Closed Bug 112435 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Need Motif with fixed width font


(Other Applications :: ChatZilla, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: neil, Assigned: rginda)



(3 files)

Sometimes people post ascii art to irc channels, and it comes through all screwed up when viewing the chat with a proportional font. Having some way to toggle between a fixed width/proportional font would be nice, or just add a fixed width motif in the view menu.
This could be done with the highlight menu, if only the css code didn't write to memory it didn't own.
Ever confirmed: true
Hm... Just adding fixed versions of the default motifs which are shipped with ChatZilla doesn't seem to be a problem. I have created the attached default-fixed, dark-fixed, and light-fixed versions in just about 5 minutes. ;) (Though I must add that the font size is currently fixed to 10pt, somehow ChatZilla didn't accept my first attempt, which was just to use "font-style: courier !important;" instead... *shrug*) The bigger problem might be how to select these motifs? Though this is a general problem: there is a bug (don't have the number at hand right now) which deals with the ability to select any motif via menu or preferences or so... But for now, one can easily select one of the attached motifs via the /css command. Please tell me if something is generally wrong with these motifs! Thanks! Bye, daniel :)
Ups, sorry for the spam. I have just found out that using "font-family: monospace !important;" does the trick, even without the need of specifying a certain size. /me smacks himself on the back of his head Silly me. I should have looked up the CSS properties first instead of just looking at the other motifs and trying out what works... *grin* bye, daniel :)
You could also do "font-family: -moz-fixed;" and not specify a size. That will use whatever family and size Mozilla has set as the preferred fixed-width font in font prefs.
This makes the fonts match the user's browser font settings. I'll follow up with the patch that adds menu items/shortcut keys/commands to control fonts in a bit.
Attachment #139630 - Flags: review?(rginda)
Comment on attachment 139630 [details] [diff] [review] Removes font sizes from motifs r=rginda
Attachment #139630 - Flags: review?(rginda) → review+
Comment on attachment 139630 [details] [diff] [review] Removes font sizes from motifs Checked in.
This adds and font.size as prefs for each view (inherited client -> network -> channel/user). Commands are /font-size and /font-family. Menus added to the Vuew menu, just below the motifs item, and include bigger/smaller shortcut keys.
Attachment #139680 - Flags: review?(rginda)
This is looking pretty good (I'm using 0.9.58p). One thing I noticed is that monospaced text between |vertical bars| doesn't actually become monospace any more, although the spacing goes screwy. (and also an irrelevant thing that doesn't belong here - in the global prefs tab, under "log these view types", logging is written as "loging")
Comment on attachment 139680 [details] [diff] [review] Adds prefs, menus and commands for fonts. A comment explaining font-size-bigger2 would be helpful. Otherwise, it looks unbelievably straightforward to me, strong work. r=rginda
Attachment #139680 - Flags: review?(rginda) → review+
Comment on attachment 139680 [details] [diff] [review] Adds prefs, menus and commands for fonts. Checked in, with comment about font-size-bigger2, and cmdFont set to change global prefs not current view's. Default font family set to "lucida, sans-serif".
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Other Applications
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