Bugs and enhancement requests that would be appropriate for students looking to work on a Mozilla-related project as part of a course. These should have someone or a group willing to mentor, offer help, and do reviews. See guidelines on using this keyword. | Yes | Search | 226 |
talos-regression | Bugs filed based on a regression detected by the Talos performance testing suite. | Yes | Search | 992 |
technote | For technotes at devmo | No | Search | 1 |
test-disabled | Used by test automation team to indicate the failing test associated with this bug has a failure rate above a threshold level and has been disabled. To check the consistency of this keyword, bugs with it keyword should be filed by the intermittent-bug-filer user. (ECH 2017-08-06) | Yes | Search | 151 |
test-verify-fail | Applied to bugs filed as intermittent test failures. Should only be used by the intermittent failures bot. | Yes | Search | 965 |
testcase | Indicates that a simplified test case is done and included in bug report. | Yes | Search | 36240 |
testcase-wanted | This bug would strongly benefit from a testcase or from additional testcases in order to be fixed. This keyword may indicate that any existing testcases are too complex and need to be reduced to much simpler tests in order to find or debug the source of the problem. Check the comments of the bug to discover exactly what is wanted. | Yes | Search | 1148 |
testtracker | Use this keyword to flag a bug which contains information that should become a test added to the test tracker tool. The tool currently hosts application smoketest and Firefox functional test. | No | Search | 5 |
thirdparty | Keyword used for flagging any third party issues and identifying the issues for a particular release. | Yes | Search | 17 |
top-memory-leak | A high-profile memory leak bug. (These bugs should also have the "memory-leak" keyword. Was "topmlk"; changed 2018-01-17.) | Yes | Search | 22 |
top100 | Bug with a top 100 site based on Alexa top 100 | Yes | Search | 758 |
top50 | Please use this keyword to flag any bugs for websites identified in the top 50 of Firefox's "Report a Broken Web Site" list. | Yes | Search | 102 |
top500 | bugs with top 500 sites based on Alexa top 500. | Yes | Search | 230 |
topcrash | Bugs created from highly visible crashes per the crash report data. | Yes | Search | 3828 |
topcrash- | This is a topcrash bug that is either no longer highly visible to users, not reproducible, not in our code, or otherwise not critical to the release of the current Milestone. | No | Search | 93 |
topcrash-android-armv6 | Bugs created from highly visible Android ARMv6 crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 1 |
topcrash-android-armv7 | Bugs created from highly visible Android ARMv7 crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 93 |
topcrash-android-x86 | Bugs created from highly visible Android x86 crashes per the crash report data. Bugs created from highly visible Android x86 crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 3 |
topcrash-b2g | Bugs created from highly visible B2G crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 22 |
topcrash-linux | Bugs created from highly visible Linux crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 12 |
topcrash-mac | Bugs created from highly visible Mac OS X crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 58 |
topcrash-metro | Bugs created from highly visible Metro crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 8 |
topcrash-plugin | Bugs created from highly visible plugin crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 7 |
topcrash-startup | Bugs created from highly visible startup crash. | Yes | Search | 54 |
topcrash-thunderbird | Bugs created from highly visible Thunderbird crashes per the crash report data. | Yes | Search | 284 |
topcrash-win | Bugs created from highly visible Windows crashes per the crash report data. | No | Search | 278 |
topcrash+ | This is an active topcrash bug, highly reproducible, a blocker for the average users, must be fixed before the release of the current Milestone. | No | Search | 299 |
topembed | Use this keyword for bugs which are critical to embedding. | Yes | Search | 528 |
topembed- | This keyword will be added to bugs which the Netscape embedding evaluation team has rejected for the next Netscape embedding release. | Yes | Search | 317 |
topembed+ | The Netscape embedding evaluation team will add this keyword to bugs which have been accepted for the next Netscape embedding release. | Yes | Search | 714 |
topperf | A high-profile speed or responsiveness issue. (These bugs should also have the "perf" keyword.) | No | Search | 117 |
treeherder | Bugs affecting Treeherder that are outside of the Treeherder components. | Yes | Search | 38 |
triage-deferred | For bugs which Bug Master and Triage Owner have come to agreement will be triaged at a later date. | No | Search | 480 |
triaged | Bugs that have been triaged. | Yes | Search | 177 |
