Closed Bug 104468 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

RFE: Address Book in Sidebar: Add context menu items


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Address Book & Contacts, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jglick, Assigned: racham)





(4 files)

From 30454 (implemented AB sidebar).

Create context menu for AB Sidebar for additional functionality.

Proposed items for menu include:

Compose Email To
New Card...
New Mailing List...
Card Properties 

Spec is here:
Summary: Address Book in Sidebar: Add context menu items → RFE: Address Book in Sidebar: Add context menu items
Cool, proposal looks good. I already did Compose E-mail To. I still intend to do
more work with the addressbook sidebar but I'm trying to find time to do the
outliner conversion first.
QA Contact: nbaca → olgam
reassigning to racham
Assignee: chuang → racham
why do you need to include utitlityOverlay.js?
To get access to 

1. function goNewCardDialog(selectedAB)
2. function goEditCardDialog(abURI, card, okCallback, abCardURI)

However the first function is placed in there by me. I can as well place it 
under abcommon.js.

addresbook.xul does the card editing via this function (goEditCardDialog) as it 
includes utilityOverlay.js via overlay file utilityOverlay.xul. But 
addressbook-panel has no use for that overlay file. I think it will be better to 
get these functions into a common point i.e., abCommon.js eliminating the need 
to incorporate additional xul/js files where not needed. What do you think..?

ah, I'm sorry, the second patch doesn't have all the files that the first one 

as far as where to put that, if we can avoid putting it in utilityOverlay.js, 
let's do that.  

that file is loaded all over the place, even in dialogs without the sidebar.  
(like subscribe, history, and bookmarks, I think.)

also, the user gets utitlityOverlay.js even when mailnews isn't installed.

can you create another patch?
Will post a new patch soon.
Attached patch patch, v2Splinter Review
Please ignore change in
Index: resources/locale/en-US/abCardOverlay.dtd in the patch. It doesn't belong

Comment on attachment 55178 [details] [diff] [review]
patch, v2

Attachment #55178 - Flags: review+
This will be checked in today.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
Fix checked in. 
Marking Fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Great, looks good!  In the future, I'd appreciate it if you could get review 
from me for addressbook sidebar panel changes.  Thanks for doing this

Sure. I know you have planned to work on this. Thought would knock down some of
your load and also make myslef familiar with AB bugs as I may need to fix many
in the coming days. Sorry about that. I will get you into the
design/discussion/review loops on sidebar panel related AB changes in future.

I verified new context menu items for AB on Sidebar - looks great!
Curious, why we have bolded first menu item: 'Compose Email To'?
Also this menu item and 'Card Properties' have ellipsis at the end, spec does
not show it. Should it be a dif issue? 
"Compose Email To" shouldn't be bolded.

As for elipsis, they are used to indicate further information is needed to 
complete the command. For example, "New Folder...", the user must give the new 
folder a name and location to complete the command.

So, "Card Properites" does not need them since it opens the associated dialog 
and no additional action is needed. "Compose Email To" isn't as clear. You could 
say the requested command is completed because a Compose window opens addressed 
to the correct recipient. Or you could say the user still needs to enter text to 
the body of the message and send it. I'd probably lean towards no elipsis (since 
the menu item is 'Compose' not 'Send' Email To). (I'm not opposed to changing 
this if folks think its more appropriate with them, but other places, like the 
envelope area, where we use this menu item would need to be changed as well.) 
> "Compose Email To" shouldn't be bolded.

Are you sure? I thought it was bolded because it's the default action. At the
moment we have inconsistencies as to whether the default action is bolded or not
(and some context menus don't have the default action on at all).
With Jennifer's clarification, I guess, it is better to reopen it and polish a bit.
I agree that "Compose Email To" does not need ellipsis - general meaning is the
same what we have in File|New Message, which also without ellipsis.
About bolded menu item because it's the default action - it's kind of new to me.
What are the conventions here?
Resolution: FIXED → ---
> About bolded menu item because it's the default action - it's kind of new to me.
> What are the conventions here?

Bolded menu items haven't been around that long... only the last few milestones
or so (post 6.0). And they certainly weren't in 4.x. It follows the convention
of Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP which have their default context menu items bolded.
Hmm, I'm not opposed to it, just didn't know we started using it. I'll try and 
find out more.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.8
bolding default items is a per platform thing. which means you shouldn't 
manually mark them bold, you should tag them as default and let the skin do the 

iirc macos doesn't want this (instead macos might [if the skin is being 4xp] or 
might not [if the skin is being HUIG compliant] popup the menu w/ the default 
action highlighted).

a note about 'new folder', if it triggers a new folder which you can then 
rename using in place editing or whatever that's called, then it doesn't get 
ellipsis either, because it created the new folder and the fact that you can 
rename it is ancillary (this is how it works in explorer), if instead you have 
to enter the foldername before the folder is created (as we currently require) 
then you would use the elipsis because we can't create the folder until the 
user picks a name.  jglick is of course right that compose mail to doesn't get 
ellipsis because the action is to start composing, not to finish sending and 
there's no mandatory dialog the user will encounter before they can start 

the rules of ellispis and boldings have been clarified in other bugs, i'm too 
tired to remember which they are and i have a train to catch.
I am removing ellipses wherever not needed to polish address book popup menu
items in sidebar panel. Setting default attribute is making the item to appear
in bold letters. Retaining that notation as we seem to be following it in
several places in sidebar panels and browser.
Keywords: patch
blake, can you do r/sr (for id=62797)...? thanks.
Fix checked in. r=racham for these simple changes.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified on Win2K, Linux. Mac OSX does not have AB on the Sidebar. Is there a
decision about this?
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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