Bug 100880
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
I18n applet does not work correctly with JRE 1.3.1
(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: teruko, Assigned: James.Melvin)
(Keywords: intl, Whiteboard: [PDT],[JRE+], [ETA 10.05])
(1 file)
4.41 KB,
Details |
Under JDK 1.1.8 i18n features in http://babel/java (these applets are come
with in JDK 1.1.8), I got the following result for i18n.
1. Collation- in the locale field, Japanese characters are not displayed
2. Date time format - in the locale field, Japanese characters are displayed
correctly, However, Japanese characters the New
date and Pattern are not displayed correctly.
3. Message format-in the locale field, result, and pattern, Japanese
characters are not displayed correctly.
When I type Japanese characters in the field, Japanese characters are
displayed as "???".
4. Number format-in the locale field, Japanese characters are not displayed
When I type Japanese characters in the field, Japanese characters are
displayed as "???".
These worked fine in JRE 1.3.0_01 on Japanese Windows system.
Tested 9-19 0.9.4 build with j2re-1_3_1_01_win-i.exe and j2re-1_3_1_win-i.exe.
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Updated•23 years ago
Comment 1•23 years ago
nsbranch+ to get it on the PDT radar.
Comment 2•23 years ago
cc'ing momoi for some clues :-)
Comment 3•23 years ago
There seems to be a simple workaround for this problem.
1. Locate the directory where the new JRE is installed, e.g.
2. In this directory, you will find a file ''
3. Locate the following lines:
# name aliases
# alias.timesroman=serif
# alias.helvetica=sansserif
# alias.courier=monospaced
4. and uncomment them as follows:
# name aliases
5. Go to http://babel/java and re-test the cases.
6. You should not see the problems any more.
We shipped with the alias lines commented in NS 6.1
and it worked. But for some reason, in this new version
of JRE, they changed how aliasing works. I guess the
test cases somehow got caught in this new change.
In any case, correct fonts to display Japanese
characters are not used without aliasing with this
version of JRE and the particualr sets of
test cases.
It is one text file and we can make the changes
easily. That is what I would recommend if the QA
can verify that this works.
Comment 4•23 years ago
The problem will not be limited to Japanese, and so I recommend
uncommeting the alias lines for all the
files as well. If you don't want to go that far, then at least
the file. But any language can use
this change for the new JRE.
The other possiblity is to get the JRE engineers to fix the
cause of this regression. I suspect that the change they
made for NS 6.0 or 6.1 did not get picked up the new
JRE version.
Comment 5•23 years ago
I cannot believe this. This bug come back again and again. Is that possible that
we can ask JavaSoft put their own i18n demo program into their test cases ?
This falls squarely in Jim's realm.
Assignee: edburns → James.Melvin
Comment 7•23 years ago
Adding PDT and JRE+, because we need to gte these visbility, and attention - PDT.
Whiteboard: PDT,[JRE+]
Comment 8•23 years ago
It seems the one on are working since they change the file to use "Serif" and "SanSerif" as font name instead of
The test cases in your internal test sites are based on JDK1.1.8, and are not
working. I ask teruko download J2SE 1.3 and see what is in it.
The question is, what kind of backward compatability do we plan to support, back
up to JDK 1.2? or 1.1.8? If we want to backward compatable with classes
generated by JDK 1.1.8 (or modified from JDK1.1.8 sample files), then the new
bits is not good. If we don't care of those pages, then we are fine now.
Comment 9•23 years ago
Let me add here that IE 5.5 works OK with both the
NS-internal test cases and the modified JavaSoft test
cases. I suggest supporting legacy font names for the
next Netscape release.
Before shipping Netscape 6.0, we asked Sun to modify the
plug-in to support legacy font names. They did that -- see
Bug 46449. Now this is broken. It is a regression from
NS 6.0/6.1. I don't believe this is a good product
shipping practice. There should be consistency in our
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•23 years ago
I downloaded j2sdk-1_3_1_01-win.exe and installed it. However, demo directory
does not include i18n applets.
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•23 years ago
For Netscape 6.0, I think we may have provided Netscape with a binary
containing the commented out font aliases. This binary was available
from specifically for Netscape customers. The solution
was not seen as optimal for the general case, i.e. customers beyond
Netscape. So, these changes, I believe, only existed in the
binary, and not in the binary.
Does this ring a bell with someone? Can you refresh my memory?
Do I have this right?
