Closed Bug 118475 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

The eagerness of the stretchy code needs to be controlled


(Core :: MathML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: rbs, Assigned: rbs)



(3 files)

In its eargerness to find the glyph of best size for each particular situation, the stretchy code suffers from the drawback that the document as a whole can be less agreable. I will attach a screenshot to better illustrate the problem.
In the above screenshot, the MathML engine has determined that each glyph is the one with best size in each situation. The problem is that several fonts come into play, and since these fonts are not designed with the same characterics, you see what you see. Possible ways to address the problem: 1. once a character is stretched with a particular font, stick with that font throughout the entire document 2. parameterize the fonts used during stretching, i.e., stick with a reduced list, perhaps only one or two fonts 3. parameterize the fonts used for _each_ character Of these #1 doesn't look attractive to me (and it might take some precious cycles to implement right now) #2 and #3 are already implemented, but the current implementation requires the user to fiddle with the so-called cryptic MathFont Property Files which do too many other things that are intimidating. It might instead be possible to control these particular elements via the pref system that users are more familiar with, and which can even be exposed via the UI. However, doing so for #3 is a pain (and it might take some precious cycles to implement right now). So perhaps, only #2 can be handled via the pref, with a fallback to wathever is set in the the MathFont Property files.
Attachment #63751 - Attachment description: example from the GNU Scientific Libary manpage → example from the GNU Scientific Library manpage
Summary: The eargerness of the stretchy code need to be controlled → The eargerness of the stretchy code needs to be controlled
Of the two renderings, the one that uses TeX fonts is definitely more pleasant to the eyes. Unfortunately, the Mathematica fonts have many glyphs that are not in TeX fonts (see So #3 is probably the most desirable option since it would allow TeX fonts to be used as default fonts while other characters could be stretched with other fonts. But that would require to enlist all these in the MathFont property Files -- since I don't fancy the idea of hardcoding particular fonts in the MathML engine. Ultimately (dreaming here...), it could be so cool to be able to click on a stretchy character to get -> Context Menu -> Properties -> Customize stretching... and from there provide the user with a GUI to add/update the default properties of the character. With this, a gradual customization of the list of properties of each individual character could be possible without having to fiddle with the MathFont Property Files explicitly. But again, perhaps just biting the bullet and enlisting these chars once for all is what is needed since it might require as much effort to build such a GUI.
[Hixie & style people, I am not proposing to use the following here since I already have a simpler implementation :-) But as I was considering alternative ways with which to expose various values via the pref system, I came to the thought that it might be possible to have a smooth integration with the style system using a nomenclature similar to url("..."). Thus if someone does: font-family: -moz-pref("aKey", "aDefaultValue"); The Style System could interpret this at parsing time as: fetch the actual string to parse from the pref; if it isn't there, fallback to the given default string. There are bugs about customizing values that are hardcoded in the CSS files throughout the product. Perhaps, something like the above suggestion could help, e.g., viewsource.css could be redefined in these terms allowing GUI people to provide an interface to customize the viewsource rules. Food for thoughts.]
Filed related bug 118600 - parameterize the font used for stretchy characters at their base size.
Checked in a fix for this, and posted the following message to document how it works for users: news://
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: The eargerness of the stretchy code needs to be controlled → The eagerness of the stretchy code needs to be controlled
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