Closed Bug 102476 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

dom.disable_open_during_load pref is incompatible with Outlook Web Access (OWA)


(Core :: DOM: Events, defect)

Windows NT
Not set





(Reporter: fun, Assigned: gerv)


From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4+) Gecko/20010930 BuildID: 2001093008 I use Outlook Web Access all day, every day. Today I got the most recent nightly and decided to try it with user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true); in my prefs.js . It turns out that this makes Outlook Web Access not work properly. When you open a message, it uses Javascript to pop up a window with the message in it. If you want to reply to this message, you click a 'Reply' link which closes your message and opens up a reply. Except with dom.disable_open_during_load - it closes the original message as it should, but (of course) doesn't open a reply. (OWA works fine without dom.disable_open_during_load switched on.) It may well not be possible to tweak dom.disable_open_during_load to allow OWA to work but cut out obnoxious advertising popups, thus making this an evangelism issue. But since I can guess how well evangelism of Microsoft to help Mozilla work better would go, I thought I'd at least ask :-) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Enable dom.disable_open_during_load 2. Open a message in OWA. 3. Hit 'reply' on the message. Actual Results: Original message closes, reply message doesn't open Expected Results: Reply message should open Here is the source of the original message window. (I have deleted the title and message body as they contain proprietary info.) <script language="Javascript"> function openNewWindow(fileName,windowName,theWidth,theHeight) { if (windowName == "newMessageWindow") { //generate random window ID windowName = new String(Math.round(Math.random() * 100000)); },windowName,"toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width="+theWidth+",height="+theHeight) } </script> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\"> <html> <head> <title>[... title deleted ...]</title> </head> <script language=javascript> function DoCommand(szCommand) { if (szCommand == "reply") { window.location="commands.asp?command=reply&obj=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192507004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF7217600004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500001309CB8C0000"; } else if (szCommand == "delete"){ window.location="commands.asp?command=delete&obj=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192507004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF7217600004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500001309CB8C0000"; } else if (szCommand == "replyall"){ window.location="commands.asp?command=replyall&obj=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192507004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF7217600004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500001309CB8C0000"; } else if (szCommand == "forward"){ window.location="commands.asp?command=forward&obj=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192507004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF7217600004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500001309CB8C0000"; } else if (szCommand == "replytofolder"){ window.location="commands.asp?command=replytofolder&obj=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192507004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF7217600004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500001309CB8C0000"; } else if (szCommand == "close"){ window.close(); } else if (szCommand == "next"){ window.location="/exchange/item.asp?action=next"; } else if (szCommand == "previous"){ window.location="/exchange/item.asp?action=prev"; } } </Script> <body TEXT=000000 BGCOLOR=#c0c0c0 TOPMARGIN=4 LEFTMARGIN=4 text=000000 link=000000 vlink=000000 alink=000000> <!--- begin toolbar ---------> <form> <table BORDER=0 bgcolor=#c0c0c0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="100%"> <tr> <td width=100%> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JavaScript:DoCommand('reply')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/reply.gif" Alt="Reply to sender" align="middle" border=0></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JavaScript:DoCommand('replyall')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/replyall.gif" Alt="Reply to all" align="middle" border=0></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a HREF="JavaScript:DoCommand('replytofolder')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/ReplyFld.gif" alt='Reply to folder' align="middle" WIDTH=24 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JavaScript:DoCommand('forward')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/forward.gif" Alt="Forward" align="middle" border=0 height=24 width=24></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JavaScript:parent.openNewWindow('/exchange/movcpy/root.asp?msgid=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192507004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF7217600004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500001309CB8C0000&folderid=0000000095FB7859CBB9D4119EA80008C7A4192501004B6BC00CD15FD2119E5F0008C7A419A500000CF721760000&process=1','newMessageWindow',400,400)"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/movcpy.gif" align="middle" Alt="Move/Copy" border=0 height=24 width=24></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JavaScript:DoCommand('delete')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/delmark.gif" Alt='Delete' align="middle" border=0 height=24 width=24></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JavaScript:DoCommand('previous')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/prevmsg.gif" Alt="Read previous item" align="middle" border=0 width=24 height=24></a> <a href="JavaScript:DoCommand('next')"> <img SRC="/exchange/forms/nextmsg.gif" Alt='Read next item' align="middle" border=0 width=24 height=24></a> <img src="/exchange/images/divider.gif" width=4 height=24 align="middle"> <a href="JAVASCRIPT:openNewWindow('/exchange/help/READMSG.HTM','inlineHelpWindow',600,400)"> <img SRC="/exchange/images/help.gif" alt="Get help information on the current window" align="middle" border=0 height=20 width=20></a> </td> <td align="right"> <input type="button" value="Close" onClick="DoCommand('close')"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <!--<br>--> <!--- begin header ---> <table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width="100%" bgcolor=#c0c0c0> <tr> <td width=10% > <font size=2><b>From:</b></font> </td> <td ID=from colspan=3><font size=2> Jamie Flett [] &nbsp; </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size=2><b>To:</b></font> </td> <td ID=to colspan=3> <font size=2> David Gerard (EPA)&nbsp; </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size=2><b>Cc:</b></font> </td> <td ID=cc colspan=3><font size=2> &nbsp; </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size=2><b>Subject:</b></font> </td> <td ID=subject colspan=3> <font size=2> Re: Windows Terminal Server - volunteers needed for trial&nbsp; </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size=2><nobr><b>Sent:</b></nobr> </td> <td ID=sent width=62% ><font size=2><nobr> 10/1/01 2:58 PM&nbsp;</nobr></font><br> </td> <td align=right> <font size=2><nobr><b>Importance:</b></nobr> </td> <td ID=importance align=right><font size=2><nobr> Normal&nbsp;</nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <!--- message text -----> <table width="100%" border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=6> <tr ID=body> [... text deleted ...] </table> </body> </html>
Group: mozillaorgconfidential?
Resolving so that the work-related information I forgot to delete will quietly fade into the background haze. I'll re-file this in a manner that won't even slightly risk blow my own foot off. *autoLART* Stoopid! *autoLART* Stoopid! *autoLART* Stoopid! It's been a long day ...
assignee_accessible: 1 → 0
CC list accessible: false
Closed: 23 years ago
qacontact_accessible: 1 → 0
Not accessible to reporter
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Cleaning up...
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Re-resolving. Gerv
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
QA Contact: vladimire → gerv
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Something's wrong here. Gerv
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Assigning to me. Gerv
Assignee: joki → gerv
Resolving again. Gerv
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Verifying. Gerv
Group: mozillaorgconfidential?
Status: RESOLVED → VERIFIED You should be voting for bug 102481, not this bug :)
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