Closed Bug 1153433 (nsec-sw) Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[META] Tracking bug for Service Workers implementation of New Security Model


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jgong, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [newsecurity])

User Story

This is a V3 initiative for a New Security Model.

This Meta Bug is for tracking the "Service Workers" implementation, a sub-component of the bigger New Security Model project.

Service Workers

One of the central pieces of the new Gaia architecture is the use of service workers. This isn't just to support offline for gaia apps, but also to support dynamic generation of page markup, and the ability to run logic in order to decide what resource to return for a given URL.

In order to make service workers work with the package update logic we should couple package update with service worker update. When the ServiceWorker spec require the browser to check for updates of, or download updates of, the ServiceWorker script, we instead update the full signed package.

This means that both when we do an "automatic" ServiceWorker update check, such as when the user visit a page which uses the ServiceWorker, and when the ServiceWorkerRegistration.update() function is called, that we update the full package rather than just the ServiceWorker script.

Once a new package has been downloaded, we go through the normal ServiceWorker update cycle. I.e. Gecko fire both "install" and "activate" events on the ServiceWorker. This will happen any time that a package is updated, even if the contents of the ServiceWorker script hasn't changed.

Gecko need to still serve the previous package content until the "activate" event for the new ServiceWorker version fires. I.e. until the new version has been installed, the old version of the package needs to be served for any network requests.
This is a V3 initiative for a New Security Model.

This Meta Bug is for tracking the "Service Workers" implementation, a sub-component of the bigger New Security Model project.
User Story: (updated)
No longer depends on: nsec-signing
User Story: (updated)
Blocks: nsec-origins
No longer blocks: nsec-origins
Blocks: nsec
Blocks: nsec-signing
Blocks: nsec-origins
Blocks: nsec-csp
No longer depends on: nsec-csp
No longer depends on: nsec-installing
Blocks: nsec-signing
No longer depends on: nsec-signing
Blocks: nsec-verify
No longer depends on: nsec-verify
Blocks: 1153449
Whiteboard: [NewSecurity] → [newsecurity]
Priority: -- → P1
Adding dependency on Service Workers on B2G.
Depends on: ServiceWorkers-B2G
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.5+
blocking-b2g: 2.5+ → ---
OS: Mac OS X → Gonk (Firefox OS)
Hardware: x86 → All
Component: Security → General
Product: Firefox → Firefox OS
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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