Closed Bug 1025365 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[FTE] Remove Import Contacts Screen from FTE


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::First Time Experience, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jsavory, Unassigned)



The import contacts screen should be removed from First Time Experience. 

Currently it may take a long time for users to import contacts and it is easily done from the contacts app. Removing this step will reduce the numbers of steps in FTE and simplify the process.
Are we sure about this? I think that's a product decision to be carefully taken …
Hei Jacqueline,

good to see decisions being taken in FTU!

Just two things to add:

- We should check if importing contacts (at least from SIM) is not a certification step.
- From an engineering pov, we just did a huge work to separate contacts and ftu, but not having to import will give us a clearer separation between contacts and ftu.

That's my 2 cents.

From my side, I completely agree with Jose, this is an important decision, that needs the backup from the product side. 

It is my understanding that everything that happens in FTU is easily done from their respective apps (settings, mostly), so that reasoning doesn't seem enough to get rid of a whole step. Also, as a phone user, having contacts from the beginning seems quite important to me, so unless we have another way to do so, import step is a must (definitely more important to me than other steps that we keep). But again, I'm not part of the product team, and so they should take this decision. If we have their approval, we can go on with it.

My personal opinion, I'm having mixed feelings. 
Definitely good for FTU code, as importing/merging from there is painful, and we need to keep the code shared just because of it.
But also a little sad that all the effort put in the last weeks would go to oblivion (actually double work, if we need to move everything out of shared and back in contacts).
Fernando: Can you NeedInfo the appropriate person on your end to provide input on whether or not SIM contact import is needed for certification?
Blocks: 1015338
Flags: needinfo?(fernando.campo)

(In reply to Peter Dolanjski [:pdol] from comment #4)
> Fernando: Can you NeedInfo the appropriate person on your end to provide
> input on whether or not SIM contact import is needed for certification?

I suppose you mean importing contacts from the FTU, I think this is not blocking for certification but setting ni to Beatriz to confirm it.

Regarding how it could affect to the User Experience I would like to hear Rafa's opinion so setting ni to him about this issue
Flags: needinfo?(hello)
Flags: needinfo?(fernando.campo)
Flags: needinfo?(brg)
I doubt this is a certification issue, but Beatriz will now better than I do.

We chose to include importing contacts during the FTU because we assume most users will be upgrading from feature phones, and the address book stored in the SIM is a central experience to them, and therefore the migration of this information might be something of worry. Thus, we decided to anticipate the problem and get them up and running from the get go.

Although it's a different target and use case, Google and Apple do automatically import contacts during the FTU, but because they have the info associated with their respective accounts, it feels more transparent and light.

In any case, importing contacts in the FTU is completely optional, so I can't see why we should remove it. Perhaps it's a matter of tweaking the copy/design so it doesn't feel like a necessary step.
Flags: needinfo?(hello)
This is not a certification requirement. Thanks for asking :)
Flags: needinfo?(brg)
Jacqueline, I'll let you comment on Rafa's insights.
Flags: needinfo?(jsavory)
I was able to have a chance to talk to Rafa and a few others about this issue and I think that we should keep contacts in the FTE flow, rather than my original proposal. I do feel that it could use a bit of a refresh along with some of the other screens for FTE but we will keep it in the flow for now. I think we can close this bug as invalid. 

Thanks everyone for your feedback, it was really helpful!
Flags: needinfo?(jsavory)
Closing the bug per Jackeline's last comment
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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