Closed Bug 117233 Opened 23 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Implement nsIPrinterEnumerator for


(Core :: Printing: Output, task)




Tracking Status
firefox78 --- fixed


(Reporter: rods, Assigned: nordzilla)



(Whiteboard: [print2020_v78])


(2 files, 5 obsolete files)

Mac needs to implement the Printer Enumerator so we can tell if any printers
have been installed on the system.

Then once implemented, you need to uncomment out the ShowPrintErrorDialog call
in CheckForPrinters.
I don't think the Mac has this kind of feature.  The printer is selected on the 
desktop.. and controlled thru mac print facilities.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.1
Blocks: 125824
Target Milestone: mozilla1.1alpha → Future
isn't this an os-supplied feature?
OS: Windows 2000 → MacOS X
Hardware: PC → Macintosh
This will break the Mac OS X nsPrintingPromptService implementation without the
associated bug fix submitted for bug #290214 (see details there), but it
appears to work once that patch has been applied.
I recently discovered PMSessionCreatePrinterList will null out the array
reference it is passed if there are no printers, causing the subsequent
CFArrayGetCount call to crash. This patch amends the previous one to handle
this situation.
Attachment #180615 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #181888 - Flags: review?(pinkerton)
Assignee: dcone → tony
nit. when calling OS global routines, we use the global scope operator so they
don't conflict with class methods of the same name, eg:

+    CFMutableArrayRef printerList = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+        0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);

should be ::CFArrayCreateMutable(...) instead. 

+    CFRetain(printerName);
+    CFRelease(printerName);

Why are you retaining printerName? can it actually go away while you're running
on the main thread between these statements?

+    status = ::PMSessionDefaultPageFormat(mSession, pageFormat);

this will leak |pageFormat| if there's an error.

+    status = ::PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(mSession, settings);

this will leak |settings| if there's an error.

+    OSStatus status = PMSessionCreatePrinterList(mSession, (CFArrayRef*)
+        &currentIndex, &currentPrinter);
+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(status == kPMNoError, NS_ERROR_FAILURE);

this will leak |printerList| if there's an error, as will most of the
NS_ENSURE_TRUE's in this routine. That's the main reason i really don't like
NS_ENSURE* as it will leak anything with manual refcounting.

+    PMPrintSession    mSession;

mention with a comment that |mSession| is refcounted and a strong (owned) reference.


didn't we remove all the TARGET_CARBON's from the tree (or we're trying to)? We
don't build on os9 any more.
Attached patch Response to review comments (obsolete) — Splinter Review
(In reply to comment #6)
> +    CFRetain(printerName);
> ...
> +    CFRelease(printerName);
> Why are you retaining printerName? can it actually go away while you're
> on the main thread between these statements?

Slight oversight on my part: When printerList is released, printerName is sent
a release message as a result. I've now deferred the release of printerList
until after I'm done with printerName instead of retaining/releasing

> didn't we remove all the TARGET_CARBON's from the tree (or we're trying to)?
> don't build on os9 any more.

I wasn't sure, since nsGfxFactoryMac.cpp still contained other #if
TARGET_CARBON statements, but I've removed my own if guards and taken the
liberty of making the other TARGET_CARBON blocks unconditional as well.

Regarding the other issues (NS_ENSURE_TRUE related leaks, use of global scope
operator, and including a comment for mSession), I believe they've been fixed
as per your comments.
Attachment #181888 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #182691 - Flags: review+
Attachment #182691 - Flags: review+ → review?(pinkerton)
Attachment #181888 - Flags: review?(pinkerton)
Comment on attachment 182691 [details] [diff] [review]
Response to review comments

looks good, would like to see more comments though for sr

Attachment #182691 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 182691 [details] [diff] [review]
Response to review comments

looks good, would like to see more comments though for sr

Attachment #182691 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #182691 - Flags: review?(pinkerton)
Attachment #182691 - Flags: review+
Added comments to nsPrinterEnumeratorX methods and moved clean up code for
errors outside the for loop in nsPrinterEnumeratorX::EnumeratePrinters.
Attachment #182691 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #184855 - Flags: review?(pinkerton)
Comment on attachment 184855 [details] [diff] [review]
Same patch with additional comments

+NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrinterEnumeratorX::EnumeratePrinters(PRUint32* aCount,
PRUnichar*** aResult)

I'm assuming that callers already know (and it's documented in the interface)
that they are responsible for deleting the 2d array from |aResult|? 