Comment 12•23 years ago
> Does this ring a bell with someone? Can you
> refresh my memory? Do I have this right?
This does not contradict my memory of the events
surrrounding this issue last year. I believe that is
what Stanley Ho provided us in response to Bug 46449.
Updated•23 years ago
Whiteboard: PDT,[JRE+] → [PDT],[JRE+], [ETA 09.28
Comment 13•23 years ago
Last night I had a phone conference with Brian Beck from Sun and Arun. Brian
proposes to alias all 3 virtual font names to sanserif instead of just
uncommenting them in the build Sun will provide for 6.2. So instead of
# name aliases
Brian proposes using
# name aliases
Brian says this is the behavior of the special JRE that Sun delivered to
Netscape for the 6.0 release. The code Sun added, has a single fallback if
the font name does not match a real font name. The fallback is sanserif.
Sun plans to make the same code change for this fallback in an updated
JRE available to everyone (not just Netscape).
Brian believe this is the best change because it will be compatible with
Netscape 6.0 and with the planned JRE update.
For Japanese (based upon current, sanserif and monospaced
map to the same font, MS Gothic (in Japanese). So these 2 virtual fonts will
work as they did in Netscape 4.x and older JREs. However serif maps to
MS Mincho (in Japanese), so characters will be displayed but in a different
font (MS Gothic instead of MS Mincho). We probably can live with that.
Korean (based upon current is similar to Japanese in that
serif is mapped to a different font.
Chinese(s) (based upon current{zh,zh.NT4.0,zh_TW}) seems OK
because all three (serif, sansserif and monospaced) are mapped to the same
For non-CJK, courier will not use monospaced and any applet depending upon
monospaced character spacing will not work (e.g., lining up columns).
Bottom line: Brian's proposal is an improvement in that at least characters
will be displayed, and provides compatibility with 6.0 and future JRE updates.
Reporter | ||
Comment 14•23 years ago
I changed the file as Brian Beck suggested and tested Japanese
applets. This worked fine. However, I realized the Japanese font was different
in http://babel/java/Blink/1.1/example1.html
Japanese characters are displayed as MS Gothic.
I compared with JRE 1.3.0_01. The Japanese font what I see in the applet is
different. It looks MS Mincho.
I compared the files on both. Sans Serif maps to MS Gothic
on both files. Serif maps to MS Mincho.
Should we map to Serif instead of San Serif?
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Comment 15•23 years ago
I changed the name aliases as following.
# name aliases
Inside the following applet, Japanese characters are displayed as MS Mincho.
However, in the following applets, Japanese characters are displayed as MS Gothic.
Comment 16•23 years ago
We looked at the applet sources.
The old applets on babel, e.g.,
(Source: http://babel/java/jdk1.1/i18n/code/
uses "TimesRoman":
private static final Font editFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,18);
private static final Font ruleFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,14);
So when we alias timesroman=serif, it should display as MS Mincho and when
we alias timesroman=sanserif, it should display as MS Gothic.
The old applets on babel, e.g.,
uses "Serif":
private static final Font editFont = new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18);
private static final Font ruleFont = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,14);
so it will not be affected by any changes to the aliases for timesroman,
helvetica or courier and should always display as MS Gothic.
Comment 17•23 years ago
> so it will not be affected by any changes to the aliases for timesroman,
> helvetica or courier and should always display as MS Gothic.
Except that the "Serif" font is "MS Mincho" and not "MS Gothic".
Comment 18•23 years ago
> Except that the "Serif" font is "MS Mincho" and not "MS Gothic".
Whoops. What he said!
Comment 19•23 years ago
> > Except that the "Serif" font is "MS Mincho" and not "MS Gothic".
> Whoops. What he said!
And this means we still have unexplainable phenomena, which leads me
to a guess that there might be a JavaVM default system font and somehow
MS Gothic font is used.
Quite possibly,
> private static final Font editFont = new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18);
> private static final Font ruleFont = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,14);
do not cover all the font uses in the Collate Demo.
Comment 20•23 years ago
ftang raised another old issue that may not be known to everyone who have not
been involved with these issues since the 6.0 development time...
(This was an issue that we raised with Sun back in 6.0. It was unclear why it
is OK to have these aliases for US systems, but not for non-US systems.)
The (without .xx locale extension) which is used by US (and
Western European) Windows systems includes the aliases in question:
Only in the files have these alias line been commented out.