trychooser | For bugs related to Release Engineering's TryChooser, which lets you select specific jobs you want to run on tryserver. Covers both the parsing of trychooser syntax as well as the syntax generator here. | No | Search | 141 |
ue | For bugs with a specific detailed suggestion for improvement of the user experience. The problem describes a confusing or unhelpful aspect of the user interface. | Yes | Search | 492 |
ui-test-bug-auto-found | For bugs found via UI test automation | Yes | Search | 29 |
uiwanted | For bugs that require UI design support, either for a requested feature enhancement, some new function which needs some UI, or a fix to existing UI. | No | Search | 1895 |
unagi | Use this keyword when designating bugs found during testing of the B2G Unagi device. | No | Search | 885 |
urwanted | User research input needed. | Yes | Search | 5 |
useless-UI | Use this keyword when the UI exposes a feature that is either unusably broken or not implemented. The purpose of this keyword is to make these UI shortfalls very visible when deciding whether or not the product is ready to ship. Example: "View|Headers|All does nothing so menuitem should be removed/hidden." | Yes | Search | 296 |
user-doc-complete | User documentation has been created for this bug. | No | Search | 61 |
user-doc-needed | User documentation is required for the changes in this bug. | No | Search | 186 |
ux-affordance | User experience principle: controls should visually express how the user should interact with them. | Yes | Search | 62 |
ux-consistency | User experience principle: in general software should be internally consistent with itself, and externally consistent with similar interfaces to leverage the user's existing knowledge. | Yes | Search | 820 |
ux-control | User experience principle: users should always feel like they are in control of their software. (This principle is often the nemesis of ux-interruption, especially in cases where developers assume users want more control than they actually want). | Yes | Search | 328 |
ux-discovery | User experience principle: users should be able to discover functionality and information by visually exploring the interface, they should not be forced to recall information from memory. (This is often the nemesis of ux-minimalism since additional visible items diminish the relative visibility of other items being displayed). | Yes | Search | 230 |
ux-efficiency | User experience principle: interfaces should be as efficient as possible, minimizing the complexity of actions and the overall time to complete a task. | Yes | Search | 550 |
ux-error-prevention | User experience principle: interfaces should proactively try to prevent errors from happening. | Yes | Search | 317 |
ux-error-recovery | User experience principle: interfaces should proactively help users recover from both user errors and technology errors. (A preferable case is to address through ux-error-prevention so that the error does not occur). | Yes | Search | 68 |
ux-implementation-level | User experience principle: interfaces should not be organized around the underlying implementation and technology in ways that are illogical, or require the user to have access to additional information that is not found in the interface itself. | Yes | Search | 127 |
ux-interruption | User experience principle: interfaces should not interrupt the user. Interfaces should never ask the user a question that they are not prepared to answer simply for a false sense of ux-control. In general software should only speak when spoken to. | Yes | Search | 80 |
ux-jargon | User experience principle: users should not be required to understand any form of implementation level terminology. (This principle is a special case of ux-implementation-level). | Yes | Search | 51 |
ux-minimalism | User experience principle: interfaces should be as simple as possible, both visually and interactively. Interfaces should avoid redundancy. (This principle is often the nemesis of ux-discovery since removing or hiding items deep into the interface forces the user to rely more on memory than recognition). | Yes | Search | 120 |
ux-mode-error | User experience principle: users should not encounter errors because the interface is in a different state than they expected it to be. (This principle is a special case of ux-error-prevention). | Yes | Search | 187 |
ux-natural-mapping | User experience principle: controls should be placed in the correct location relative to the effect that they will have. | Yes | Search | 47 |
ux-tone | User experience principle: interfaces should not blame the user, or communicate in a way that is overly negative or dramatic. | Yes | Search | 27 |
ux-trust | Use keyword to tag bugs that have an impact on user trust of our products, but aren't necessarily or strictly issues due to performance. For example, if I have to tap a text field 5 times to get it to register and bring up the keyboard, as a user, I will come to expect that and not trust that I can select the text field consistently. This could be due to a small touch target, and is not a performance issue. | Yes | Search | 73 |
