Closed Bug 12137 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

Empty dialog screen when dialog occur on certain threads


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P1)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: morse, Assigned: danm.moz)




(Whiteboard: can't reproduce (blocked on 11953, also 12470))

#1: Good case -- dialog works fine: Enter browser and do edit/wallet/wallet-contents. A dialog appears asking for the key to unlock the wallet database. The dialog is filled in properly. #2: Bad case -- same dialog but comes up blank Enter browser and go to a page which contains a login form (http://scopus/bugsplat/login.html is a good example). Fill in username/password and log in. Answer yes to the question about saving the data. Exit browser. Reenter browser and go back to the same login form. A dialog appears asking for the key to unlock the wallet database. Except this dialog is transparent -- nothing is in it except what happened to be on the screen at that position before the dialog came up. Note 1: This used to be bug 8511 but that report was getting to unwieldly. Note 2: This bug is now being blocked by bug 12136
*** Bug 8511 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 11953, 12136
Note 3: After 12136, this bug will be blocked by 11953 Let me clarify this blocking scenario. It is not possible to perform the steps in the first paragraph under "bad case" because of bug 12136. The second paragraph under "bad case" cannot be performed because of bug 11953. After both of those bugs are fixed, the steps described here can be done and this bug will be seen.
Severity: normal → blocker
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: M10
setting p1 blocker for m10
Blocks: 7530
Whiteboard: cannot currently reproduce
Note 4: Ignore note 2 -- that bug has now been fixed. But instead the steps in the first paragraph of bad case are now being blocked by a new bug -- 12470.
Whiteboard: cannot currently reproduce → can't reproduce (blocked on 11953)
Whiteboard: can't reproduce (blocked on 11953) → can't reproduce (blocked on 11953, also 12470)
Depends on: 12470
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Good news for a change. The bugs that this bug depends on have now all been fixed so it should once again be possible to demonstrate this bug. So I tried it and guess what? The empty dialog is no longer empty. So it all works now and I'm marking this bug as works-for-me. My best guess is that this got fixed with the changes that rpotts made when he landed the M9 branch back onto the trunk.
On second thought, this bug is not completely fixed after all. It may work fine for single signon, but I just tried it for the cookie nag box and it still fails there -- that dialog comes up blank. But since the steps to reproduce have changed, and since this is no longer a wallet/single-signon blocker, I decided to open up a new bug report on the cookie problem and keep this one closed. That new report is bug 12728.
verified that single signon is working correctly on all platforms. I have tears of joy streaming down.
Changing component to XP Apps. (HTML Dialogs is going away.)
Component: HTML Dialogs → XPApps
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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