The behavior of applets when using these virtual font names will
continue to be compatible with Netscape 4.x and older JRE releases on US (and
Western European) Windows, but not compatible on Japanese and other Windows.
Additionaly, ftang points out that "ASCII text will be shown differently
on US machine and Japanese (or other language) machines." So that the same
applet will display ASCII (or Latin1) text using 3 different fonts on a US
Windows system, but with only one font on non-latin based Windows systems.
This is another drawback of the Sun proposal, but I still feel it is acceptable
because at least the correct glyphs will be displayed even though not rendered
with the typeface or proportional/fixed-width font as the applet writer
Comment 21•23 years ago
> And this means we still have unexplainable phenomena, which leads me
> to a guess that there might be a JavaVM default system font and somehow
> MS Gothic font is used.
> Quite possibly,
> > private static final Font editFont = new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18);
> > private static final Font ruleFont = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,14);
> do not cover all the font uses in the Collate Demo.
Teruko and I just looked at the source of the Collate Demo. And this is
explainable. Some of the widgets in the applet are in MS Gothic, but the
applet does not explicitly set the fonts for those, so they are defaulting
to some Java default. The scrollable text widgets: textentry (on the left side)
and ruleEntry (on the right side) are the ones which are explicity set to
"Serif". Those are displayed as MS Mincho as we expect.
Comment 22•23 years ago
I spoke to Brian Beck from Sun and he explained Teruko's test results.
In the JRE 1.3.0_01 release that Sun provided Netscape for 6.0 and 6.1, the
font fallback (described in previous comments) was implemented for AWT and
not the lower level 2D drawing methods. Some of the http://babel/java/ demos
(e.g., Blinking Text, Nervous Text, Growing Text) use the 2D drawing methods
(e.g.,drawChars, drawString) and display Japanese text as MS Mincho instead
of MS Gothic. This is consistent with Teruko's results
Other demos (e.g., collate) use AWT drawing methods which in JRE 1.3.0_01
performs the font fallback to sansserif, so Japanese text is displayed as
MS Gothic (with the aliases commented out). This is consistent with Teruko's
Brian said that the font fallback will be added for the 2D drawing methods
in the next JRE update, so thenthe applets will display Japanese text as
MS Gothic just like AWT.
Comment 23•23 years ago
Here's the compatibility summary.
I'll attach a more readable HTML document too.
JRE and Japanese Font Compatibility
Java Release timesroman helvetica courier
Netscape 4.x Java Mincho Mincho Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic
JRE 1.3.0_01 (NS 6.1) Gothic Mincho Gothic Mincho Gothic Mincho
JRE 1.3.1 w/Modified Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic (NS 6.2)
Future JRE Update Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic Gothic
Netscape 4.x Java:
The Java shipped with Netscape 4.x (and earlier) included
file with these aliases:
JRE 1.3.0_01 (NS 6.1):
JRE 1.3.0_01 was shipped with Netscape 6.0 and 6.1. This was a special build
from Sun for Netscape which included a patch for fonts to fallback to
sansserif for AWT. The patch was not applied to 2D drawing methods. The file had these aliases commented out:
JRE 1.3.1 with Modified (NS 6.2):
The patch (see JRE 1.3.0_01 above) for the font fallback was not applied to
this release. A secondary installer created by Netscape will overwrite the included in the JRE. The proposal is that the new files
will alias all of the old virtual font names to sansserif:
Future JRE Update:
Brian Beck from Sun said that Sun will update JRE after 1.3.1 to include a
patch for the font fallback to sansserif for both AWT and the 2D methods.
The file will have these alias commented out:
Comment 24•23 years ago
Updated•23 years ago
Whiteboard: [PDT],[JRE+], [ETA 09.28 → [PDT],[JRE+], [ETA 10.05]
Attachment #51963 -
Attachment description: Easier to read HTML version of previous comment → Java compatability (HTML vers of comment)
Comment 25•23 years ago
Mozilla does not bundle JRE.
For Netscape, the resolution will be for Netscape to create modified files which will be provided in an additional installer
package that will be overwrite the JRE 1.3.1 files.
We need a way for Mozilla users to fix this problem for Japanese (and other)
Mozilla users. For Mozilla, here are instructions how to get Java:
But since Netscape 6.0/6.1 shipped with a special JRE, I don't know how current
Mozilla users resolved the problem with the stock Sun JRE 1.3.0...