ux-undo | User experience principle: actions should support undo so that users remain in control. (This principle is a special case of ux-control). | Yes | Search | 26 |
ux-userfeedback | User experience principle: interfaces should provide feedback about their current status. Users should never wonder what state the system is in. | Yes | Search | 298 |
ux-visual-hierarchy | User experience principle: controls that are more important or more commonly used should leverage visual variables such as size and contrast so that they have more dominance and weight relative to other controls. (This principle is an adaption of ux-discovery). | Yes | Search | 38 |
valgrind | For bugs discovered using the valgrind tool. | Yes | Search | 445 |
vendor-l10n-error | Any l10n error introduced by a l10n service vendor. | Yes | Search | 1 |
verified-aurora | Disabled: This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the aurora release. | No | Search | 179 |
verified-beta | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the beta release. | No | Search | 234 |
verified-production | Disabled: For website/webtool bugs that have been verified on the production servers. | No | Search | 61 |
verified1.7 | Use this keyword to indicate that a fix has been verified on the 1.7 branch for the 1.7 release. | No | Search | 94 |
verified1.7.13 | verified 1.7.13 bugs | No | Search | 67 |
verified1.7.6 | Use this keyword to indicate that a fix has been verified on the 1.7 branch for the 1.7.6 release. | No | Search | 12 |
verified1.7.7 | Use this keyword to indicate that a fix has been verified on the 1.7 branch for the 1.7.7 release. | No | none | none |
verified1.8 | Use this keyword to indicate that a fix has been verified on the 1.8 branch for the 1.8 release. | No | Search | 251 |
verified1.8.0.1 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 76 |
verified1.8.0.10 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 78 |
verified1.8.0.11 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 4 |
verified1.8.0.12 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 67 |
verified1.8.0.13 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 39 |
verified1.8.0.14 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 13 |
verified1.8.0.15 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | none | none |
verified1.8.0.2 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 127 |
verified1.8.0.3 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 2 |
verified1.8.0.4 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 85 |
verified1.8.0.5 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 90 |
verified1.8.0.6 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 1 |
verified1.8.0.7 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 88 |
verified1.8.0.8 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 37 |
verified1.8.0.9 | for verifying that bugs are fixed for the release | No | Search | 80 |
verified1.8.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the 1.8.1 release. | No | Search | 713 |
verified1.8.1.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 214 |
verified1.8.1.10 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 31 |
verified1.8.1.11 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 1 |
verified1.8.1.12 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 119 |
verified1.8.1.13 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 60 |
verified1.8.1.14 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 2 |
verified1.8.1.15 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 52 |
verified1.8.1.16 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 7 |
verified1.8.1.17 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 40 |
verified1.8.1.18 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 28 |
verified1.8.1.19 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 22 |
verified1.8.1.2 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 198 |
verified1.8.1.20 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the milestone | No | Search | 3 |
verified1.8.1.21 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the milestone | No | Search | 3 |
verified1.8.1.22 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the milestone | No | Search | 17 |
verified1.8.1.23 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the milestone | No | Search | 1 |
verified1.8.1.24 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the milestone | No | Search | 10 |
verified1.8.1.3 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 192 |
verified1.8.1.4 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 177 |
verified1.8.1.5 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 87 |
verified1.8.1.6 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 3 |
verified1.8.1.7 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 1 |
verified1.8.1.8 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 125 |
