Closed Bug 11659 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Need i18n support for filter/search backend


(MailNews Core :: Internationalization, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nhottanscp, Assigned: alecf)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+]Exception Feature [FEATURE])

The current back end is not i18n ready (e.g. old converter should be replaced by the new one etc..). Please put appropriate target mile stone, thanks.
Assignee: bienvenu → mscott
Target Milestone: M15
I summarized i18n requirement in a document below. mail search i18n Header search MIME decode and charset conversion for headers - search term is now unicode (used to be a folder charset), we should compare it against MIME decoded and unicode converted header strings. Body search 4.x implementation: converts body text to win_csid. - no need to support this in mozilla proposal for mozilla: convert body text to unicode. QP decode for body (plain and HTML) Entity (CER) and NCR decode for HTML body
triaging since M15 is tonight. Not an M15 stoppper.
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
Blocks: 14744
Putting beta2 for i18n beta2 criteria items. Contact bobj for question.
Keywords: beta2
Blocks: 35851
Keywords: nsbeta2
Putting on [nsbeta2+] radar. Need to fix by 5/16...+ for i18n search at least as good as 4.x.
Keywords: beta2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][5/16][FEATURE]
Mass moving M16 to M17 - look for nsbeta2 before anything else.
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
Removing [nsbeta2+][5/16]... is this mandatory for I18n RTM?
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][5/16][FEATURE] → [NEED INFO][FEATURE]
yes, the user should be able to search messages, this is supported in 4.x.
Yes, searching and filtering of non-ASCII is mandatory. This would be a major regression from previous releases.
Keywords: 4xp
On exception list for PR2, removing 5/ [nsbeta2+]Exception Feature status.
Whiteboard: [NEED INFO][FEATURE] → [nsbeta2+]Exception Feature [FEATURE]
I just landed a TON of internationalization work to search and filters yesterday, so I'm going to take this bug and mark it fixed... I think further i18n issues should be taken up on exception by exception basis.
Assignee: mscott → alecf
adding mscott back to the CC and marking fixed.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Alec, can I proceed on the assumption that specs mentioned in 2000-03-24 10:09 commet have been implemented? Also what is working at FE? 1. Search/Find in msgs 2. IMAP search 3. Local Folder search 4. Filtering incoming msgs
yes, I think everything nhotta describes is implemented, or at least I've seen the code to do everything that is described. The FE should at least be able to spit things to the screen in the next day or so.
oh, and to comment on your list: 1) done using the same technique as the browser. But this has nothing to do with search/filters, so let's not include that in this bug.` 2) I don't think this is completely implemented 3) bienvenu says this is now working 4) filters should now be i18n friendly. There may be an issue with migrated filters from 4.x though, because I'm assuming filter values are encoded in utf8, and I think the 4.x filters were in the system charset. I have a seperate bug on that though.
*** Bug 5933 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
** Checked with 8/2/2000 Win32 M17 build ** OK. I'm going to mark this verified as fixed though I believe that there might be several things not working with search or filter i18n-wise. We have filed some bugs and we should file others as needed. Basic IMAP search is working -- header and body. Basic Local Folder search seems to be working for headers only. Basif filter -- this depends on the day. Today it does even work for Enlgish. I trust that someone has filed a bug for this.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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