Closed Bug 119263 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[ps] printed page prints images in different sizes


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect, P1)






(Reporter: raphael, Assigned: tor)




(Keywords: fixed1.5)


(8 files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:0.9.7+) Gecko/20011221 BuildID: 2001122110 When viewing the "print preview" for the web page text is shown on top of other text, the images are split between pages (half an image on one page, half on the next) and the title "Observed Extent ..." runs off the page to the right. When the page is printed these problems go away but the image at the top of page 4 is completely squashed to a fraction of its normal height. The printed version and the print preview version also seem to have quite different font sizes and so the pages do not correspond at all The printer is a postscript LaserJet 4000N. The OS sparc solaris 2.8. There is no later version of mozilla to test as the nightly builds are currently broken. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to the web page. Look at it. 2. Click print preview and look at it. 3. Print and look at the results. Actual Results: web page, print preview and actual printed page all different Expected Results: The web page is rendered the most correctly. The print preview and actual printed page should be more like the web page (no overtyped text, text dissapearing off the right, split images). Also the print preview should correspond exactly to the printed page
are you sure you're not just seeing symptoms of bug 117072 ?
I think the print preview problems are pretty much covered by that bug but the actual printed page is still wrong. The images are printed at different sizes seemingly at random including one (at the top of page 4) that is completely squashed.
ok so to clarify the problem here is that the printed page does not match what the page looks like on the screen. Boris, do we have a bug on this one somewhere?
Summary: Both print preview and printed page incorrect but different → printed page prints images in different sizes
on Windows the images print fine...
Do you get the overtyped text in the title "Note on the derivation of the genes in this study" where the end of the word "study" is printed on top of the next sentence starting "(See my NAR paper ..." in Windows? This occurs when printed to a postscript printer from solaris.
No...On windows I get the following printed: " this study (see my NAR paper..." so looks like it is printing properly on Linux.
I made a type in my last comment... It prints properly on Windows...I have not tried Linux... Thanks Raphael.
I see even worse results trying to print from Build ID 2002020516 on Solaris. I tried to print this page: The little icons at the top seem to get expanded to cover the whole page. I've noticed, in general, many images seem to blow up to cover the page when printing, including even the image at the top of this page: (Don't you just love bug reports that refer to themselves?) I'll add some attachments for the above two links to show what it looks like. Printing is essentially useless for me for most pages I visit.
Page 1 of printout for this page: Printed with Build ID 2002020516 under Solaris 2.8.
Page 2 of printout for this page: Printed with Build ID 2002020516 under Solaris 2.8.
Page 1 (of 4) of printout for this page: Printed with Build ID 2002020516 under Solaris 2.8. (Incidentally, all three of these PNGs were produced w/ Ghostscript, though I see similar results when I send the .ps file to the Laserwriter 8500.)
In contrast, print preview seems to *mostly* work ok. The "System Diagram" page I linked above shows up fine in Print Preview on Build ID 2002020516 in Solaris. The Show-Bug page still shows up a bit wacky, as shown in this attachment. I suspect the wackiness here is limited to not cropping objects to page boundaries, etc.
I can confirm this bug in the Sparc Solaris nighly build 2002051322 for the postscript print module. There does seem to be a lot of improvement, though. Both bugzilla's show bug page and print fine for me now. The original page for this bug,, still has at least one problem. The image at the bottom of page 2 of my printout (which I'll attach) is squashed. The page prints fine with the xprint module, presumably because the xprint module is able to divide the picture across 2 pages.
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: printed page prints images in different sizes → [ps] printed page prints images in different sizes
Attachment #83542 - Attachment description: Correct sprint version of test page (gzipped) → Correct sprint version of test page (gzipped; 600 DPI)
When I print the web page to a file using the postscript option I get a different (worse) output. Build is 2002051322 uname -a SunOS willa 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10. Attachment to follow.
This is the result of printing to file using postscript. The pictures are squashed at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page 4. The picture below the squashed one on page 4 also seems to be "stretched" to be larger than it should be.
Attachment #83726 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → application/gzip
In fact, the attachment I gave is the same as the one numbered 83539 above. My mistake. The other comments I made about the squashed and stretched images are still valid.
The URL is another example of where the pictures are squashed as to be unreadable. This time I am using rc3 (uname -a SunOS willa 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10) and the problem with the printed web page (to the same postscript laserjet 4000N) printer are as follows. At the bottom of page three the picture titles "An example" is printed completely squashed. It is then printed fully st the top of the next page. So the picture is effectively printed twice! Interestingly print preview is also wrong but in a different way. It has only the top of the image at the bottom of the second page (at the correct scale) and then the whole of the image again at the top of the third page.
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Requesting as blocking 1.5 as this is a very visible and ugly bug that might get us some bad press when a reviewer sees it. Bug 125276 and 131970 look like dupes---same symptoms, but on different OSes (WinXP and Linux).
Flags: blocking1.5?
For the testurl page, it appears as though the print layout is attempting to split the images, but the gfx end isn't respecting the partial image draw so you get these squashed versions of images instead of a partial chunk.
Flags: blocking1.5? → blocking1.5+
Is the image splitting problem a duplicate of bug 130568?
Attachment #130926 - Flags: review?(pavlov)
Reassign -> tor
Assignee: rods → tor
Attachment #130926 - Flags: review?(pavlov) → review+
Attachment #130926 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Comment on attachment 130926 [details] [diff] [review] respect image source/destination rectangles in postscript gfx sr=darin
Attachment #130926 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
Checked in on trunk.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 130926 [details] [diff] [review] respect image source/destination rectangles in postscript gfx Requesting 1.5 branch approval because this bug is labeled as a 1.5 blocker and has a reviewed patch.
Attachment #130926 - Flags: approval1.5?
Comment on attachment 130926 [details] [diff] [review] respect image source/destination rectangles in postscript gfx a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the Mozilla 1.5 branch. Please add the fixed1.5 keyword when this is landed on the branch. Thanks.
Attachment #130926 - Flags: approval1.5? → approval1.5+
Checked in on MOZILLA_1_5_BRANCH.
Keywords: fixed1.5
*** Bug 130568 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Thank you *very* *much* for getting this fixed! This was one of my last remaining "pet peeves" about Mozilla. I tried out the 2003100404 build, and it appears to be working correctly! :-)
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