verified1.8.1.9 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release | No | Search | 8 |
verified1.9.0 | This keyword is required to simplify branch-management queries. | No | none | none |
verified1.9.0.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 59 |
verified1.9.0.10 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 4 |
verified1.9.0.11 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 48 |
verified1.9.0.12 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 43 |
verified1.9.0.13 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 8 |
verified1.9.0.14 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 30 |
verified1.9.0.15 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 29 |
verified1.9.0.16 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 22 |
verified1.9.0.17 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 2 |
verified1.9.0.18 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 10 |
verified1.9.0.19 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 16 |
verified1.9.0.2 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 106 |
verified1.9.0.20 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | none | none |
verified1.9.0.3 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 1 |
verified1.9.0.4 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 86 |
verified1.9.0.5 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 67 |
verified1.9.0.6 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 52 |
verified1.9.0.7 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 34 |
verified1.9.0.8 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 4 |
verified1.9.0.9 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 58 |
verified1.9.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the 1.9.1 release. | No | Search | 2020 |
verified1.9.1.1 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the release. | No | Search | 23 |
verified1.9.2 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the 1.9.2 release. | No | Search | 608 |
verified1.9.3 | This keyword is used to flag a bug as having been verified for the 1.9.3 release. | No | Search | 8 |
verifyme | Disabled:
This bug is ok to verify with latest mozilla build by someone other than the QA Contact indicated. The bug has specific machine config indicated to verify fix. Try to reproduce the failure and if you agree that the resolution of Fixed is correct, please mark the Status as Verified. Always indicate the build/OS/platform(s) used to verify in the comments of the bug before you change Status to Verified. If the bug is reported on all three platforms and you only have one platform to verify the fix on, go ahead and do so and note it in the bug. But, do not mark the bug verified. All platforms must be checked before moving to a Verified Status. Finally, if other bugs have been marked as a duplicate of the bug you're verifying, be sure to check and mention those, as well. Often developers mark related, but not identical, bugs as duplicates, and these can fall through the cracks if not checked. |
No | Search | 1147 |
version-range-needed | Bugs for which we need to know what release trains are affected. The release-status flags for current nightly, aurora, beta, and release version should be set to: affected, etc. To distinguish this field from regressionrange-wanted, that keyword indicates that the range of commits the bug was in was needed. | No | none | none |
wayland | Wayland specific bug. | Yes | Search | 16 |
webcompat:blocked | The keyword is used to mark Site Report Bugs that are blocked and cannot move forward for any reason. | Yes | Search | 40 |
webcompat:blocked-resources | The keyword is used to mark Platform Core Bugs that cannot be confidently scheduled due to limited resources. | Yes | Search | 2 |
webcompat:contact-complete | Signifies that contact for the bug is considered complete, and that there is no further step required from an outreach point of view. | Yes | Search | 17 |
webcompat:contact-in-progress | Signifies that contact attempts have been make or that we're actively in touch with a contact | Yes | Search | 75 |
webcompat:contact-ready | Issues where the contact information has been found and are ready to be contacted Anyone can do this. Be nice. | Yes | Search | 110 |
webcompat:have-login | Web Compatibility reports that require login to reproduce, and for which we have access to valid credentials. | Yes | Search | 32 |
webcompat:needs-contact | Issues which have been diagnosed and requires us to find a contact information. | Yes | Search | 462 |
webcompat:needs-diagnosis | Issues in the process of being analyzed to discover the root cause of the problem | Yes | Search | 917 |
webcompat:needs-login | Web Compatibility reports that require login to reproduce, but for which no valid credentials are readily available. | Yes | Search | 42 |
webcompat:needs-sitepatch | Web Compatibility reports that we can address with a WebCompat intervention. | Yes | Search | 279 |
