Closed Bug 104064 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Add send as UTF-8 option to charset warning dialog


(MailNews Core :: Internationalization, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nhottanscp, Assigned: nhottanscp)



(Keywords: intl)

The warning dialog is invoked when the message body contains more than one
character which cannot be converted to the selected charset.
The current option is cancel to go back to the composer or send it anyway which
may send out question marks for unconverted characters.
One enhancement could be to add an option to send as UTF-8.
Future, let me know if any reason to implement this soon.
Keywords: intl
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Add CC and blocks.
Blocks: 101606
Added nsbeta1 keyword. It's a good feature to have for next release.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Not many people knows about UTF-8, if the user knows then the user can change
the menu to UTF-8 without the option
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Here is a scenario I have. I think this is a quite a serious problem. At least
for me.
User has KOI8-R set as his send charset. He receives an email with us-ascii or
latin charset set in it. User replies to this email and types in cyrillic
characters. When he goes to send the email he get the dialog warning him about
the problem. I would much rather prefer that in this case the configured sending
charset would be used or at least would be the third option (as opposed to UTF-8
proposed in this bug). So the new diaolg would look like:
"Send using KOI8-R" "Send Anyway" "Cancel"
This is a big problem for me because the user who has this problem is not
comfortable using computers and doing "View, Character encoding, KOI8-R" is a
bit too complicated.
This feature should be implemented soon since it's very annoying for those who
use encoding other than iso8859-1 and such mails are really difficult to read.
See also bug #219036. So it would be nice if proper encoding as described in   
 #219036 cannot be achieved, to add this button.
I know this is backward, but bug 229399 has a patch. So, please, add yourself to
the CC list of that bug if you're interested.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 229399 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Sorry, it's bug 194862

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 194862 ***
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
> charset would be used or at least would be the third option (as opposed to UTF-8
> proposed in this bug). So the new diaolg would look like:
> "Send using KOI8-R" "Send Anyway" "Cancel"

  This wouldn't work. If the message you reply to has non-ASCII Latin1
characters, sending it in KOI8-R would turn them to question marks because
KOI8-R doesn't cover them. See bug 229399 for an alternative. It may have to be
extended to ISO-8859-1 although there I just wrote about US-ASCII.

Ooops. sorry again. I meant bug 219036.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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