Are there instructions anywhere explaining how to fix it via
For Mozilla users, we probably should either document the
changes or better make versions available for download.
Comment 26•23 years ago
The patch is in Can this be
resolved for the branch?
Comment 27•23 years ago
teruko- we think the installer now install the JRE font property patch now.
Please verify that on the m0.9.4 branch with NEtscape build. Thanks.
Comment 28•23 years ago
mark it fixed
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 29•23 years ago
Please see the comment on bugscape bug 9979.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 30•23 years ago
Moving Teruko's comment to this bug from bugscape.
I tested this with 10-08-05-0.9.4 build on Winnt 4.0, Win2k, WinXP, WinME,
Win98, and Win95. This works on Winnt 4.0, Win2k, WinXP. However, this does not
work on Win95, Win98, and WinME. After I installed the build on Win95, Win98,
and WinME, 9 files are not changed.
Comment 31•23 years ago
from bugscape 9979
>------- Additional Comments From Sean Su 2001-10-09 17:28 -------
>1.1 patches have been checked into the trunk and branch.
>Teruko, this will fix the problem under win9x systems.
close this bug again to triger QA. Teruko, please verify this again.
Closed: 23 years ago → 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 32•23 years ago
Bugscape bug 9979 is workaround of this bug. Should we keep this open until
the original bug is fixed?
Comment 33•23 years ago
Here's what I would like to suggest:
1. Verify this bug for trunk and branch builds.
2. Then re-open it with a note that this problem will be re-verified when
Sun publishes JRE1.3.1_x revision which will be equivalent in behavior
to the workaround fixes incorporated into Mozilla branch and trunk.
**Jim Melvin is to notify through this bug report when the revised JRE 1.3.1
is published.
2b. Then resolve this bug when the new JRE 1.3.1 is out. QA will then
verify the fix and then close the bug.
3. I will be publishing a doc on how to deal with Stock JRE1.3.0 and
JRE1.3.1_01 problems for Mozilla and Netscape users incorporating
some of the historical background of this issues for clarification.
This document will probably include the workaround fixes.
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Comment 34•23 years ago
I verified this as fixed for now as Kat suggested. Tested 2001-10-10-05-0.9.4
Win32 build and 2001-10-10-09-trunk Win32 build on Win95-J, Win98-J, WinME-US &
WinME-J, WinNT 4.0-J, Win2k-J, and WinXP-US & WinXP-J with Full installer and
Custom installer. After I install NS, I tested I18n applet. Everything works
Comment 35•23 years ago
Re-opening it so that Sun's fix can be verified when
it is published at The fix should provide
identical test results to the ones reported for Netscape
side's workaround fixes.
Jim Melvin, please announce in this bug when the modified
version of 1.3.1 JRE is out.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 36•23 years ago
Can we open a seperate bug for the Sun fix on their web site? This was this
client issue can be resolved fixed for the trunk and the branch. The other issue
is really outside the client code.
Comment 37•23 years ago
See bug 103926. I think greggl is doing the work and you may want to let him
know about the this extra stuff in this bug.
Comment 38•23 years ago
I think bug 103926 is for, not Either way, this bug should
be Resolved | Fix. All other issues, should be migrated to other bug(s).
Comment 39•23 years ago
> Can we open a seperate bug for the Sun fix on their web
> site? This was this client issue can be resolved fixed
> for the trunk and the branch. The other issue is really
> outside the client code.
It is a matter of procedure. We have done similar things
before this way. As far as we are concerned this bug has been
resolved for nsbranch. So, you can remove nsbranch+. We have all
the history of this issue in this bug, I thought it would
be easier to understand the issues involved this way.
Jaime, I don't mind someone filing a new bug
on this if that is preferred, I thought we can accomplish
the same task by removing nsbranch keyword.
Comment 40•23 years ago
There needs to be a bug (this one or a new one) which enables us to track the
status (e.g., FIXED, VERIFIED) of the workaround, etc. for the eMojo release.
Comment 41•23 years ago
Resolving this one as Fixed for the client (094 branch and the Trunk). Pls new
bugs for all other issue(s) which need to be resolved.
Closed: 23 years ago → 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 42•23 years ago
Since teruko already verified the fix for this bug,
I will now mark this bug as verified/fixed.
Per agreement with Sun, checking with the promised
new JRE 1.3.1 from Sun Java site will be conducted in
Comment 43•23 years ago
removing item for this fixed bug from release notes
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