Thanks for the comments, *much* easier to follow.

Attachment #184855 - Flags: review?(pinkerton) → review+
Interface documentation is lacking, but this is consistent with other platform implementations and the 
nsPrinterListEnumerator class defined in mozilla/gfx/src/nsPrintOptionsImpl.cpp, which invokes 
EnumeratePrinters in its designated initializer, frees the 2d array in its destructor.

(In reply to comment #11)
> I'm assuming that callers already know (and it's documented in the interface)
> that they are responsible for deleting the 2d array from |aResult|? 
Attachment #184855 - Flags: superreview?(sfraser_bugs)
Can you explain when this interface would get used (since our print dialogs are native)?
I've only used it in one instance, where I wanted to display a page count for the web browser document and I used the nsIWebBrowserPrint interface to do a print preview and get the number of pages. As far as I know, there's no way to do a "stealth" print preview using the native printing functions. Anyway, I found print preview was failing for lack of an nsIPrinterEnumerator implementation so I implemented it. My use for it is not directly related to anything for Firefox, but I saw the Bugzilla entry so I figured I would submit my patch.

(In reply to comment #13)
> Can you explain when this interface would get used (since our print dialogs are
> native)?
Comment on attachment 184855 [details] [diff] [review]
Same patch with additional comments

Clearing old request
Attachment #184855 - Flags: superreview?(sfraser_bugs) → superreview?
Tony Goold: is this patch still wanted ? In that case we would have to find a new reviewer...
I'd like to see this patched, since it causes printUtils.js to throw exceptions needlessly whenever it queries the default printer name, resulting in noise on the console. There's not really any functionality lost though, so I might be battling uphill on this one.
QA Contact: sujay → printing
Attachment #184855 - Flags: superreview?
Comment on attachment 184855 [details] [diff] [review]
Same patch with additional comments

There is no API change here, so per the new sr policy this doesn't need sr.

This makes some of the nsPrintSettingsService methods no-ops (nsPrintSettingsService::GetDefaultPrinterName and nsPrintSettingsService::InitPrintSettingsFromPrinter), and may also impact nsPrintDialogUtil::ShowNativePrintDialog.

nsPrintSettingsService::GetDefaultPrinterName throwing causes _getDefaultPrinterName to return null in printUtils.js

Hardware: PowerPC → Unspecified
Summary: Mac needs to implement Printer Enumerator → Implement nsIPrinterEnumerator for

We're going to need this for the new printing UI since it needs to be able to populate the settings sidebar based on the available printers and their valid settings.

Blocks: 1631440, 1631465

Seems relevant (specifically printerNames as an entry point?):

Assignee: tony → enordin
Whiteboard: [print2020]
Whiteboard: [print2020] → [print2020_v78]

GlobalPrinters is a helper class to help share data between
nsDeviceContextSpec and PrinterEnumerator, and to interface
with the operating system.

  • Implement the printer enumerator for macOS
  • Enable the contract;1 for macOS

Depends on D76198

Severity: normal → N/A
Type: defect → task
Attachment #9150536 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9150537 - Attachment is obsolete: true
  • Implement GlobalPrinters helper class for nsDeviceContextSpecX
  • Implement the nsPrinterEnumeratorX
  • Enable the contract;1 for macOS
  • Add test for default printer name.
  • Remove restrictions preventing some tests from running on macOS
Blocks: 1639990
Whiteboard: [print2020_v78] → [print2020_v79]
Pushed by
Implement nsIPrinterEnumeratorX r=jwatt
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [print2020_v79] → [print2020_v78]
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla78
Regressions: 1652764
Regressions: 1654982
Depends on: 1655037
No longer blocks: 1631440
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