Closed Bug 115226 Opened 23 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Sunbird extensions tracker


(Calendar :: General, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chris, Unassigned)


(Keywords: meta)

Lotus Organizer has it's notepad, and I have my JotPad applet (Win32 only) which
should have an updated version by tonight (14 Dec 2001) at It's a bunch of pages,
each with it's own title. Something like this in Calendar would also be
appreciated, since I keep a lot of notes like that, and would rather not pollute
my documents directory with them. Of course, there is still the ability to save
the notes as text files, heh. I mentioned this several times on n.p.m.calendar,
I'm just bringing it up here.
Okay, my Win32 proggy is elsewhere now... Just e-mail me to check it out.
Anyways, using the text editor in Mozilla, after a little work on it, and we'll
have a nifty note keeper to put into Calendar. Unfortunately, I doubt that we'll
be able to put notes into .oecalendar, so what would we do about that, I wonder?
I don't know if ical supports this or not.  This sounds like a project that
would sort of "plugin" to the calendar project, but should not be part of the
core calendar itself.
iCal support is what unnerves me about this too, since we'd all prefer to have
only one file to keep all the calendar information in, even from any 'plugins'
being used.

If we have plugins, too, how would they work? I'd be quite content for just
doing this as some sort of plugin as the implementation isn't my problem, but
where to store the notes. Just as I don't favor the idea of RDF datasources such
as I used for my old XUL/JS to do list, I don't want notes to be kept in a
different file, as it means more trouble keeping the cal sync'd once we go that far.
From my recently gained knowledge of iCalendar, it seems that the notepad idea
doesn't fit in anywhere. It's still something I'd want to see though, and the
mention of plugins intregues me.

Anyways, I have another plugin idea, using iCalendar's VJOURNAL component. But
before either of these are put into place, there's two things in the way:

1. Mention of plugins in the Requirements document, and
2. A design to follow for these plugins.

Instead of being for a notepad, this bug will now deal with plugin issues.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.
Summary: Calendar Notepad (such as in Lotus Organizer) → Calendar Plug-Ins
> Instead of being for a notepad, this bug will now deal with plugin issues.

What was the point of that? Couldn't you just have opened a new bug and reworded
this one slightly? :(

Can I file a new bug requesting a *notebook-like* feature (plugin)?

*If* the calendar is to replace my Lotus Organizer, it sure as **** better
include *all* the features I rely on in Lotus Organizer - that includes the
notepad! Also, my notes must be part of the *one* file where my calendar stuff is.

Yeah, and happy holiday to you too :| (really!)

PS. sorry for being so harsh, but it seems that this early in the game, you are
already whittling away at features and planning on settling with a *subset* of
Lotus Organizer's features. If the aim is lower than Organizer, then why even
bother and get everyone's hopes up?
> What was the point of that? Couldn't you just have opened a new bug and reworded
> this one slightly? :(
Hrm, perhaps I should have.

> Can I file a new bug requesting a *notebook-like* feature (plugin)?
I figure so, just make it depend on this one.

> *If* the calendar is to replace my Lotus Organizer, it sure as **** better
> include *all* the features I rely on in Lotus Organizer - that includes the
> notepad! Also, my notes must be part of the *one* file where my calendar stuff 
> is.
Unfortunately, from what I could determine from the iCal specs, notes support is
not in there. I guess a workaround could be keeping all the Calendar files kept
in a jar with a different extension. Too bad that would mess up the synchro
support we want. Looks unworkable right now unless we can dig up a loophole.

> Yeah, and happy holiday to you too :| (really!)
Don't like the fact that it should be "Merry Spend-'till-You're-Broke Day"
either? Stupid stores...

> PS. sorry for being so harsh, but it seems that this early in the game, you
> are already whittling away at features and planning on settling with a
> *subset* of Lotus Organizer's features. If the aim is lower than Organizer,
> then why even bother and get everyone's hopes up?
I've been planning on Calendar being equal or better than Organizer, even if it
might involve stepping over toes. This is just one step in the process.
Depends on: 116945
The dependancies are backwards - this bug blocks bug 116945, not the other way
around. Correcting.
No longer depends on: 116945
Blocks: 116945
Ever confirmed: true
Bugspam: Adding meta keyword to tracking bugs, something they should have had
from the start. :P
Keywords: meta
Nothing is happening with this, at least not right now. Handing to nobody.
Assignee: coldacid → nobody
Look at bug 116945 if you are interested in what this bug was originally
intended for (notepad functionality). ;)
Blocks: 185537
Yet again this one goes for a spin, now for Sunbird extensions. Whee...

I'm currently hunting down those responsible for FB and TB extensions, to learn
from them how to go about implementing extensions for SB. This'll take a while...
Summary: Calendar Plug-Ins → Sunbird extensions tracker
We have full extension support.  WFM.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
The bugspam monkeys have been set free and are feeding on Calendar :: General. Be afraid for your sanity!
QA Contact: colint → general
No longer blocks: 116945, 185537
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