webcompat:needsinfo | Web Compatibility reports that require more information from someone outside of the team | Yes | Search | 4 |
webcompat:platform-bug | Web Compatibility reports that have been diagnosed and have a core bug dependency | Yes | Search | 1141 |
webcompat:site-report | Web Compatibility reports of breakage affecting live web sites. | Yes | Search | 1932 |
webcompat:site-wait | Issues where we've done outreach and are waiting for the site to make a change | Yes | Search | 317 |
webcompat:site-workaround | Web Compatibility reports that were temporarily fixed by the sites deploying a workaround, but the actual fix is required from the browser | Yes | Search | 2 |
webcompat:sitepatch-applied | Web Compatibility reports that currently have an intervention shipped. | Yes | Search | 277 |
website-graveyard | Disabled: Old, retired Websites. | No | Search | 1 |
wsec-applogic | Issue related to application logic | Yes | none | none |
wsec-appmisconfig | Application software misconfiguration issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-authentication | Website or server authentication security issues (lockouts, password policy, etc) | Yes | none | none |
wsec-authorization | web/server authorization security issues | Yes | none | none |
wsec-automation-attack | Anti-automation bypass or insufficient anti-automation controls | Yes | none | none |
wsec-bruteforce | Vulnerable to brute force attack | Yes | none | none |
wsec-client | Abuse of web browser/client | Yes | none | none |
wsec-cookie | Cookie related errors (HTTPOnly / Secure Flag, incorrect domain / path) | Yes | none | none |
wsec-crossdomain | Issue such as x-frame-options, crossdomain.xml, cross site sharing settings | Yes | none | none |
wsec-crypto | Crypto related items such as password hashing | Yes | none | none |
wsec-csrf | Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) bugs in server products | Yes | none | none |
wsec-deplib | Issue related to flaw in library or other dependency | Yes | none | none |
wsec-dir-index | Directory indexing issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-disclosure | Disclosure of sensitive data, personal information, etc from a web service | Yes | none | none |
wsec-dos | Used to denote web server Denial of Service bugs. For similar bugs in client software please use csec-dos instead. | Yes | none | none |
wsec-email | Abuse of email functionality | Yes | none | none |
wsec-errorhandling | Any error handling issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-fileinclusion | RFI and LFI issues | Yes | none | none |
wsec-headers | Missing or misconfigured security-related HTTP headers | Yes | none | none |
wsec-http | HTTP protocol issues other than security headers | Yes | none | none |
wsec-http-header-inject | HTTP header injection issue such as CSRF | Yes | none | none |
wsec-impersonation | Impersonation / Spoofing attacks (UI Redress, etc) | Yes | none | none |
wsec-injection | Injection attacks other than SQLi, XSS, XML, OS Command Injection, null byte, and buffer overflow. | Yes | none | none |
wsec-input | Failure to perform input validation. Most often you will probably use the xss tag instead | Yes | none | none |
wsec-logging | Logging issues such as requests for CEF log points. | Yes | none | none |
wsec-nullbyte | Null bite injection issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-objref | Direct object reference vulnerability | Yes | none | none |
wsec-oscmd | Operating system command injection | Yes | none | none |
wsec-other | web/server security issues that don't fit into other categories | Yes | none | none |
wsec-overflow | Buffer or integer overflow issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-redirect | Redirect issues | Yes | none | none |
wsec-selfxss | XSS where the attacker must trick the user into copying and pasting the XSS string into their own browser. | Yes | none | none |
wsec-serialization | Serialization and deserialization issues | Yes | none | none |
wsec-servermisconfig | Server OS or application server misconfiguration issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-session | Issues related to sesson management (Session fixation, etc) | Yes | none | none |
wsec-sqli | SQL Injection | Yes | none | none |
wsec-ssrf | for bugs related to server side request forgery (SSRF) | Yes | none | none |
wsec-takeover | Subdomain takeover | Yes | none | none |
wsec-tls | TLS/SSL related issue | Yes | none | none |
wsec-traversal | Directory and other resource traversal issues | Yes | none | none |
wsec-weakpasswd | Issue related to password strength | Yes | none | none |
wsec-xml | XML attribute blowup, entity expansion, external entity, and XPATH, and other injection bugs | Yes | none | none |
wsec-xss | Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) bugs in server products | Yes | none | none |
X11 | X11 specific bug. | Yes | Search | 6 |
xhtml | Bugs related to support for XHTML | Yes | Search | 144 |
Xwayland | Xwayland specific bug. | Yes | Search | 3 |