Closed Bug 111933 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago - Société Générale bank denies Mozilla and Netscape 6


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: French, defect, P1)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tristan, Assigned: tristan)




(Whiteboard: [DENY] [BANK][havecontact])

contact information :
Setting P1. phone contact : 0.825.32.7000 (0,98 F TTC/min.), du lundi au samedi, de 8h 00 à 20h 00. Steps to reproduce : 1 - visit 2 - click on the round "Acces abonnés" button 3 - you are taken to which says roughly : "the browser you are using cannot be used to access logitelnet" expected result : accessing the login page. Contacted the Helpdesk. Someone is supposed to call me back. Accepting bug. They have given me an additionnal e-mail address :
Priority: -- → P1
bug 107110 is a dupe of this one.
*** Bug 107110 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The bank told me to use which allows to go a bit further (and which completely worked in the past) but now the main account can't be accessed because of the use of non-standard layer elements.
it's crazy ! they've turned their site, which used to work in Mozilla & Netscape 6, into a completely Netscape-4-dependant site ! they're moving backward in time...
*** Bug 123861 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 124594
Found another contact info: Vincent : can you confirm that there is indeed a problem with ? I have no account at Société Generale, so I have to rely on you. thanks.
Hello Tristan, I just tried connecting to and it works fine. The only problem is that the server sends pages with NS4 proprietary code (with <layer> tags) which makes the site rather useless to mozilla. Pascal
Here under Linux (whether x86 or PPC) the "COMPTE COURANT" part (main account) does NOT work. The other accounts seem to work.
You need an account at societé generale to see the When you access via: you cant see the details of your account (click on "Detail de la presentation" This is because they're using layer tag in this page
Sent hand-crafter letter to and waiing for answer. Target->March
Target Milestone: --- → Mar
Met with Société Générale's project manager, Steve Peguet. They are considering Netscape 6.x support later on. I encouraged them to also support Mozilla and all gecko-based browsers. We will meet again to work on it. Test account should be available next week, so we can see how much redesign their site needs. (removing critical severity : P1 do not need this.)
Severity: critical → normal
Their new demo site is now open. To start the demo : visit Click on "ommencer la demo" (start demo) Click on the bottom left button labeled "Vos comptes" (your accounts) click on "compte courant" (main account) in the table. In the table, on the center of the page, click on "Virement" link, dated 18/03/2002. =>nothing happens So far, this is the only broken feature I've found here. Could Mat, Pascal or anyone have a look on this ? I have a good contact at the bank, and would like to propose them with a workaround. Adding in the CC: field.
Same problem. Perhaps they should use the title attribute instead of JavaScript.
*** Bug 137184 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The main problem is still present on the demo : The layers are still present on the account details => the last operations are still invisible (for "compte courant") or at the wrong place ("codevi").
I will start working on this bug in a few days... stay tuned :)
*** Bug 139706 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: : bank denies Mozilla and Netscape 6 → : Société Générale bank denies Mozilla and Netscape 6
*** Bug 154445 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
adding [BANK] and [DENY] to the status. Tristan, Shouldn't severity be set to Major since gecko users can't access their bank account ?
Whiteboard: [DENY] [BANK]
Setting severity to major, per Pascal's recommandation.
Severity: normal → major
Asked Linux users to write to their banks. see (in french). Many people CCed me in contacting Société Générale. hopefully, they'll move on this issue.
Got Alain Rey on the phone, and a confirmation e-mail message from him. basically, it's good news : 1 - They want to support W3C standards. 2 - They have allocated a budget for this 3 - deployment of another version of their huge application is scheduled somewhere in 2003. Alain Rey wrote : "Suite à nos entretiens téléphoniques, je vous confirme que nous prévoyons la compatibilité W3C de LogitelNet dans le courant de l'année 2003."
Target Milestone: Mar → Apr
Note were there attitude is full of bullsh*t is that when you click on the printer icon (I'm using Chimera on MacOS X 10.2, but I think it does work on Galeon on my Linux box too), you get a popup to open with the complete list of bank operations, INCLUDING the details. Much more convenient, and you can use a huge screen area if you wish. This is a WORKAROUND, and I don't see why I did not think about it sooner. For the story, I started using the service back in 1999. At that time, they required you to use an insecure Java Applet to provide 128 bits encryption (instead of using standard SSL). Beside that, everything was working fine. After that they switched to SSL 128 bits, and it worked fine, including in Mozilla. Then after they switch to their unconveniant-and-ultra-small view that use layer and some other crap, proof of a bad design. They regressed with compatibility and with human interface and that give the issues described in that bug. It should be noted that since the begining they where doing that stupid access check on the user agent, but before the layout change, the tech support robot was providing the direct URL to access it.
Blocks: 186784
Masquerading User-Agent as IE works a little better. In short, it looks like Mozilla handles better IE designed JavaScript than Netscape's 4.... I added that to the prefs.js file user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE5.5; Windows 98;"); Still fails largely, but not on the same stuff and not as badly.
Summary: : Société Générale bank denies Mozilla and Netscape 6 → - Société Générale bank denies Mozilla and Netscape 6
Looks like they changed something : the "Accounts" page is working. The "Virements" still use layers and isn't working.
"Virement" is working too today. Well, the Société Générale seems to solve the bug itself ;-) The site works well. I wonder if we should set this bug as resolved, as no test can be performed now...
They sill reject Mozilla browsers upon entrance. Don't close the issue unless THAT problem is solved too. (just my .02 EUR)
New Component
Component: Europe: West → French
Whiteboard: [DENY] [BANK] → [DENY] [BANK][havecontact]
according to comments (in french) on it's working fine, can we mark it fixed or do you still have remaining issues as noted on comment 28 ?
According to the configuration needed to use the service includes Netscape 6.2/7 and Moz 1.0.1+ Marking resolved fixed. The whole site has been revamped to support Standards-compliant browsers
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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